Epidemiology of Cerebrovascular Disease

Book Description

This work started out quite modestly as an investigation into the geographic distribution of cerebrovascular disease. But one question soon led to another and it just growed, like Topsy. In fact, it is hard to characterize precisely what this should be called. It is in part a Review of the Literature, in part a critique and reworking of other publications, and in part a standard view of stroke epidemio logy in the more restricted sense of attack and mortality rates and distribution. Still the result would I hope provide a synthesis of the population features of stroke as they appear to me at this time - a highly individual interpretation of the "state of the art". I have studiously avoided any survey of the history of cerebrovascular disease, and citations are for those of most recent vintage appropriate to the situation. Literature in this field continues to burgeon; my references end with the Fall of 1967. When counting noses we must have numbers, so the reader will find a massive compilation of tables. They are however necessary, especially since so many of my statements seem to fly in the face of current orthodoxy, whether lay or medical. With the data, one may decide for himself their validity. Insofar as possible tables have been placed in the appendix. Unless an author is directly quoted by me, all interpretations of his data are my own and he should be held blameless.

A Dictionary of Epidemiology

Book Description

This edition is the most updated since its inception, is the essential text for students and professionals working in and around epidemiology or using its methods. It covers subject areas - genetics, clinical epidemiology, public health practice/policy, preventive medicine, health promotion, social sciences and methods for clinical research.

Oral Medicine

Book Description

This title has been authored by professionals working in Europe and uses a unique combination of systematic, methodical and concise easy-access text with superb color clinical photographs to help dental practitioners recognize the signs and symptoms of conditions affecting the soft tissues of the mouth (e.g. ulcers and oral cancer) as well as the oral effects of systemic diseases. Flowcharts also illustrate the processes of diagnosis and treatment and lists differential diagnoses by site and by symptom. Clearly describes and illustrates 76 oral conditions under standardized headings of clinical features, incidence, aetiology, diagnosis and management.Gives therapeutic protocols with associated flowcharts to correspond with the trend towards protocol-driven treatment.Includes diagnostic flowcharts for major symptoms such as ulcers and red lesions, placed beside clinical photos to guide the reader systematically through the diagnostic process.Provides step-by-step instructions on how to carry out biopsies and toluidine blue staining.

An Illustrated History of Health and Fitness, from Pre-History to our Post-Modern World

Book Description

This book examines the health/fitness interaction in an historical context. Beginning in primitive hunter-gatherer communities, where survival required adequate physical activity, it goes on to consider changes in health and physical activity at subsequent stages in the evolution of “civilization.” It focuses on the health impacts of a growing understanding of medicine and physiology, and the emergence of a middle-class with the time and money to choose between active and passive leisure pursuits. The book reflects on urbanization and industrialization in relation to the need for public health measures, and the ever-diminishing physical demands of the work-place. It then evaluates the attitudes of prelates, politicians, philosophers and teachers at each stage of the process. Finally, the book explores professional and governmental initiatives to increase public involvement in active leisure through various school, worksite, recreational and sports programmes.

Applied Epidemiology

Book Description

Applies traditional epideiologic methods for determining disease etiology to the real-life applications of public health and health services research. This text contains a chapter on the development and use of systematic reviews and one on epidemiology and the law.

The Misunderstood Gene

Book Description

At a time when the complete human genome has been sequenced and when seemingly every week feature news stories describe genes that may be responsible for personality, intelligence, even happiness, Michel Morange gives us a book that demystifies the power of modern genetics. The Misunderstood Gene takes us on an easily comprehensible tour of the most recent findings in molecular biology to show us how--and if--genes contribute to biological processes and complex human behaviors. As Morange explains, if molecular biologists had to designate one category of molecules as essential to life, it would be proteins and their multiple functions, not DNA and genes. Genes are the centerpiece of modern biology because they can be modified. But they are only the memory that life invented so that proteins could be efficiently reproduced. Morange shows us that there is far more richness and meaning in the structure and interactions of proteins than in all the theoretical speculations on the role of genes. The Misunderstood Gene makes it clear that we do not have to choose between rigid genetic determinism and fearful rejection of any specific role for genes in development or behavior. Both are true, but at different levels of organization. Morange agrees with those who say "we are not in our genes." But he also wants us to understand that we are not without our genes, either. We are going to have to make do with them, and this book will show us how.

The Pink Triangle

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive book in English on the fate of the homosexuals in Nazi Germany. The author, a German refugee, examines the climate and conditions that gave rise to a vicious campaign against Germany's gays, as directed by Himmler and his SS--persecution that resulted in tens of thousands of arrests and thousands of deaths. In this Nazi crusade, homosexual prisoners were confined to death camps where, forced to wear pink triangles, they constituted the lowest rung in the camp hierarchy. The horror of camp life is described through diaries, previously untranslated documents, and interviews with and letters from survivors, revealing how the anti-homosexual campaign was conducted, the crackpot homophobic fantasies that fueled it, the men who made it possible, and those who were its victims, this chilling book sheds light on a corner of twentieth-century history that has been hidden in the shadows much too long.

The Hidden Holocaust?

Book Description

The persecution of lesbians and gay men by the Nazis is a subject that has been constantly debated during the last decade, providing a theme for books, articles, and plays. Until recently the discussion has remained speculative: most of the relevant documents were stored in closed East German archives, and access was denied to scholars and researchers. As a result of the unification of East and West Germany, these archives are now open. Hidden Holocaust, by the German scholars Gunter Grau and Claudia Shoppmann of Humboldt Uinversity, Berlin, demonstrates that the eradication of homosexuals was a declared gol of the Nazis even before they took power in 1933, and provide proof of the systematic anti-gay campaigns, the methods used tjo justify discrimination, and the incarceration mutilation and murder of gay men and women in Nazi concentration camps. A chilling but groud-breaking work in gay and lesbian studies.

Evidence-Based Public Health

Book Description

There are at least three ways in which a public health program or policy may not reach stated goals for success: 1) Choosing an intervention approach whose effectiveness is not established in the scientific literature; 2) Selecting a potentially effective program or policy yet achieving only weak, incomplete implementation or "reach," thereby failing to attain objectives; 3) Conducting an inadequate or incorrect evaluation that results in a lack of generalizable knowledge on the effectiveness of a program or policy; and 4) Paying inadequate attention to adapting an intervention to the population and context of interest To enhance evidence-based practice, this book addresses all four possibilities and attempts to provide practical guidance on how to choose, carry out, and evaluate evidence-based programs and policies in public health settings. It also begins to address a fifth, overarching need for a highly trained public health workforce. This book deals not only with finding and using scientific evidence, but also with implementation and evaluation of interventions that generate new evidence on effectiveness. Because all these topics are broad and require multi-disciplinary skills and perspectives, each chapter covers the basic issues and provides multiple examples to illustrate important concepts. In addition, each chapter provides links to the diverse literature and selected websites for readers wanting more detailed information. An indispensable volume for professionals, students, and researchers in the public health sciences and preventative medicine, this new and updated edition of Evidence-Based Public Health aims to bridge research and evidence with policies and the practice of public health.