International Labour Conference

Book Description

At its 95th session in June 2006 the International Labour Conference adopted a convention and recommendation on a promotional framework for occupational safety and health and recommendation on the employment relationship. This paper presents the UK government's conclusions on these instruments as follows: The convention requires member states that ratify it to promote continuous improvement on occupational safety and health to prevent occupation injuries, diseases and deaths. Member states are obliged to formulate a national policy; establish, maintain, progressively develop and periodically review a national system, and; formulate, implement, monitor and periodically review a national programme. The recommendation supplements the provisions of the Convention by listing suggested specific relevant ILO instruments that should be taken into account when formulating a national system & programme. Ratification of the convention and recommendation have been supported in the UK. The recommendation concerning the employment relationship considered a variety of issues related to the protection of workers. Unfortunately it was not possible to find an agreement that was acceptable to all parties and the UK governement abstained in the final vote on this recommendation.

Cadre Promotionnel Pour la Sécurité Et la Santé Au Travail

Book Description

Gives the texts of the proposed ILO Convention and the proposed ILO Recommendation for the promotion of occupational safety and health. Appends a list of relevant ILO instruments.

Safety and Health of Workers

Book Description