6 Viennese Sonatinas

Book Description

At about the same time as 1783-85, a version for piano duet was made which rearranged the movements of the five Divertimenti as '6 Viennese Sonatinas'. Our new edition is based on the piano version of 1803 but also takes into account the original wind divertimenti and attempts to combine the original phrasing and part-writing with an idiomatic pianistic style.

Lessing Yearbook/Jahrbuch XLIX, 2022

Book Description

Das Lessing Yearbook, offizielles Organ der Lessing Society mit Sitz in Cincinnati, Ohio, ist ein weltweit anerkanntes, wichtiges Forum für alle Wissenschaftler, die sich – in englischer und deutscher Sprache – mit Literatur, Kultur und Gedankengut Deutschlands im 18. Jahrhundert beschäftigen. Guy Stern zum 100. Geburtstag. Mit Beiträgen von Tilman Venzl zum Manuskript und zur Dramaturgie der Minna von Barnhelm; Susan Morrow über Bilder und Illusionen in Lessings Laokoon; Joseph Haydt über Ironie und Wahrheit in Lessings theologischen Schriften; Till Kinzel über Jaspers und Lessing; Katherine Goodman über Luise Gottscheds Panthea und die Freidenker; Gabriel Cooper über anti-jüdische Stereotype im 18. Jahrhundert; Stefanie Stockhorst und Sotirios Agrofylax über Zeitschriften als aufklärerische Praxis; Hamilton Beck zur Rezeption Hippels im 19. Jahrhundert, und ein Forum zu Intersektionalität und Aufklärungsforschung.


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Johann Joseph Fux and the Music of the Austro-Italian Baroque

Book Description

Johann Joseph Fux's reputation as a theorist and the long-term influence of his theoretical and pedagogical work have ensured that his name is widely known in music circles in the West. His pre-eminence as the foremost native-born composer of the Austrian Baroque has resulted in attention being focused on his work as an exemplum of virtually every genre, sacred or secular of Austro-Italian early eighteenth-century music. The publication of the Fux Gesamtausgabe has greatly enhanced the reputation of his music and the essays in this volume will develop our understanding of Fux, his music, and his place in musical history.

The Organ Yearbook

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Year Book

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English Musical Renaissance, 1840-1940

Book Description

This controversial study isolates and identifies the intellectual, social, and political assumptions which surrounded English music in the early-20th century. The authors deconstruct the established meanings of music in this period, arguing that music was not just for the elite, but it had come to represent a stronghold of national values, reflecting the reassuring "Englishness" of middle-class life as well.

The French Horn

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Whistling in the Dark

Book Description

Few historical images are more powerful than those of wartime London. Having survived a constant barrage of German bombs, the city is remembered as an island of courage and defiance. These wartime images are still in use today to support a wide variety of political viewpoints. But how well do such descriptions match the memories of those who survived the blitz? Jean Freedman interviewed more than fifty people who remember London during the war, focusing on under-represented groups, including women, Jews, and working-class citizens. In addition she examined original propaganda, secret government documents, wartime diaries, and postwar memoirs. Of particular significance to Freedman were the contemporary music, theater, film, speeches, and radio drama used by the British government to shape public opinion and impart political messages. Such bits of everyday life are mentioned in virtually every civilian's experience of wartime London but their interpretations of them often clashed with their government's intentions. By exploring the differences between wartime documentation and postwar memory, oral and written artifacts, and the voices of the powerful and the obscure, Freedman illuminates the complex interactions between myth and history. She concludes that there are as many interpretations of what really happened during Britain's finest hour as there are people who remember it.