Handbook of Immunochemistry

Book Description

The book appeared in two previous Slovak editions for university students in Czechoslovakia. This edition presents a completely new version updated according to recent advances not only in immunochemistry and essential immunology but also in molecular biology, biochemistry and molecular genetics. The scope of the book is considerable since the goal was to cover the field of immunochemistry from the widest point of view including both the topic and methods of contemporary immunochemistry. Each chapter provides basic information on a specific subtopic, clearly and understandab ly, and presents principles of individual immunochemical methods. I am confident that the book will fill the gap between the books on essential immunology and highly specialised books on individual areas of immunoche mistry (e. g. on antibodies, antigens, numerous immunochemical techniques, etc. ). It may also prove useful for beginning investigators from different biological and medical fields as it supplies basic information needed for solving their scientific problems by immunochemical approaches. I do hope that readers will find the text stimulatory and pleasury to read. I wish to thank all colleagues and friends for supplying their own results, suggestions and for their encouraging comments. My thanks go also to the editors and publishers for their valuable contribution to the preparation of the book. 1 Introduction The term immunochemistry was coined by the Swedish chemist ARRHENIUS who used it for the first time in his lectures in 1907.

Immunohistochemistry and Immunocytochemistry

Book Description

Immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry are invaluable tools for the visualization of tissue and cellular antigens in diagnostic and biological research environments. The need to obtain accurate, reliable and reproducible results is paramount. It is with this fundamental aim in mind that we have compiled Immunohistochemistry: Essential Methods. We have achieved this by examining each aspect of immunochemistry in turn, with each chapter including detailed information regarding the subject matter in question. Each chapter is written by an expert in their field and includes protocols that are typically used in their own research. Subjects covered are, amongst others, antibodies and their production; selection of reporter labels; immunochemical staining methods and experimental design (both using single and multiple reporter labels); quality assurance; automated immunochemistry; confocal microscopy and electron microscopy. In addition, benefits and limitations of each approach are discussed within the chapters.

Basic Exercises in Immunochemistry

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Book Description

This work offers comprehensive coverage of the chemical and physicochemical aspects of immunological interactions, as well as the molecules and moieties involved in these interactions. It covers in detail the Ag-Ab interaction, including attraction at a distance between epitope and paratope. College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price, available upon request.

Immunochemistry of Solid-Phase Immunoassay

Book Description

Immunochemistry of Solid-Phase Immunoassay fills a niché in the field of immunoassay and immunology. Although solid-phase immunoassay constitutes a major technology in biology and medicine, there is no comprehensive source devoted to the immunochemical principles involved. As a result, this book will benefit students, technicians, and researchers who use this technology, as well as immunodiagnostic and biotech companies who develop the technology. The book is not a methods manual; instead, it incorporates the concepts, data, and opinions of more than 25 investigators working in this field. Topics discussed include: the chemistry of solid-phases, the behavior or antibodies and antigens on solid phases, membrane solid-phases, reaction kinetics, antigen quantitation, enzyme systems, photophysics, immunochemical considerations in data analyses, multianalyte assays and occupancy concepts, antibody quantitation, streptavidin, a review of data analysis software, and solid-phase peptide immunoassay.

Immunochemistry of Proteins

Book Description

The structural features responsible for the immunogenicity of certain parts of native protein molecules have been of interest to immunochemists and protein chemists for over three decades. Following the early work of Land steiner in 1942, which showed that peptide fragments from silk fibroin exhibited an inhibitory activity toward the reaction of the protein with its antibodies, fragments from many other protein systems have been isolated and studied. However, no concerted effort was (or could be) devoted to the elucidation of the complete antigenic structure of a protein. In order for these endeavors to be successful and meaningful, knowledge of both the amino acid sequence and the detailed three-dimensional structure of the protein is necessary. Such information was not available for a protein until early in the 1960s. This and the fact that protein chemistry was not in fact sufficiently developed early in the 1960s to enable the successful completion of the entire antigenic structure of a protein were major contributing factors for the slow progress in this field. Determination of the antigenic structures of proteins therefore posed a chemical challenge of enormous proportions. For these reasons, many investigators diverted their attention to study of the immunochemistry of homo- or mixed amino acid polymers in the hope that the information derived from these systems might prove useful in the understanding of the immunochemistry of proteins.

Contemporary Topics in Immunochemistry

Book Description

In 1897, Ehrlich suggested that natural preformed receptors from the surface of cells provided immunity to various chemical substances. Many years later, in 1940, Pauling proffered the concept that antibodies comprised a single poly peptide chain and that each end of the protein could form an antigen-binding site. Burnet tried to explain the diversity of antibody specificity by hypothesizing that it was cell-derived. These hypotheses probably have led to as much or more experimentation and discussion than any other of the many conjectures set forth to explain immunity on a molecular and cellular basis. Extensive investigations, initially stimulated by these propositions, proved Pauling's notion incorrect. In its demise, however, the multichain structure of the immunoglobulins was realized. In retrospect it be comes obvious that Ehrlich's idea, though not correct, was borne of amazing logic and cognition. Expansion of Burnet's theory seems to be occurring presently; much excitement is engendered by the finding of cell-bound immunoglobulin receptors. Ouring the preceding dozen years, immunochemists have accumulated enormous quantities of data. Though there is so much yet to be done, as a result of this research one may now discuss antigen-binding sites in relation to the protein's primary structure. There is even considerable understanding of the cellular assembly of some immunoglobulins. Entire books can be written about the chemistry of antigens and of complement.

Immunochemistry of Solid-Phase Immunoassay

Book Description

Immunochemistry of Solid-Phase Immunoassay fills a niché in the field of immunoassay and immunology. Although solid-phase immunoassay constitutes a major technology in biology and medicine, there is no comprehensive source devoted to the immunochemical principles involved. As a result, this book will benefit students, technicians, and researchers who use this technology, as well as immunodiagnostic and biotech companies who develop the technology. The book is not a methods manual; instead, it incorporates the concepts, data, and opinions of more than 25 investigators working in this field. Topics discussed include: the chemistry of solid-phases, the behavior or antibodies and antigens on solid phases, membrane solid-phases, reaction kinetics, antigen quantitation, enzyme systems, photophysics, immunochemical considerations in data analyses, multianalyte assays and occupancy concepts, antibody quantitation, streptavidin, a review of data analysis software, and solid-phase peptide immunoassay.


Book Description