Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics

Book Description

Compiling strategies from more than 30 years of experience, this book provides numerous case studies that illustrate the implementation of noise control applications, as well as solutions to common dilemmas encountered in noise reduction processes. It offers methods for predicting the noise generation level of common systems such as fans, motors, c

Industrial Noise Control

Book Description

Continuing the well-established legacy of the first edition, Industrial Noise Control, Second Edition examines the fundamental principles of noise and vibration control, maintaining the concise format and clarity of presentation that made its predecessor so popular. The authors illustrate solutions to real problems, identify and characterize major sources of industrial noise, and provide systematic design and engineering approaches to control. They supply useful acoustical performance charts, case histories, and tables of materials and supplies. Along with computer-aided calculations and digital instrumentation, the book shows how to plan for compliance with OSHA, DEP and EPA standards.

Noise Control in Industry

Book Description

Damage from noise exposure of sufficient intensity and duration is well established and hearing loss may be temporary or permanent. Fortunately, noise exposure can be controlled and technology exists to reduce the hazards. Aside from employer/employee concern with the inherent hazards of noise, added attention has been brought to focus on the subject through regulatory requirements. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) every employer is legally responsible for providing a workplace free of hazards such as excessive noise. It has been estimated that 14 million US workers are exposed to hazardous noise. This book is presented as an overview summary for employers, workers, and supervisors interested in workplace noise and its control. We believe that in order to understand and control noise it is not necessary to be highly technical. Noise problems can quite often be solved by the people who are directly affected. Presented is an overview of noise, the regulations concerning its control, an explanation of specific principles, and a discussion of some particular techniques.

Sound Analysis and Noise Control

Book Description

This book has been written to provide an intro Chapter 2 deals with the mechanism of hear duction to the fundamental concepts of sound ing and the subjective rating of sound, includ and a comprehensive coverage whereby un ing age-related and noise-induced hearing loss. wanted sound (noise) can be controlled. Al Assessment of any noise problem involves a though there are many notable textbooks which knowledge of the instrumentation available for deal primarily with the physics (or theory) of measurements, the limitations of this instru sound, and others which treat noise control in mentation, the appropriate procedures for mak a strictly practical (and sometimes even empir ing the measurements with the instrumentation, ical) manner, there are few textbooks that pro and the methods by which the measured data vide a bridging between the necessary under can be analyzed. Chapter 3 provides an up-to standing of the fundamentals of sound (its date coverage of these requirements, including generation, propagation, measurement) and the a section on one of the newest and most valu application of these fundamentals to its control. able tools in noise studies-sound intensity This book provides that link. measurement. The capability of being able to The text presents noise control primarily at measure sound intensity as compared with con the introductory level.

Noise Control

Book Description

An excellent learning tool for students and practitioners, this guide to noise control will enable readers to use their knowledge to solve a wide range of industrial noise control problems. Working from basic scientific principles, the author shows how an understanding of sound can be applied to real-world settings, working through several examples in detail and covering good practice in noise control for both new and existing facilities.

Industrial Noise Control

Book Description

Illustrates the latest solutions to real problems occurring in industry, buildings, and communities. Second Edition offers many more 13roblem sets and end-of-chapter exercises as well as up-to-the-minute coverage of new topics.

Engineering Noise Control

Book Description

The practice of engineering noise control demands a solid understanding of the fundamentals of acoustics, the practical application of current noise control technology and the underlying theoretical concepts. This fully revised and updated fourth edition provides a comprehensive explanation of these key areas clearly, yet without oversimplification. Written by experts in their field, the practical focus echoes advances in the discipline, reflected in the fourth edition’s new material, including: completely updated coverage of sound transmission loss, mufflers and exhaust stack directivity a new chapter on practical numerical acoustics thorough explanation of the latest instruments for measurements and analysis. Essential reading for advanced students or those already well versed in the art and science of noise control, this distinctive text can be used to solve real world problems encountered by noise and vibration consultants as well as engineers and occupational hygienists.

Engineering Acoustics

Book Description

Suitable for both individual and group learning, Engineering Acoustics focuses on basic concepts and methods to make our environments quieter, both in buildings and in the open air. The author’s tutorial style derives from the conviction that understanding is enhanced when the necessity behind the particular teaching approach is made clear. He also combines mathematical derivations and formulas with extensive explanations and examples to deepen comprehension. Fundamental chapters on the physics and perception of sound precede those on noise reduction (elastic isolation) methods. The last chapter deals with microphones and loudspeakers. Moeser includes major discoveries by Lothar Cremer, including the optimum impedance for mufflers and the coincidence effect behind structural acoustic transmission. The appendix gives a short introduction on the use of complex amplitudes in acoustics.

Industrial Noise Control

Book Description