China's State-owned Enterprises

Book Description

The Nature, the Performance, and the Reform of State-owned Enterprises provides a detailed description of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China with respect to both efficiency and income distribution. It shows that state ownership in the form of SOEs does not use resources efficiently and has a poor record in income distribution. Moreover, SOEs are found to enjoy unfair advantages in their competition with other firms. To illustrate the point, the book presents data revealing how favored policies, monopolistic powers, and subsidies benefit SOEs. These advantages are worth several trillion yuans a year. It is a sad irony that such wealth of the people is used to beef up the revenues of the SOEs, making their accounts look much better than they should be.This book, with its rich empirical data and information, is an authoritative reference for researchers interested in SOEs. It is also a good read for students of social sciences and the public to learn more about SOEs.

How State-owned Enterprises Drag on Economic Growth

Book Description

Using a series of studies, this book shows that ownership structure plays a major role in the national economy as a whole. Inefficient State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) damage the development of private enterprises and overall economic growth in various ways. The policy implications are very clear: in order to achieve healthy and fast economic development, there must be a radical reform of SOEs. Moreover, the aim of the SOE reform is not just to highlight the enterprises’ efficiency, but also create favorable conditions for financial deregulation, elimination of market segmentation, weakened market monopoly, and balanced regional economic development. The book argues that SOE reform is pivotal to stimulating general economic reform and development in order for China to achieve a smooth transition to a mature market economy.

Outward Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese Enterprises

Book Description

This book focuses on China's fast-growing outward foreign direct investment (ODI) and discusses the underlying causes and profound effects of Chinese enterprises’ “going global.” The book includes eight chapters to analyze the basic characteristics of China's ODI manufacturing enterprises, examine the relationship between enterprise productivity and ODI, investigate the differences between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in factor market, enterprise ownership and investment, analyze the overall effect of the foreign direct investment (FDI) and thereby the China–US bilateral investment treaties (BIT) on Chinese manufacturing sector in terms of productivity and profitability of the firms. The last chapter provides an overview of China’s three stages of economic reform and opening-up policy in the past four decades, and analyzes the reasons for China’s realization of the splendid economic achievements within such a short time and the main driving forces of China’s incremental international trade in different stages, and discusses the future tasks that would promote the country into a new stage of all-round opening-up. The book aims to illustrate the evolution of China’s opening-up design during the past decades and discuss several most important measures to build an all-around opening-up strategy. Based on these profound analyses, the book provides further policy implication for the sustainable development of China’s opening-up.

Under New Ownership

Book Description

Although China's centrally planned economy is a little more than a shadow of its former self, the closely inter-linked reforms of the enterprise and banking sectors are still incomplete. The relative size of the state-owned enterprise sector has been much reduced, however, the sector remains the dominant borrower from the banking system and is responsible for the majority of bank non-performing assets. Thus in the interests of financial stability it is crucial to implement the remaining reform agenda. The accession to the WTO has also made it more urgent for China's most-dynamic state-owned en.

Reform of Ownership in Modern China

Book Description

An extensive account of China's comprehensive private ownership reforms from 1978 to 2008. User-friendly and approachable, this specialist book combines rich research knowledge with examples and academic theories, plus quotations, anecdotes, idioms, and Chinese sayings to outline and present the sequence and difficulties of China's monumental ownership reforms.

Resource Misallocation Among Listed Firms in China: The Evolving Role of State-Owned Enterprises

Book Description

We document that publicly listed Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are less productive and profitable than publicly listed firms in which the state has no ownership stake. In particular, Chinese listed SOEs are more capital intensive and have a lower average product of capital than non-SOEs. These productivity differences increased between 2002 and 2009, and remain sizeable in 2019. Using a heterogeneous firm model of resource misallocation, we find that there are large potential productivity gains from reforms which could equalize the marginal products of listed SOEs and listed non-SOEs.

A Different Transition Path

Book Description

Originally published in 1995 this volume examines and analyzes the factors that have made the township-village enterprise (TVE) such a driver of growth in the Chinese economy in recent years. The book analyzes the background of the TVE and discusses regional differences in TVE efficiency as well as examining the apparent contradiction of the success of the TVE despite the lack of well-defined property rights. Issues of rural-rural and rural-urban migration phenomena are discussed and the differences discussed between the Chinese economy and those of other developing nations.

Recent Ownership Reform and Control of Central State-Owned Enterprises in China

Book Description

Competition between State-owned Enterprises ('SOEs') and foreign companies has intensified as China has liberalised market access in order to fulfill its commitments for entry to the WTO. To help SOEs meet the challenge of increasing international competition, the Chinese government has adopted a variety of reform measures to increase the productivity and efficiency of SOEs. Reforming the ownership structure of SOEs and instituting standardised corporate governance are two important measures. This article examines recent ownership reform and control of central SOEs as well as issues to be tackled as part of ongoing reform. Part II provides a short review of the corporatisation of SOEs, Part III examines the powers and functions of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ('SASAC') as a representative body of State ownership, while Part IV reflects on the recent ownership reform and argues for further reform in ownership diversification and ownership regulation.