Platform and Collective Intelligence

Book Description

Organizations, both private and public, are now evolving in a globalized "information society" that has been accelerated by digitization. They find themselves drawn into a spiral of transformations fueled by the incessant reinvention of information and communication technologies (ICT) that are changing digital uses and practices. They transform through the mediating action of ICTs, work activities and associated action situations. Platform and Collective Intelligence analyzes a specific declination of an organization that has become irreversibly reticular: the "platform organization". The network, at the heart of this new conception, proposes a model combining cybernetics and computing. The organization can thus be seen as an interface for contact, via its information systems, for employees or citizens, whatever their geographical location. With a view going beyond technocentrism and technological determinism, this book combines collective intelligence and sociotechnics with the platform to arrive at the notion of "organizational experience".

Collective Innovation Processes

Book Description

In macro-, meso- and micro-economic systems, the concept of innovation involves a variety of resources and functions. It includes all formal and informal institutions, networks and actors that influence innovation and act as innovation boosters within companies, at the territorial level, at the level of innovation networks or in national economies. This book deals with innovation in a globalized context in terms of the entrepreneur, enterprise, territorial and sectoral systems and national systems of innovation in which collective innovation processes are formed.

Innovation and Creativity in SMEs

Book Description

In order to survive in their market and differentiate themselves from the competition, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent more than 90% of companies worldwide, need to be creative and innovative. This book presents a conceptual framework for thinking about innovation and creativity in SMEs. It takes into account their strategic relation to their environment and the economic, technological and social changes that they face. Their ability to enhance their creativity with new ideas and to legitimize them during their implementation is also taken into account

Droit d’auteur 4.0 / Copyright 4.0

Book Description

Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions consacrées au droit d’auteur à l’ère du numérique et présentées lors de la Journée de Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( organisée le 22 février 2017 à l’Université de Genève. Ces contributions sont: Blocage de sites web en droit suisse : des injonctions civiles et administratives de blocage au séquestre pénal (Yaniv Benhamou) ; Website Blocking Injunctions-a decade of development (Jo Oliver/Elena Blobel) ; Le marché numérique européen : enseignements de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et perspectives règlementaires (Jean-Michel Bruguière) ; User-generated Content and Other Digital Copyright Challenges: A North American Perspective (Ysolde Gendreau) ; Copyright in the Digital Age: A view from Asia (Wenwei Guan) ; Deep Copyright: Up - and Downstream Questions Related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) (Daniel Schoenberger).

L'âge de la multitude

Book Description

Et si nous etions devenus, sans le savoir, les principaux acteurs de l'economie numerique ? Si nos vies, nos inter-actions, nos creations etaient la source determinante de la valeur et de la croissance ? Un monde nouveau, ne de la revolution numerique, consacre le regne de milliards d'individus desormais instruits, equipes et connectes. Ensemble, ils forment une puissante multitude qui bouleverse l'ancien ordre economique et social. Loin d'etre l'affaire des seules entreprises technologiques, l'economie numerique est au contraire dominee par ceux -- entreprises, administrations, associations -- qui ont su s'allier a cette multitude. Apres la revolution numerique, l'enjeu strategique est de susciter, de recueillir et de valoriser la creativite des individus. Tel est le sens de cet essai, souvent radical et decapant, qui invite entrepreneurs et politiques a comprendre et a utiliser la valeur considerable creee par chacun d'entre nous. Cette deuxieme edition revisee est precedee d'une nouvelle preface.

The Parody Exception in Copyright Law

Book Description

Parodies have been created throughout times and cultures. A glimpse at the general judicial latitude generally afforded to parodies, satires, caricatures, and pastiches demonstrates the social and cultural value of this particular form of artistic expression. With the advent of technologies and the evolution of copyright legislation, creative endeavours in the form of parody gathered a new youth but became unlawful. While copyright law grants exclusive rights to right-holders, this right is not absolute. Legislation includes specific exceptions, which preclude right-holders from exercising their prerogatives in particular cases which foster creativity and cultural diversity within that society. The parody exception pertains to this ultimate objective by permitting users to reproduce copyright-protected materials for the purpose of parody. To understand the meaning and scope of the parody exception, this book examines and compares five jurisdictions which differ in their protection of parodies: France, Australia, Canada, the US and the United Kingdom. This book is concerned with finding an appropriate balance between the protection awarded to right-holders and the public interest. This is achieved by analysing the parody exception to the economic rights of right-holders, the preservation of moral rights and the interaction of the parody exception with contract law. As parodies constitute an artistic expression protected under the right to freedom of expression, this book also considers the influence of freedom of expression on the interpretation of this specific copyright exception. Furthermore, this book aims at providing guidance on how to resolve conflicts where fundamental rights are in conflict. This is the first book in English to offer an in-depth investigation into the parody exception in copyright law, and comments on industry practices linked to this form of creative endeavours.

Socio-Economic Approach to Management Treatise

Book Description

The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.

Building a European Public Sphere / Un Espace Public Européen en Construction

Book Description

The book edited by four known specialists of European history presents for the first time a discussion among European historians on the European public sphere since the 1950s. It treats the general perspective and deals also in special articles with the role played by the European Union, by the Council of Europe, and by national media such as television and film. The volume shows that the role of the European public sphere is often underestimated and that it is gradually becoming more influential and forceful not only in politics, but also in culture. Sous la direction de quatre spécialistes renommés de l'histoire européenne, cet ouvrage présente de façon inédite un débat entre historiens de l'Europe sur l'espace public européen et son évolution depuis les années 1950. La question est abordée dans son ensemble, mais certaines contributions traitent aussi plus spécifiquement du rôle joué par l'Union européenne, par le Conseil de l'Europe, et par les médias nationaux, comme la télévision et le cinéma. Ce volume montre que l'on a souvent sous-estimé l'espace public européen, alors que son influence est de plus en plus importante, tant au niveau politique que culturel.

User Behavior in Ubiquitous Online Environments

Book Description

As mobile technologies grow in popularity and widespread use, more and more applications—from banking software to online education—make their way to smartphones, tablets, and other such mobile devices. To be truly effective, organizations must adapt to this changing online landscape and the paradigm of anytime, anywhere access. User Behavior in Ubiquitous Online Environments explores how users interact with mobile devices and applications in an array of contexts, providing relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research on ubiquitous computing. Within this reference, researchers and professionals in fields such as computer science, information technology, education, and library science will find a detailed discussion of implementing ubiquitous technologies in a variety of organizations and situations.

Information Rules

Book Description

As one of the first books to distill the economics of information and networks into practical business strategies, this is a guide to the winning moves that can help business leaders--from writers, lawyers and finance professional to executives in the entertainment, publishing and hardware and software industries-- navigate successfully through the information economy.