International Trade in GMOs and GM Products

Book Description

This publication, one of a series of UNCTAD studies which discuss key international trade and development policy issues, focuses on the trade implications of the application of biotechnology techniques in agriculture and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products derived from them. Topics considered include: domestic legislation on agro-biotechnology in selected developed and developing countries; the multilateral legal framework, including the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; actual and potential GM-related trade disputes.

International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products

Book Description

There are a number of controversial issues that surround agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified products. International trade and policies are at the forefront of these controversies. This book addresses these issues and has been developed from a meeting of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Revello, Italy, in July 2004. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models.

Biotechnology Regulation and Trade

Book Description

This book discusses the regulatory and trade challenges facing the global adoption of biotechnological products and offers strategies for overcoming these obstacles and moving towards greater global food security. The first section of the book establishes the context of the conflict, discussing the challenges of global governance, international trade, and the history of regulation of genetically modified (GM) crops. In this section, the authors emphasize the shift from exclusively science-based regulation to the more socio-economically focused framework established by the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which was adopted in 2000. The second section of the book provides a snapshot of the current state of international GM crop adoption and regulation, highlighting the US, Canada, and the EU. The final section of the book identifies options for breaking the gridlock of regulation and trade that presently exist. This book adds to the current literature by providing new information about innovative agricultural technologies and encouraging debate by providing an alternative to the narratives espoused by environmental non-governmental organizations. This book will appeal to students of economics, political science, and policy analysis, as well as members of regulatory agencies and agricultural industry firms.

Genetically Modified Food

Book Description

The controversial issue of genetically modified (GM) food is discussed in this book. While the United States (US) is a strong supporter of GM technology having adopted a rather lax regulation of trade with GM products, the European Union (EU) is representing a sceptical position towards this new technology and has even imposed a de facto moratorium on further approval of GM products from 1998 to 2004. The purpose of this book is an extensive analysis of the current status on risks and benefits of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and a suggestion on how an appropriate regulation of GM products could be derived. Potential guidelines are provided for policy formulation both in a qualitative and in a quantitative dimension. The US is applying the principle of substantial equivalence, which means that GM products are in their substance identical to products produced by conventional methods. Therefore, no new regulations are necessary for the trade with GM products. In contrast, the European Union (EU) disagrees that GM products are equivalent to their conventional counterparts due to the different production process. Instead, the EU refers to the precautionary principle in its GMO policy, meaning that trade with GM products should be restricted until it will be proven that no additional risks are implied by the use of these products. The divergence of opinions about the right policy to regulate GM products has significant impacts on trade flows and welfare effects. The US and the EU have already tried to resolve their dispute before the World Trade Organization (WTO). Relevant laws of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the WTO are presented as well as indications for a potential consensus.

Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade

Book Description

Genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops which are approved as safe in North America (Canada and the United States) are facing significant regulatory hurdles in gaining access to the European Union. The development and commercialization of GM crops illustrate a complex challenge facing trade diplomacy - the challenge of regulatory regionalism created by social regulatory barriers.

The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms

Book Description

The regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continues to generate controversy. On the one hand, they are actively promoted by the biotechnology industry as vital to ensuring food security. Yet, on the other hand, consumer resistance persists, not least in the European Union, and such lack of confidence extends not just to GM food itself but also to the regulatory regime, where legal issues are inextricably linked with economics and politics. This edited collection provides a novel contribution to the ongoing debate, recognizing that the legislative environment is complicated by forces as varied as national public opinion and world trade commitments. The book is divided into four parts. The first of these addresses the influence in this context of both civil society and economic imperatives. The second part is directed more specifically to the measures that have been implemented in the European Union, considering multi-level governance, wider aspects of food law, co-existence with conventional and organic crops, and environmental liability. The third part is comparative in focus, with chapters covering the diverse regimes implemented in Africa, Australia, North America and South America. The book concludes with chapters on world trade and international considerations, including analysis of the Biotech case.

The International Politics of Genetically Modified Food

Book Description

Genetically modified food is at the heart of a new global conflict over how to govern risky technologies in an era of globalization. This timely collection brings together experts from the fields of IR, environmental studies, trade and law to examine the sources of international friction and to explore the prospects for international co-operation.

Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture

Book Description

Genetically modified crops have become a topic of great interest among scientists, regulators, consumers, farmers, and politicians. Despite their potential benefits, public hostility toward these crops is causing dramatic changes to import/export policies, food safety regulations, and agricultural practices around the world. Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture provides a comprehensive overview of the subject and a balanced look at the costs and benefits of GMO products. Part I reviews the scientific, economic, and political issues relating to the use of agricultural GMOs. Chapters cover specific applications, regulatory concerns, import/export patterns, international trade issues, and a discussion of future trends. Part II offers a unique look at all sides of the GMO controversies, with short chapters contributed by leading individuals with widely different perspectives. Part III presents a more in-depth look at selected issues plus helpful reference materials. This book makes the latest information on GMOs accessible to all interested parties, including students, laypeople, scientists, activists, and professionals working in related fields. * Additional detailed footnotes and references for the academic * International contributions from the US, Europe and India * Covers the perspectives of different groups involved in the controversies: governments, environmental agencies, consumers, industrial agencies and the developing world