ILRI 1997

Book Description

Livestock and nutrient cycling: maintaining a balance; Making sense - and use - of genetic diversity; Aspects of biotechnology research at ILRI; Smallholder dairying - intimate links between people and livestock; Diagnostics and the environment; Impact of trypanosomosis control; ILRI in Latin America; Balancing human needs, livestock and the environment.

ILRI 1998

Book Description

ILRI Project Work Plans 1997

Book Description

Compendium of ILRI research impacts and adoption, 1975-1998

Book Description

Impact of chemoprophylactic control of trypanosomosis in coastal Kenya; Economic impact of N'Dama cattle in tsetse-affected areas of Zaire, Togo, Ethiopia and The Gambia; Adoption of dairy feeding management in the Ethiopian highlands; Costs and benefits of alternative theileriosis control strategies in Zimbabwe; Impacts of east coast fever immunisation in coastal and highland Kenya; Fodder bank adoption in northern Nigeria; Impact of land tenure on adoption of alley farming in West Africa; Impact of crossbred dairy-draft technology in Ethiopia; Impact of livestock on alley farming systems in West Africa; Impact of dairy intensification on Africa peri-urban milk production systems; Constraints to use of animal traction in semi-arid West Africa; Impacts of dairy intensification on nutrition and health in coastal Kenya; Economic impact of theileriosis and its control in Africa.

ILRI Medium-term Plan 1999-2001

Book Description

ILRI 1999

Book Description