Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis" held 21 June - 2 July, 1982 in Hotel Maritim, Braunlage/Harz, Federal Republic of Germany. The organizing eommittee of the institute consists of T.S. Huang (Director), H.G. Musmann (Co Director), H.H. Nagel (Consultant), and C.E. Liedtke and W. Geuen (Local 'arrangement). This Institute was devoted to the rapidly emerging field of image sequence processing and dynamic scene analysis which has man! important applications in cluding target tracking, television bandwidth compression, highway traffic moni toring, and analysis of heart wall motion for medical diagnosis. The lectures and discussions in this Institute fell into three overlapping categories: Motion estimation; pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques in dynamic scene analysis; and, applications. 1) Motion estimation - One of the most important problems in image sequence analysis and dynamic scene analysis is displacement and motion estimation. For example, in interframe coding using temporal DPCM, displacement estimation and compensation can improve efficiency significantly. Also, estimated motion parameters can be powerful cues in target segmentation, detection, and classification. In this Institute, a number of recently developed techniques for displacement and motion estimation were discussed.

Remote Sensing and Climate Modeling: Synergies and Limitations

Book Description

1 2 Michel M. VERSTRAETE and Martin BENISTON 1 Space Applications Institute, EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy 2 Department of Geography, University of Fribourg, Switzerland This volume contains the proceedings ofthe workshop entitled “Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Simulations: Synergies and Limitations” that took place in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 20–24, 1999. This international scientific conference aimed at addressing the current and pot- tial role of satellite remote sensing in climate modeling, with a particular focus on land surface processes and atmospheric aerosol characterization. Global and regional circulation models incorporate our knowledge ofthe dynamics ofthe Earth's atmosphere. They are used to predict the evolution of the weather and climate. Mathematically, this system is represented by a set ofpartial differential equations whose solution requires initial and bo- dary conditions. Limitations in the accuracy and geographical distribution of these constraints, and intrinsic mathematical sensitivity to these conditions do not allow the identification of a unique solution (prediction). Additional observations on the climate system are thus used to constrain the forecasts of the mathematical model to remain close to the observed state ofthe system.

Motion Understanding

Book Description

The physical processes which initiate and maintain motion have been a major concern of serious investigation throughout the evolution of scientific thought. As early as the fifth century B. C. questions regarding motion were presented as touchstones for the most fundamental concepts about existence. Such wide ranging philosophical issues are beyond the scope of this book, however, consider the paradox of the flying arrow attri buted to Zeno of Elea: An arrow is shot from point A to point B requiring a sequence of time instants to traverse the distance. Now, for any time instant, T, of the sequence the arrow is at a position, Pi' and at Ti+! the i arrow is at Pi+i> with Pi ::I-P+• Clearly, each Ti must be a singular time i 1 unit at which the arrow is at rest at Pi because if the arrow were moving during Ti there would be a further sequence, Til' of time instants required for the arrow to traverse the smaller distance. Now, regardless of the level to which this recursive argument is applied, one is left with the flight of the arrow comprising a sequence of positions at which the arrow is at rest. The original intent of presenting this paradox has been interpreted to be as an argument against the possibility of individuated objects moving in space.

Image Sequence Analysis

Book Description

The processing of image sequences has a broad spectrum of important applica tions including target tracking, robot navigation, bandwidth compression of TV conferencing video signals, studying the motion of biological cells using microcinematography, cloud tracking, and highway traffic monitoring. Image sequence processing involves a large amount of data. However, because of the progress in computer, LSI, and VLSI technologies, we have now reached a stage when many useful processing tasks can be done in a reasonable amount of time. As a result, research and development activities in image sequence analysis have recently been growing at a rapid pace. An IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery was held in Philadelphia, April 5-6, 1979. A related special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Anal ysis and Machine Intelligence was published in November 1980. The IEEE Com puter magazine has also published a special issue on the subject in 1981. The purpose of this book is to survey the field of image sequence analysis and to discuss in depth a number of important selected topics. The seven chap ters fall into two categories. Chapters 2, 3, and 7 are comprehensive surveys on, respectively, the whole field of image sequence analysis, efficient coding of image sequences, and the processing of medical image sequences. In Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6 the authors present mainly results of their own research on, respectively, motion estimation, noise reduction in image sequences, moving object extraction, and occlusion.

Fundamentals of Friction

Book Description

Fundamentals of Friction, unlike many books on tribology, is devoted to one specific topic: friction. After introductory chapters on scientific and engineering perspectives, the next section contains the necessary background within the areas of contact mechanics, surfaces and adhesion. Then on to fracture, deformation and interface shear, from the macroscopic behavior of materials in frictional contact to microscopic models of uniform and granular interfaces. Lubrication by solids, liquids and gases is presented next, from classical flow properties to the reorganization of monolayers of molecules under normal and shear stresses. A section on new approaches at the nano- and atomic scales covers the physics and chemistry of interfaces, an array of visually exciting simulations, using molecular dynamics, of solids and liquids in sliding contact, and related AFM/STM studies. Following a section on machines and measurements, the final chapter discusses future issues in friction.

Image Understanding Workshop

Book Description

Precambrian Geology

Book Description

The main goal of this book is to provide a modern comprehensive statement on the Earth's Precambrian crust. It uses geographic and tectonic location, lithostratigraphy, geochronology, and petrogenesis as a basis for considering Precambrian coastal evolution--including the role of plate tectonics. Detailed consideration is given to the endogenic and exogenic processes which formed the continental crust and also to its subsequent secular evolution across Precambrian time**An essential reference volume for every Precambrian geologist.