How to Succeed in the Bank

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How to Succeed in a Bank

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Digital Bank: Strategies to launch or become a digital bank

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Digital Bank tracks the innovations in banking and how the mobile internet is changing the dynamics of consumer and corporate relationships with their banks. The implication is that banks must become digitised, and that is a challenge as becoming a Digital Bank demands new services focused upon 21st-century technologies. Digital Bank not only includes extensive guidance and background on the digital revolution in banking, but also in-depth analysis of the activities of incumbent banks such as Barclays in the UK and mBank in Poland, as well as new start-ups such as Metro Bank and disruptive new models of banking such as FIDOR Bank in Germany. Add on to these a comprehensive sprinkling of completely new models of finance, such as Zopa and Bitcoin, and you can see that this book is a must-have for anyone involved in the future of business, commerce and banking. Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through the Finanser ( and Chair of the European networking forum The Financial Services Club, which he founded in 2004. He is the author of ten books covering everything from European regulations in banking through the credit crisis to the future of banking, and is a regular commentator on BBC News, Sky News and Bloomberg about banking issues. More can be discovered about Chris here:

Lock Your Financial Success

Book Description

What will you get out of this Book? • Basics of Retail Banking • Basics of the Retail Foreign Exchange & Inter-Bank Foreign Exchange Deals • Core Banking Solution Implementation & Business Continuity Planning • Prudential Norms on the Asset Classification, Income Recognition & Provisioning and Bad Bank • Landscape of the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing • Cyber-Crime & Security Landscape • Risks that Banks and Financial Institutions must mitigate • Foundations of the Leasing & Hire-Purchase Finance • Marketing, Sales & Business Ethics Excellence • How to achieve the Financial Goals & Freedom? • The Dynamics of Inflation, E-commerce & Demonetisation • Key Concepts and Terms in Retail Banking & Personal Finance • Careers in Retail Banking & Finance Striking Features of the Book • Well-crafted, relevant & contemporary contents driven by nearly four decades of the hands-on experience of the author in the BFSI & IT sectors • Reinforced by the well-researched data, quotes & facts • Exhilarating as well as irksome anecdotes encountered by the author in the domestic and overseas territories make the book a fascinating read • ONE-STOP Reference for the Individuals seeking to master the Retail Banking & Personal Finance and attain the financial freedom • An easy-to-read , fluent and engaging writing style with lucid explanations.

Better Bankers, Better Banks

Book Description

Taking financial risks is an essential part of what banks do, but there’s no clear sense of what constitutes responsible risk. Taking legal risks seems to have become part of what banks do as well. Since the financial crisis, Congress has passed copious amounts of legislation aimed at curbing banks’ risky behavior. Lawsuits against large banks have cost them billions. Yet bad behavior continues to plague the industry. Why isn’t there more change? In Better Bankers, Better Banks, Claire A. Hill and Richard W. Painter look back at the history of banking and show how the current culture of bad behavior—dramatized by the corrupt, cocaine-snorting bankers of The Wolf of Wall Street—came to be. In the early 1980s, banks went from partnerships whose partners had personal liability to corporations whose managers had no such liability and could take risks with other people’s money. A major reason bankers remain resistant to change, Hill and Painter argue, is that while banks have been faced with large fines, penalties, and legal fees—which have exceeded one hundred billion dollars since the onset of the crisis—the banks (which really means the banks’shareholders) have paid them, not the bankers themselves. The problem also extends well beyond the pursuit of profit to the issue of how success is defined within the banking industry, where highly paid bankers clamor for status and clients may regard as inevitable bankers who prioritize their own self-interest. While many solutions have been proposed, Hill and Painter show that a successful transformation of banker behavior must begin with the bankers themselves. Bankers must be personally liable from their own assets for some portion of the bank’s losses from excessive risk-taking and illegal behavior. This would instill a culture that discourages such behavior and in turn influence the sorts of behavior society celebrates or condemns. Despite many sensible proposals seeking to reign in excessive risk-taking, the continuing trajectory of scandals suggests that we’re far from ready to avert the next crisis. Better Bankers, Better Banks is a refreshing call for bankers to return to the idea that theirs is a noble profession.

One Million in the Bank

Book Description

Anyone can make enough to save $1,000,000 in 3-7 years. Most self-made millionaires are made through business ownership. Many people think about it but never take action, they do not have an idea, they do not have the money, and flat just do not know how. This is a practical book to teach you how to find, start, finance, and get free advice to own and grow your own business. For example, a yardman with no money was worth over $9,000,000 in 7 years after buying a nursery and growing his business. There are many more stories and lessons, to include how the author went from bankrupt to having his first million dollars in 3 ½ years. This book will change your perspective and put you on the path to financial independence.

The Bank Teller's Handbook

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Become The Banker

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An uncomplicated financial book. Become the Banker® is for anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom and security. Whether you are just starting your working years or are nearing retirement-or would like to help your children and grandchildren learn a powerful strategy to help them avoid the financial mistakes that most people make-this book is for you.

Fundamentals of Credit and Credit Analysis

Book Description

Arnold Ziegel formed Mountain Mentors Associates after his retirement from a corporate banking career of more than 30 years at Citibank. The lessons learned from his experience in dealing with entrepreneurs, multinational corporations, highly leveraged companies, financial institutions, and structured finance, led to the development and delivery of numerous senior level credit risk training programs for major global financial institutions from 2002 through the present. This book was conceived and written as a result of the development of these courses and his experience as a corporate banker. It illustrates the fundamental issues of credit and credit analysis in a manner that tries to take away its mystery. The overriding theme of this book is that when an investor extends credit of any type, the goal is "to get your money back", and with a return that is commensurate with the risk. The goal of credit analysis is not to make "yes or no" decisions about the extension of credit, but to identify the degree of risk associated with a particular obligor or a particular credit instrument. This is consistent with modern banking industry portfolio management and the rating systems of credit agencies. Once the "riskiness" of an obligor or credit instrument is established, it can be priced or structured to match the risk demands or investment criteria of the entity that is extending the credit. A simple quote from Mr. J. P. Morgan is used often in this text - "Lending is not based primarily on money or property. No sir, the first thing is character". This statement represents one of the conflicts in modern credit analysis - that of models for decision making versus traditional credit analysis. The 2008 financial crisis was rooted in the mortgage backed securities business. Sophisticated models were used by investors, banks, and rating agencies to judge the credit worthiness of billions (and maybe trillions) of dollars worth of residential mortgage loans that were packaged into securities and distributed to investors. The models indicated that these securities would have very low losses. Of course, huge losses were incurred. Mr. Morgan had a good point. In this case is was both property and character. The properties that were the collateral for many of the mortgages had much less value than was anticipated. The valuation of the collateral was na�ve and flawed. Many assumptions were made that the value of homes would rise without pause. Many mortgage loans were made that were at or even above the appraised value of a residence.But character was a huge, perhaps larger, factor behind these losses. Many of the residential mortgage loans were made to individuals who knew that they did not have the income to make the required payments on the mortgages. Many of the mortgage brokers and lenders who made these loans also knew that many of the borrowers were not properly qualified. And, many of the bankers who securitized these loans also may have doubted the credit quality of some of the underlying mortgages. If bankers and rating agencies understood the extent of the fraud and lax standards in the fundamental loans backing the mortgage securities, or were willing to acknowledge it, the fiasco would not have occurred.

Bankers Magazine

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