Jerusalem X-Factor

Book Description

Researching Jerusalem's first mention in ancient history along with current events, one can easily interpret todays news stories. The fact that a nation has regained her homeland after thousands of years in exile is intriguing. But add to the fact that this has never been done for any other nation. America as the leader of the free world is at a crossroads as to whether or not she retains her position. Gaining a historical background as well as certain critical divine directives give this book a credible must read status. Secure your copy today and interpret news stories with much greater ease and understanding.

The Double X Factor

Book Description


Book Description

In this incredibly thought provoking book the author reveals a new powerful force that is sweeping across Kenya and convincingly demonstrates how this force is the power behind Uhuru Kenyattas' ascendancy to power. In this book you will discover; Why Uhuru Kenyatta is destined to become one of Kenyas' greatest presidents. The simple secret behind Uhurus increasing popularity which is far from its peak. What this enormous force behind Uhuru that rivals the scope of every single kenyan political and economic wave - fro the 1990s first multiparty elections to the Narc wave of 2002 is. The author suggests that you will see - you must see - that we are at the dawn of a new day, where the possibilities are so wonderful, fascinating and limitless they are almost bewildering. This enormous force will change everything from the way our country has been governed up to now and reshape our economic climate in the process making thousands upon thousands of Kenyans wealthier. From deep insights that grip your mind, the possibilities are limitless as the author takes you on a roller-coaster of scientific, spiritual, philosophic, financial and economic possibilities that are unfolding in-front of your eyes. The power so to speak is now in your hands and once you get a grip on this mysterious power your life can never be the same again.

The Jerusalem Factor

Book Description

The Problem of Jesus

Book Description

The modern world portrays Jesus in many ways for many reasons. Some are well-intentioned but misguided, others are aberrations, still others have some but not all the essential keys. In order to see and understand the real Jesus and what the Gospels say about him, we have to see him in his first-century context—and work out from there. Here is a portrait of Jesus that in some ways will affirm what traditional Christianity has always understood about him...and, in other ways, upend it altogether. Award-winning author Mark Clark delves into the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth: his parables and miracles, his controversial challenge of discipleship and obedience, his seemingly insane claim to be God, and what his death and resurrection (if they did happen) actually mean. Mark is unafraid to tackle questions such as: What would first-century Jews have immediately recognized about Jesus that modern Christians often miss? What do the Gospels accomplish, and can we trust them? Is there a problem with science and Jesus' miracles? What are the barriers stopping people from following him? And what is Christianity in light of an accurate portrayal of the object of its faith? The Problem of Jesus engages with ideas from all realms of study: from Malcolm Gladwell and Jordan Peterson to historians, scientists, and philosophers; from N.T. Wright to C.S. Lewis; from Star Wars to Pretty Woman—all unite to form a breathtaking and accurate portrait of Jesus, the man, the message, and the mission, who forever altered the course of human history. "As a former atheist, I would call this book philosophical dynamite...The Problem of Jesus will take your thinking about Jesus—and your relationship with him—to whole new levels." —Pastor and author, Ray Johnston.

Acts of the Apostles

Book Description

The India Commentary on the New Testament (ICNT) series aims to give a well-informed exposition of the meaning of the text and relevant reflections in everyday language from a contemporary Indian context. The intended audience is the theological seminary or bible college, both students and faculty. The commentaries are also ideal for pastors and lay people with an interest in theology or responsibilities for preaching in the local congregation.The commentaries are culturally rooted, and the various applications relating to culture, society, and religious life will help those involved in cross-cultural evangelism and mission work. There is no direct equivalent to the ICNT, and hence this is the first Indian commentary serving India, the entire subcontinent--India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka--and the world.The ICNT is an affordable evangelical commentary series written by respected academics in everyday language, providing a well-informed meaning of the New Testament and practical reflections for modern India.

Global Warning

Book Description

Combines ancient Bible prophecies with current events to reveal the signs that serve as a global warning that predicts the end of the world.

