
Book Description

K’Oben traces the Maya kitchen and its associated hardware, ingredients, and cooking styles from the earliest times for which we have archaeological evidence through today’s culinary tourism in the area. It focuses not only on what was eaten and how it was cooked, but the people involved: who grew or sourced the foods, who cooked them, who ate them. Additionally, the authors examine how Maya foodways and the people involved fit into the social system, particularly in how food is incorporated into culture, economy, and society. The authors provide a detailed literature review of hard-to-find sources including: out of print centuries old cookbooks, archaeological field notes, ethnographies and ethnohistories out of circulation and not available in English, thesis documents only available in Spanish and in university archives as well as current field research on the Maya. The more recent Maya foodways can be studied from cookbooks, ethnographies and ethnohistorical documentation. Between the two of us, we have assembled a small but representative collection of cookbooks, some self-published and rare, that were available in Merida and elsewhere in Mexico during the late 20th century. Some are quite old, and all reflect local traditional foodways. Geographically, the book concentrates on Yucatan, Tabasco and Chiapas in Mexico, but will include Pre-Classic and Classic evidence from Guatemala and El Salvador, whose foodways are influenced by Maya traditions.

Algebraic Geometry

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The Conference on Algebraic Geometry, held in Berlin 9-15 March 1988, was organised by the Sektion Mathematik of the Humboldt-Universitat. The organising committee consisted of H. Kurke, W. Kleinert, G. Pfister and M. Roczen. The Conference is one in a series organised by the Humboldt-Universitat at regular intervals of two or three years, with the purpose of providing a meeting place for mathematicians from eastern and western countries. The present volume contains elaborations of part of the lectures presented at the Conference and some articles on related subjects. All papers were subject to the regular refereeing procedure of Compositio Mathematica, and H. Kurke acted as a guest editor of this journal. The papers focus on actual themes in algebraic geometry and singularity theory, such as vector bundles, arithmetical algebraic geometry, intersection theory, moduli and Hodge theory. We are grateful to all those who, by their hospitality, their presence at the Con ference, their support or their written contributions, have made this Conference to a success. The editors Compositio Mathematica 76: viii, 1990.

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Maternal Hemodynamics

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Discover new concepts in cardiovascular and hemodynamic functionality in feto-maternal medicine, from leading experts in the field.

Ein Leben Für Die Wissenschaft

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Salomo A. Birnbaum (1891-1989) ist unbestrittener Pionier auf zwei großen, eng aufeinander bezogenen Forschungsgebieten, nämlich der historischen jiddischen Sprachwissenschaft sowie der Paläographie des Hebräischen und aller jüdischen Nachfolgesprachen: 1918 veröffentlichte er die erste wissenschaftliche Grammatik des Jiddischen (vier weitere Auflagen ab 1966); in den 20er Jahren begann er - ausgehend von dem Bedürfnis, mittelalterliche jiddische Manuskripte zu datieren und zu lokalisieren - mit seinen paläographischen Studien, die in dem Standardwerk The Hebrew Scripts (1954/57-1971) gipfelten und ihm zugleich ein weiteres Forschungsgebiet, die Vergleichung jüdischer Sprachen, eröffneten. Die vorliegende Aufsatzsammlung (teils Wiederabdrucke, teils nach bisher ungedruckten Manuskripten ediert) bildet nach Birnbaums eigenen Vorstellungen einen Querschnitt durch sein Lebenswerk. Bd. I enthält Beiträge zur jiddischen Philologie: Entstehung und Alter der Sprache, orthographische und lautliche Entwicklungen, Probleme der Umsetzung in Lateinschrift, Dialektologie, Etymologie u.a., ferner einen Überblick über die weiteren jüdischen Sprachen sowie umfangreiche Einzeluntersuchungen insbesondere zum Dzudezmo ('Jüdischspanischen') und zum Bucharischen ('Jüdischpersischen'). Die Beiträge in Bd. II dokumentieren die Entwicklung der sich etablierenden hebräischen Paläographie in den 30er bis 60er Jahren, wo Birnbaums quantitative und vergleichende Methoden sich vor allem seit 1947 an den damals aufgefundenen Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer, aber auch an Neufunden mittelalterlicher jiddischer Handschriften glänzend bewährten. Birnbaum lehrte von 1922 bis 1933 Jiddisch an der Universität Hamburg, von 1936 bis 1957 Jiddisch und hebräische Paläographie an Londoner universitären Instituten.

German Reunification and the Legacy of GDR Literature and Culture

Book Description

Since the tumultuous events of 1989/1990, writers, cultural practitioners and academics have responded to, reconstructed and reflected upon the process and enduring impact of German reunification. This bilingual volume provides a nuanced understanding of the literature and culture of the GDR and its legacy today. It explores a broad range of genres, combines perspectives on both lesser-known and more established writers, and juxtaposes academic articles with the personal reflections of those who directly experienced and engaged with the GDR from within or beyond its borders. Whether creative practitioners or academics, contributors consider the broader literary and intellectual contexts and traditions shaping GDR literature and culture in a way that enriches our understanding of reunification and its legacy. Contributors are: Deirdre Byrnes, Anna Chiarloni, Jean E. Conacher, Sabine Egger, Robert Gillett, Frank Thomas Grub, Jochen Hennig, Nick Hodgin, Frank Hörnigk, Therese Hörnigk, Gisela Holfter, Jeannine Jud, Astrid Köhler, Marieke Krajenbrink, Hannes Krauss, Reinhard Kuhnert, Katja Lange-Müller, Corina Löwe, Hugh Ridley, Kathrin Schmidt.

Akademische Monatsschrift

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American Journal of Mathematics

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The American Journal of Mathematics publishes research papers and articles of broad appeal covering the major areas of contemporary mathematics.