Inertial Navigation System Standardized Software Development. Volume III. Program Description and User's Guide

Book Description

Section 1 of Volume III provides an overview of the purpose, structure, capabilities, and operation of the Numerical Simulator Program (NUMSIM) as of 30 April 1976. Section 2 contains the detailed description of NUMSIM. First, the symbology, conventions, and variables are defined. Then the individual routines are described under the headings of: function and equations; input, output, and internal variables; and finally the flow chart of the routine. This section is the only place where the description of the manipulations of the profile generator (PROFGEN) inputs to the form required by the particular ideal inertial measuring unit (IMU) outputs is provided. Section 3 describes the operation of NUMSIM in greater detail, under the headings of: operator inputs; simulator outputs; and operational aids. The use of PROFGEN in conjunction with NUMSIM is also described. The appendices contain sample input and output data, file structure and control cards. It is intended that this volume be studied together with program listings in Volume IV.

Inertial Navigation System Standardized Software Development. Volume 1. Introduction and Summary

Book Description

A navigation software simulation program was developed, checked and verified as a part of an investigation into the feasibility of standardization of software for aircraft Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). The program can be used to simulate the unaided INS navigation errors resulting from a partiular mechanization of the navigation equations on a given digital computer. Technical data required for the Simulator Program design was obtained from survey of typical INS navigation software. The survey results revealed commonality in navigation computations employed in various INS, configurations, the gravity models approximations used in the computations, the commonality in the frames and the transformations symbology employed in the computations and the software interface between the INS computations and the Avionics-System computations. The navigation software simulation program is coded in Fortran IV for use on either IBM-360 or CDC-6600 computers. (Author).


Book Description

NASA SP-7500

Book Description

Inertial Navigation System Standardized Software Development. Volume IV. Program Listings

Book Description

Section 1 of Volume 4 contains the listings of the variable precision form of the numerical simulator program, VUMSIM. In this version all the 'flight code' (i.e., simulated navigation computer operations) is performed in a user- specified floating point format, providing the capability of simulating a reduced computer word length. Appropriate library subroutines, for the specified word length, are automatically incorporated (for sine-cosine, square root, and arc tangent). The special routines called are those with names starting with the letter V. The remaining 'flight code' is modified to call the variable precision routines. The 'ideal' IMU simulator portion of the program is unchanged from NUMSIM. Section 2 contains the listings of the numerical simulator proper, NUMSIM, as described in Volume 3, without the variable precision option. Both NUMSIM and VUMSIM accept instantaneous values of specific force in the local vertical wander azimuth frame from PROFGEN at the trajectory sample rate and output the integrals of specific force in the simulated IMU frame to the 'flight code' at the appropriate attitude of navigation rate. Subsequent modifications to NUMSIM/VUMSIM, to accept integrals of specific force in the appropriate IMU frame directly from PROFGEN are described in the addendum.