Intellectual Property in the Conflict of Laws

Book Description

This comprehensive book provides a ground-breaking new explanation of the principle of national treatment in the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention and new insights into the history of the conflict-of-laws, aliens law and their relationship. Providing a full and detailed analysis of the existence and the interpretation of the conflict-of-law rule in these conventions, this book will be an important resource for legal scholars, specialized practitioners and policy-makers.

Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property

Book Description

The Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property (CLIP) Principles set out rules to resolve international disputes involving intellectual property rights, supplementing international and domestic law, as well as aiding lawyers to interpret the same. This work sets out the Principles alongside article-by-article analysis from authors of the Principles.

Intellectual Property in the Conflict of Laws

Book Description

Papers originally presented at a meeting held on Mar. 2-3, 2004 in Hamburg, Germany, and organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law, Hamburg, and the Max Planck Instittute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Munich.

Choice of Law in Copyright and Related Rights

Book Description

Nobody denies that the traditional territorial approach to copyright and other intellectual property rights has come under pressure. Yet it persists. Faced with the need to determine the applicable law in cross-border cases, lawyers everywhere wrestle with the implications of the territorial nature of copyright and related rights. In this book Mireille van Eechoud clears the way to the formulation of conflict rules that reflect the purpose of copyright law- to protect creators and stimulate the production and use of information- without reverting to old-fashioned notions of territoriality. She shows how the applicable law can be determined for four distinct legal avenues of intellectual property law: Which exclusive rights exist in an intellectual creation and for how long; Who is considered to own such right; How can these rights be transferred; and What continues infringement of copyright and related rights. Mireille van Eechoud shows how, when each of these questions is approached in the light of the different allocation principles used in modern choice of law, a new clarity begins to emerge that promises in time to build a set of conflict rules well suited to the unprecedented copyright and related rights issues that we find so difficult to resolve today. Her in-depth analysis draws in the classis multilateral conventions and treaties, underlying policies, technological and economic developments, utilitarian grounds versus justice considerations, and issues of infringement in the digital environment. INFORMATION LAW SERIES 12.

Intellectual Property and Private International Law

Book Description

The protection and commercial exploitation of intellectual property rights such as patents, trade marks, designs and copyright are seldom confined to one country and the introduction of a foreign element inevitably raises potential problems of private international law, ranging fromestablishing which court has jurisdiction and which is the applicable law to securing the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. For example, will a foreign defendant be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts if he induces his English distributor to infringe a patent inEngland? What law will apply to a trade mark licensing agreement made between a German company and a French company where the parties have not expressly chosen whose law governs their contract? And are an author's rights determined by the same law as that governing the issue of the transferabilityof copyright? Although such issues are becoming increasingly important, a dearth of literature exists on the subject. Fawcett and Torremans remedy that neglect and provide a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the topic that will be welcomed by practitioners and scholars alike. From the authors' preface This book is concerned with the application of the rules of private international law to intellectual property cases. Private international lawyers have largely ignored this topic, and it has been left to intellectual property lawyers to discuss this. This is a pity. It is a topic which raisesunique questions for the private international lawyer which deserve an answer, and at the same time tells us much about the rules of private international law that are being applied. The aim of the book is to fill this gap in the literature. The emphasis in the book is on private international lawrather than on intellectual property law. Nonetheless, it is hoped that intellectual property lawyers will find much to interest them here Most of the book is taken up with a discussion of the relevant rules of private international law and their application in the context of intellectual property law. A major theme of the book is the extent to which there are special rules of private international law for this area and whether thereshould be such rules. Alternative private international law solutions will be considered by looking at the law in other jurisdictions and, where appropriate, proposals will be put forward for a better solution This book is part of the Oxford Monographs in Private International Law series, the aim of which is to publish work of high quality and originality in a number of important areas of private international law. The series is intended for both scholarly and practitioner readers.

When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law

Book Description

Co-published by WIPO and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, this guide is a pragmatic tool, written by judges, for judges, examining how private international law operates in intellectual property (IP) matters. Using illustrative references to selected international and regional instruments and national laws, the guide aims to help judges apply the laws of their own jurisdiction, supported by an awareness of key issues concerning jurisdiction of the courts, applicable law, the recognition and enforcement of judgments, and judicial cooperation in cross-border IP disputes.

Exclusive Jurisdiction in Intellectual Property

Book Description

Exclusive jurisdiction rules related to intellectual property rights cases are insufficiently supported by the arguments usually invoked in their favor. Benedetta Ubertazzi argues that such rules are even contrary to the public international law provisions on the avoidance of a denial of justice and should therefore be abandoned.--