Institutionalization of Authority and the Naming of Jesus

Book Description

This book is about the names given to Jesus by those followers responsible for putting his words and deeds into writing-the earliest "Christian scribes." In the first-century Mediterranean world, the first name of male person was his proper name. The second name indicated the family or clan to which he belonged, whereas the third name was an "honorary title" bestowed on him because of some achievement, good fortune, physical attribute, or "special excellence." Honorary titles were bestowed on Jesus mostly after his death. Such titles were often given to sages. The titles could either amplify Jesus' wisdom and empower people, or serve as instruments of power. This book aims to demonstrate the ideological and political mystification of Jesus in the transmission of the tradition about him. It illustrates the relevance of --The social history of formative Christianity; --The evolution of the Jesus traditions; --The genre of the gospels as biography; and --The institutionalization of charismatic authority.

I Give You Authority

Book Description

"All will find here much reality, much wisdom, much encouragement, and much to praise God for."--J.I. Packer This popular book from respected leader Charles H. Kraft shows believers how to exercise the authority they have from God through Jesus Christ. When Christians recognize and use the amazing gift of spiritual authority, they position themselves to provide protection and bring transformation, not only in their lives but in the lives of family members, friends, even coworkers. Now fully revised and updated.

Authority for Assignment

Book Description

Authority for Assignment answers the question: How will “God’s Government” affect the marketplace today? It will happen through the restoration of one of God’s greatest supernatural technologies... “The Mantle of Misrah!” Misrah is a Hebrew word that means—Government and prevailing power. Inside this powerful mantle we’ve been given a supernatural problem-solving dynamic that restores the marketplace to its highest level of function for the Kingdom of God! We’re given the ability to rule and reign as kings and queens in the earth and to govern above every threat level to become productive and successful. Isaiah 9:6-7 says that the mantle of government was upon the shoulders of Jesus, and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. You will be empowered with fresh revelation and strategies as the Mantle of Misrah forms upon your shoulders!

All Authority

Book Description

Everybody who follows Jesus will encounter a myriad of “authorities” that directly challenge the authority of Christ. These other “authorities” may be parents, teachers, bosses, presidents, institutions, religions, or ideologies. In order to stay firm in devotion to Jesus, we must believe that He has supreme authority over all. Not partial authority, not most authority—all authority. On the basis of his authority, he commissioned his people to go and make disciples among every people group on earth. This is an impossible commission if it were not for the promise that he is with them forever. The doctrine of the supreme authority of Christ not only upholds the work of the church, it is the central message that the church preaches. “Jesus is Lord” is good news! Joey Shaw is the International Field Office Director for the Austin Stone Community Church and a regular contributor at Verge. Joey and his family live outside the United States where they serve unreached peoples for the glory of Christ.

Authority in the Church

Book Description

The simple but immensely significant thesis of the author in this study is that the political paradigms of authority which have been used for centuries simply do not apply to the Church. The Christian community is a unique society, and hence its understanding and use of authority must also be unique. Shows how unique Christian authority is by showing the understanding of authority Jesus gave to the "society" which he founded. Starts with an exposition of authority in the New Testament, and then traces how Churchmen on differenct levels and at different times have lost sight of that authority uniquely proper to the Church, with a consequent erosion of both Christian authority and Christian freedom.

The Routledge Companion to the Christian Church

Book Description

Written by an international team of distinguished scholars, this comprehensive book introduces students to the fundamental historical, systematic, moral and ecclesiological aspects of the study of the church, as well as serving as a resource for scholars engaging in ecclesiological debates on a wide variety of issues.

Institutionalizing Rights and Religion

Book Description

Modern statesmen and political theorists have long struggled to design institutions that will simultaneously respect individual freedom of religion, nurture religion's capacity to be a force for civic good and human rights, and tame religion's illiberal tendencies. Moving past the usual focus on personal free expression of religion, this illuminating book - written by renowned scholars of law and religion from the United States, England, and Israel - considers how the institutional design of both religions and political regimes influences the relationship between religious practice and activity and human rights. The authors examine how the organization of religious communities affects human rights, and investigate the scope of a just state's authority with respect to organized religion in the name of human rights. They explore the institutional challenges posed by, and possible responses to, the fraught relationship between religion and rights in the world today.