ICNT: Acts of the Apostles

Book Description

The ICNT series aims to give a well-informed exposition of the meaning of the text and relevant reflections in everyday language for today’s Indian context. The intended audience is the theological seminary or bible college, both students and faculty. However, the commentaries are also suitable for pastors and lay people with an interest in theology. The commentaries are culturally-rooted and the various applications relating to culture, society and religious life will help those involved in cross-cultural evangelism and mission work. There is no direct equivalent of the ICNT and hence this will be the first Indian commentary series serving India, and hopefully the entire subcontinent—India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Battering States

Book Description

Battering States explores the most personal part of people's lives as they intersect with a uniquely complex state system. The book examines how statecraft shapes domestic violence: how a state defines itself and determines what counts as a family; how a state establishes sovereignty and defends its borders; and how a state organizes its legal system and forges its economy. The ethnography includes stories from people, places, and perspectives not commonly incorporated in domestic violence studies, and, in doing so, reveals the transformation of intimate partner violence from a predictable form of marital trouble to a publicly recognized social problem. The politics of domestic violence create novel entry points to understanding how, although women may be vulnerable to gender-based violence, they do not necessarily share the same kind of belonging to the state. This means that markers of identity and power, such as gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion and religiosity, and socio-economic and geographic location, matter when it comes to safety and pathways to justice. The study centers on Israel, where a number of factors bring connections between the cultural politics of the state and domestic violence into stark relief: the presence of a contentious multinational and multiethnic population; competing and overlapping sets of religious and civil laws; a growing gap between the wealthy and the poor; and the dominant presence of a security state in people's everyday lives. The exact combination of these factors is unique to Israel, but they are typical of states with a diverse population in a time of globalization. In this way, the example of Israel offers insights wherever the political and personal impinge on one another.

Ocular Circulation and Neovascularization

Book Description

Neovascularization isanormalphaseoftissue repair mechanlsm. In theeye, however, sproutingofnewvessels withinavasculartissuesandtheirgreatertendencytobleed havedetrimentaleffectsonvision. Diabeticretinopathy, corneal neovascularization, age-related macular degeneration, retinal veinocclusion, andretinopathy of prematurity are major causes of blindness. In all, uncontrolled proliferationofnewvesselsistheunderlying pathologicalcauseleadingtotheinexorablelossofvision. Development of lasertechnologiesandtheir wide use in ophthalmology have broughtsomehopeforthetreqtment of these diseases. However, itbecameevident that direct closureofthenewvesselsand/orablationoflargepartsof thetissuearenotidealsolutionstotheproblem. Recent advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering have fosteredbasic knowledge regarding the growth factors and intercellular messengers and their association with theproliferationofnew blood vessels. These latter findings sparked a renewed interest in Michaelson's "X-factor" ofocular neovascularization and opened avenues for possible innovative therapeutic approaches. Therefore, the suggestion to organize an international gathering of clinicians and scientists interested in problems of ocular circulation and neovascularization was received with great enthusiasm. Unanimously, it wasdecidedtodedicatethe symposium to Professor I.C. Michaelson, theinnovativescientist, the greatclinician, theindefatigableteacher, andaboveall, thewonderfulhumanbeing. The meeting was highlighted by the outstanding atmosphere of friendshipandscientif·ic exchanges. This book mirrors the information delivered and includes a selectionofpapersfromthescientificprogram. Theorganizationofthismeetingandthepublicationof thebookwouldnothavebeenpossiblewithouttheharmonious teameffortsmadebytheInternational, ScientificandLocal Committees. I am thankful tothe chairpersons of the varioussessionsfortheirtime, keeninterestandendeavor for the realizationofahighscientific level. I also deeplyacknowledgethehelpand & upportofArnallPatz, Bob Murphy, BertGlaser, RobertFrank, LarryHjelmeland, Gordon Klintworth, Neville Welsh, Charles Riva, Alec Garner, DesmondArcher, EphraimFriedman, MyronYanoff, MosheLahav, Willem Manschot, Hans-WaltherLarsenand Masanobu Uyama. The powerful stimulus of Hanan Zauberman, Steve Ryan, GabrielCoscas, GiselleSoubrane, MosheIvry, YuvalYassur and Sue and Peter Ballenwasmost instrumental in the realizationofthese"dreams". Asalways, Iwasfortunate tohavetheinvaluablecollaborationofmyloyalassistants: Evelyne Cohen, Genia Maftzir, Israel Barzel, Arieh Zelikovitch, andJudithBenEzra. Thesmoothrunningofthe meeting andtimelyeditingofthebookcouldnothave been possible without theincalculablehelp and indefatigable typing and councilofJudithFisher, whoseconded me in selectingthepapersandeditingthebook