Improving (Very) Short Range Precipitation Forecasting in New Zealand

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(Very) short range quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF) plays an important role in both meteorological and hydrological risk management. Since New Zealand is an island country, which is surrounded by the Tasman Sea and South Pacific Ocean, most high impact weather systems, especially heavy rainfall systems, usually initiate and develop in the regions where there are no direct high resolution observations. Using satellite rainfall and cloudiness estimates to couple with the observations from the National Radar Network becomes crucial. This thesis makes use of satellite data coupled with observations from the National Radar Network for the initialization of a mesoscale forecast model for the region. To achieve this we employed a technique called “RainSat” to delineate precipitation maps in the regions beyond radar range. The errors associated with the “RainSat” technique include the accuracy of the statistical technique itself, sampling errors, height assignment, and the estimates of rain rates. These errors and the impacts on the forecast model have been investigated in Chapter 2 and 3 of the thesis. It has been found that, in spite of these significant errors, the “RainSat” technique is able to provide relatively useful estimates of precipitation out to a range of 200 km beyond radar maximum range. Besides the capability of extending the availability of the precipitation observations to the Tasman Sea, the “RainSat” technique has been used as additional data with the observed radar reflectivity for improving nowcasting in New Zealand (Chapter 4). The results showed that the combination of radar reflectivity and satellite retrieved rain rates can significantly reduce the uncertainties in the extrapolation based techniques that are caused by the incomplete echoes observed by radar alone in areas near the edge of the radar coverage area. According to our experiments, the improvements led by using the additional “RainSat” analysis became more obvious as the lead time increased. However, the skill was still very limited after 2-3 hours. Data assimilation experiments with radar and satellite data in New Zealand are introduced in Chapters 5-8. In order to incorporate radar (satellite) observed rainfall information with modest computing facilities, a new nudging based scheme has been introduced in Chapter 5. The new scheme uses the reverse Kessler warm rain processes and the associated saturation adjustment. The statistical scores showed that, by assimilating radar reflectivity data in the model using the new scheme, precipitation forecasts could be improved up to 7-9 hours ahead on average compared to the dynamic downscaling experiments. Since the assimilation operator developed in this thesis only uses a simplistic liquid phase microphysics scheme, the skill of the operator with more complicated model microphysics in the model were presented (Chapter 6). The results showed that different cloud physics schemes adopted within the time window have significant effects on the precipitation forecasting whilst showing minimal effects on wind corrections. According to our experiments, the use of the WRF Lin et al. scheme coupled with the RK-nudging approach might give the highest skill score on average during the nudging time window. . For New Zealand, high impact weather systems usually initiate and develop in regions that are beyond radar range, which means that some sort of satellite technique is particularly important for these events. In addition, the model background usually presents inaccurate estimates over the oceanic areas. Therefore, the incorporation of satellite retrieved moisture fields over the Tasman Sea is expected to be beneficial to the (very) short range precipitation forecasting in New Zealand. The assimilation experiments of the “RainSat” analysis are presented in Chapter 7. The newly developed scheme and the Water Vapour Correction (WVC) scheme have been employed and the verifications were carried out against to both radar and TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis using different objective scoring schemes. The results indicated that by using the satellite rainfall and cloudiness estimates to adjust the moisture fields out of the radar range, the precipitation forecasts could be further improved. In Chapter 8, the extrapolated rain rates generated from both radar and satellite data were used to adjust the corresponding model background. The results showed that the assimilation of radar and satellite based nowcasting data could effectively prolong the effects of the initial conditions in the NWP model and thus improve the precipitation forecasts even further. A brief conclusion is given in Chapter 9.

Suggestions [resurrected] for the Improvement of Short-range Weather Forecasting

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Five basic aspects of the 'forecast problem' are discussed and suggestions made. The aspects covered are the nature of the ideal forecast and forecasting technique, the problem of specification, the factor of human talent, and the recognition of customer needs. (Author).

