La Gobernanza participativa del espacio de lo público como herramienta para disminuir desigualdades sociales urbanas

Book Description

Este trabajo explora y desarrolla la idea que desde el ámbito de la gestión urbana y desde el punto de vista de la construcción del espacio de lo público y su gobernanza, la planeación de la ciudad se entienda como una estrategia, a través de la cual se trabaja en la reducción de las desigualdades y segregaciones que el fenómeno de crecimiento moderno de las aglomeraciones urbanas acarrea, fortaleciendo, en cambio, los procesos de construcción de sociedades más productivas pero, sobre todo, más igualitarias. Entendiendo la ciudad como una construcción social y colectiva que debe ejercer como escenario donde se ejerce la ciudadanía, es decir done todos los miembros de una sociedad, en igualdad de derechos y condiciones, acceden a los servicios que esta ofrece. Se parte de una exploración dentro del contexto regional latinoamericano de herramientas socio políticas instrumentales que se han desarrollado durante los últimos años en el seno, principalmente, de las organizaciones internacionales. Así se analizan los Presupuestos Participativos, los Observatorios de Sostenibilidad el Plan Base y el City Prosperity Index, y se realiza un análisis de los postulados sobre los que se construyen estas herramientas y sobre las metodologías de trabajo que proponen. Se analizan los procesos que derivan de la utilización de dichas herramientas en, respectivamente, las ciudades de Porto Alegre (Brasil), Manizales y Pereira (Colombia), y a partir de los resultados que la puesta en práctica de las mismas hayan producido en ellas se evalúa su capacidad de fomentar procesos de participación y gobernanza en las direcciones referidas en el primer punto y aparte. Tomando como prisma de análisis el marco teórico bajo el que nace el City Prosperity Index, CPI, de UN-Habitat, y teniendo presentes los resultados analizados, se evalúa la vigencia y capacidad de ajuste de dichas herramientas para ser instrumentos de trabajo frente a los retos que, dentro la contexto teórico del CPI, tendrán que enfrentar las ciudades del siglo XXI que acepten el reto de construir su desarrollo humano sostenible, su Prosperidad.

Health Equity Through Intersectoral Action

Book Description

"This case study synthesis is a product of a larger collaborative undertaking of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and was contracted and funded by PHAC"--Page i.

Governing the Metropolis

Book Description

This book explores key metropolitan management issues, presents practical principles of good governance as they apply to the metropolis, and unfolds cases of institutional and programmatic arrangements to tackle such issues.

Intersectoral Governance for Health in All Policies

Book Description

"Health 2020 is the new health policy framework of the WHO European Region. The policy aims at significantly improving the health and well-being of populations, reducing health inequalities, strengthening public health and ensuring sustainable people-centred health systems. Health 2020 is for the whole of government and the whole of society. It envisages actions and outcomes well beyond the boundaries of the health sector and beyond the remit of the ministry of health. Health 2020 therefore proposes reaching out and working together with other ministries, departments, sectors, organizations, stakeholders and civil society organizations. Health 2020 also proposes reaching out to, and working together with, citizens, patients and consumers, providing more opportunities for empowerment. Progress towards all these goals will be achieved by policy action in four areas: investing in health through a life-course approach and empowering citizens; tackling Europe's major disease burdens of noncommunicable and communicable diseases; strengthening people-centred health systems and public health capacities, including preparedness and response capacity for dealing with emergencies; and creating supportive environments and resilient communities. This volume presents in a practical way an analysis of how to reach out and work together. It focuses and gives clear advice on intersectoral governance structures that can facilitate intersectoral action. It is hoped that the volume will help WHO Member States assess and revise their practices of intersectoral collaboration, and inspire new ways of reaching out and working together. We also hope that it will encourage the exchange of good practices between countries. The book was developed in parallel with Health 2020 and it has continuously informed the technical consultations with Member States and experts that have taken place over the last two years. It comes as part of a package of studies that has provided scientific background to the development of Health 2020, including a study on governance for health in the 21st century and a review of social determinants and the health divide, both of which also provide examples on how to implement whole-of-society and whole-of-government approaches."--P. [ix].

The OECD Innovation Strategy Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow

Book Description

This book provides a set of principles for fostering innovation in people (workers and consumers), in firms and in government, taking an in-depth look at the scope of innovation and how it is changing, as well as where and how it is occurring.

The North American Mosaic

Book Description

The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

Health Assets in a Global Context

Book Description

As global health inequities continue to widen, policymakers are redoubling their efforts to address them. Yet the effectiveness and quality of these programs vary considerably, sometimes resulting in the reverse of expected outcomes. While local political issues or cultural conflicts may play a part in these situations, an important new book points to a universal factor: the prevailing deficit model of assessing health needs, which puts disadvantaged communities on the defensive while ignoring their potential strengths. The asset model proposed in Health Assets in a Global Context International Health and Development offers a necessary complement to the problem-focused framework by assessing multiple levels of health-promoting aspects in populations, and promoting joint solutions between communities and outside agencies. The book provides not only rationales and methodologies (e.g., measuring resilience and similar elusive qualities) but also concrete examples of asset-based initiatives in use across the world on the individual and community levels.


Book Description

National information needs on forests have grown considerably in recent years, evolving from forest area and growing stock information to key aspects of sustainable forest management, such as the role of forests in the conservation of biodiversity and the provision of other ecosystem services. More recently, information on changes in carbon stocks, socio-economic aspects including the contribution to livelihoods and poverty reduction, governance and broader land use issues has become critical for national planning.

Governance for Health in the 21st Century

Book Description

A range of collaborative governance mechanisms has developed in many policy arenas in the past decade. The study on governance for health in the 21st century tracks governance innovations that have been introduced to address priority determinants of health and summarizes them as five strategic approaches to smart governance for health. The study relates the emergence of joint action of the health sector and non-health sectors, of public and private actors and of citizens to achieve seminal changes in 21st-century societies. They include a new understanding of health and well-being as key features of what constitutes a successful society and vibrant economy and the higher value placed on equity and participation. The study further describes the type of structures and mechanisms that enable collaboration and outlines the new role that health ministers and ministries and public health agencies need to adopt in such a challenging policy environment.