Size-based Evaluation of TIGGE Ensemble Systems for Precipitation Forecasting

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Precipitation forecasts play a key role in decision making for water resource planning and management. They also influence decisions taken for routine day-to-day operations by the users in various sectors including but not limited to agriculture, transportation, construction, hydropower generation, recreation and so forth. Streamflow forecasting is another major area of application where the quality of precipitation forecasts can greatly affect the overall performance of the system. The errors contained in the precipitation forecasts are introduced to the system at the very beginning. They may also lead to a final result that is far from the actual reality when propagated through different components of a streamflow forecasting system. Improving river flow forecasts for longer lead times by incorporating numerical weather predictions (NWP) into streamflow forecasting systems has attracted the attention of hydrologists in recent years. In order to account for the uncertainties in weather forecasting, meteorologists usually prefer to use an ensemble of NWP forecasts instead of relying on a single result. The process becomes considerably more complex and resource hungry when ensembles of NWP forecasts, known as ensemble prediction systems (EPS) are used to feed the flow forecasting models. In an operational setting, where the use of large weather ensembles may not be feasible due to the computational burden, identification of an objective methodology for optimal selection of smaller subsets becomes crucial. Forecasting of flash flooding demands a quick response and using multiple weather forecasts might not meet the requirements for timely decisions. Furthermore, more might not always result in better; inclusion or exclusion of some forecasts may affect the final forecast product. Hydrologists are therefore constrained to use a limited set of precipitation forecasts. There are very few studies in the literature addressing the issue of how ensemble size may affect the overall quality of the precipitation forecasts. Moreover, most of the previous research in this area is based on verification of ensemble systems against only the intense events. On the other hand, different users of weather forecasts have different needs and all are not always primarily interested in forecasts for the intense events. This study is the first to provide a comprehensive comparison of different ensemble prediction systems for their precipitation forecasts corresponding to users' needs in different sectors. The research also presents a unique evaluation of two combination methods for making a multi-model ensemble. This study leads also in comparing three statistical techniques to simplify ensembles. The research aims to provide users with an opportunity to select an ensemble of their choice, from the pool of current operational systems, keeping in view their specific needs and available resources. The target is achieved by presenting a size-based comparison of multiple ensemble systems in different decision scenarios. Three unimodel ensemble systems operational at the China Meteorological Agency (CMA), UK Met Office (UKMO) and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) were tested for their precipitation forecasts to study the effect of ensemble size on its performance for a lead time as large as 10 days. Two multimodel ensembles constructed by using two distinct approaches for combining ensembles were also tested in this thesis. The study is based on precipitation forecasts from the above stated five ensemble systems and the precipitation and discharge data observed for the Waikato River in New Zealand. A comprehensive comparison of all the ensembles was made for four different applications of the precipitation forecasts. The deterministic and probabilistic performance of the ensemble forecasts were evaluated separately. Three different forecast attributes, accuracy, reliability and resolution, were evaluated for each ensemble. In attempting to find a suitable strategy for reducing the ensemble size, three statistical techniques were employed to obtain a reduced set of the precipitation ensembles. A river flow forecasting model based on gene expression programming (GEP) was subsequently forced by these reduced ensembles and the resulting ensemble forecasts for the river flow were evaluated against the corresponding observed flow. The results indicate that, in general, the size of an ensemble has small effect on its performance. The Control ensemble, consisting only of the control forecasts (generated using the best available estimate of the current state of the atmosphere) from the participating ensembles, was found to be as good in forecasting occurrence of rainfall as the Grand ensemble which consists of all 90 members of the three unimodel ensemble systems. Similarly, the ensemble forecasts for the most likely precipitation event, probability of exceeding a certain precipitation threshold and the magnitude of precipitation from the smaller ensembles were also comparable with the larger ensemble systems. No significant difference was observed between the flow forecasts driven by the smaller ensembles reduced by applying three stratification techniques and the corresponding full counterparts. In addition to the above findings, this research also presents the framework to evaluate different ensemble systems for their specific use. In this way, this PhD research attempts to develop a deeper understanding of the diverse applications of ensemble precipitation forecasts, as well as adding some case studies of a quantitative nature unlike most of the previous qualitative studies.

National Meteorological Satellite Program

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Flood Risk Science and Management

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Approaches to avoid loss of life and limit disruption and damage from flooding have changed significantly in recent years. Worldwide, there has been a move from a strategy of flood defence to one of flood risk management. Flood risk management includes flood prevention using hard defences, where appropriate, but also requires that society learns to live with floods and that stakeholders living in flood prone areas develop coping strategies to increase their resilience to flood impacts when these occur. This change in approach represents a paradigm shift which stems from the realisation that continuing to strengthen and extend conventional flood defences is unsustainable economically, environmentally, and in terms of social equity. Flood risk management recognises that a sustainable approach must rest on integrated measures that reduce not only the probability of flooding, but also the consequences. This is essential as increases in the probability of inundation are inevitable in many areas of the world due to climate change, while socio-economic development will lead to spiralling increases in the consequences of flooding unless land use in floodplains is carefully planned. Flood Risk Science and Management provides an extensive and comprehensive synthesis of current research in flood management; providing a multi-disciplinary reference text covering a wide range of flood management topics. Its targeted readership is the international research community (from research students through to senior staff) and flood management professionals, such as engineers, planners, government officials and those with flood management responsibility in the public sector. By using the concept of case study chapters, international coverage is given to the topic, ensuring a world-wide relevance.

Smart Energy Management for Smart Grids

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This book is a contribution from the authors, to share solutions for a better and sustainable power grid. Renewable energy, smart grid security and smart energy management are the main topics discussed in this book.