La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1999-1

Book Description

WTO, OMC, these abbreviations are now well known throughout the world and the organization contained in these three-letter acronyms has become a principal actor in international relations – economic and other. Everyone knows that a large part of its impact in international society comes from a revolutionary dispute settlement mechanism (DSM) that forms part of the World Trade Organization. More than 330 claims have been deposited in ten years, of which 115 led to reports of ad hoc panels and more than half of those led to a report of the Appellate Body. This bilingual volume is only the fourth volume in a series, which has the ambition to present the “jurisprudence” of this new mechanism, in a simple, coherent and systematic fashion. It is the result of intense cooperation between the two editors, and it is hoped to become a major reference work for all interested in the jurisprudence of the WTO and more generally in the regulation of economic relations with respect to international trade and all its multiple implications on the daily life of everyone. OMC, WTO, ces sigles sont aujourd’hui mondialement connus, et l’Organisation qu’ils désignent est devenue un acteur principal des relations internationales – économiques et autres. Chacun sait désormais qu’une grande partie de son impact dans la société internationale vient du mécanisme de règlement des différends (MRD) tout à fait révolutionnaire qu’incorpore l’Organisation mondiale du commerce. Plus de 330 plaintes ont été déposées en dix ans, dont 115 ont donné lieu à des rapports d'un Groupe spécial, et pour plus de la moitié d’entre eux à un rapport de l’Organe d’appel. Ce présent volume bilingue n'est que le quatrième d'une série d'ouvrages ayant pour ambition de présenter la «jurisprudence » de ce nouveau mécanisme de façon simple, cohérente et systématique. Il constitue le fruit d'efforts concertés que les deux éditeurs, associés à cette entreprise collective de grande envergure, espèrent voir devenir une référence incontournable pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la jurisprudence de l’OMC et plus largement à la régulation des relations économiques en matière de commerce international, avec toutes ses implications multiformes sur la vie quotidienne de chacun d’entre nous.

La Jurisprudence de L'OMC/ the Case-Law of the WTO

Book Description

Annotation. This bilingual volume is the fourth in a series, which has the ambition to present the "jurisprudence" of the WTO, in a simple, coherent and systematic fashion. Ce volume est le quatrieme d'une serie d'ouvrages ayant pour ambition de presenter la jurisprudence de l'OMC, de facon simple, coherente et systematique.

The Case-Law of the WTO / La jurisprudence de l'OMC, 1999-2

Book Description

This unique series offers the reader a comprehensive, bilingual analysis on a case-by-case basis of the jurisprudence of the WTO. Each case study contains: a synopsis and details of the case in question, and important bibliographical references; these are followed by a summary of the facts and procedure, claims of the parties, findings of the panel, issues raised in the appeal, conclusions of the appellate body and scholarly observations. Each case is analyzed by a different scholar in the field, so as to ensure the involvement in the series of the widest range of (English and French speaking) scholars and practitioners. This approach to the case-law gives the reader a complete and objective account of the reasoning of the dispute resolution mechanism, including numerous quotes (in italics when they are extracted from the case in question, for ease of reference), while at the same time offering a critical perspective, which analyses the reasoning adopted and places it in a global perspective. The volumes are organized chronologically, and the cases of a particular year are usually covered in two consecutive volumes. Cette série unique d'ouvrages – en anglais et en français – a pour ambition de présenter au lecteur la « jurisprudence » de l’OMC de façon simple, cohérente et systématique. Chaque article obéit à une grille de lecture et contient ainsi le synopsis et les détails de l’espèce ainsi que de nombreuses références bibliographiques. Puis, après un bref rappel des faits et de la procédure, de la demande des parties, des conclusions du groupe spécial et de l’Organe d’appel, une rubrique « Observations » présente une approche critique de l’affaire. Les contributeurs sont aussi bien des universitaires que des praticiens, des francophones que des anglophones, avec la volonté éditoriale de tirer parti de tous les savoir-faire. Il y a aussi le souci d’aborder chaque affaire selon une double approche : d’une part, rendre compte fidèlement des raisonnements adoptés par les organes du mécanisme de règlement des différends, avec de nombreuses citations (en italiques lorsqu’elles sont extraites de l’affaire commentée) ; d’autre part, examiner ces raisonnements de la façon la plus complète et la plus objective en les replaçant dans une perspective d’évolution globale. Chaque volume est ordonné de manière chronologique, et, sauf exception, les affaires de chaque année sont traitées en deux volumes consécutifs.

La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1996-1997

Book Description

WTO, OMC, these abbreviations are now well known throughout the world and the organization contained in these three-letter acronyms has become a principal actor in international relations – economic and other. Everyone knows that a large part of its impact in the international society comes from a revolutionary mechanism of dispute settlement (DSM) that forms part of the World Trade Organization. More than 250 claims have been deposited in seven years, of which sixty led to a report of an ad hoc panel and the majority of those led to a report of the Appellate Body. This bilingual volume is the first in a series, which has the ambition to present the “jurisprudence” of this new mechanism, in a simple, coherent and systematic fashion. It is the result of intense cooperation between the two editors, and it is hoped to become a major reference work for all interested in the jurisprudence of the WTO and more general in the regulation of economic relations with respect to international commerce and all its multiple implications on daily matters. OMC, WTO, ces sigles sont aujourd’hui mondialement connus, et l’Organisation qu’ils désignent est devenue un acteur principal des relations internationales – économiques et autres. Chacun sait désormais qu’une grande partie de son impact dans la société internationale vient du mécanisme de règlement des différends (MRD) tout à fait révolutionnaire qu’ incorpore l’Organisation mondiale du commerce. Plus de 250 plaintes ont été déposées en sept ans et qu’un peu plus de 60 d’entre elles ont donné lieu à un rapport d'un Groupe spécial, voire pour une majorité d’entre elles à un rapport de l’Organe d’appel. Ce présent volume bilingue n'est que le premier d'une série d'ouvrages ayant pour ambition de présenter la « jurisprudence » de ce nouveau mécanisme de façon simple, cohérente et systématique. Il constitue le fruit d'efforts concertés que les deux éditeurs, associés à cette entreprise collective de grande envergure, espèrent voir devenir une référence incontournable pour tous ceux qui s’intéresseront à la jurisprudence de l’OMC et plus largement à la régulation des relations économiques en matière de commerce international, avec toutes ses implications multiformes sur la vie quotidienne de chacun d’entre nous.

La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1998-1

Book Description

Praise for volume 1: "[...] The authors have taken advantage of the retrospection inherent in this volume to provide perspective that may not be available in the instant commentaries. Thus, the bilingual volume will be useful both to readers needing a quick summary of a WTO decision and to specialists seeking to trace through the development of the rapidly evolving WTO jurisprudence." - Steve Charnovitz, in: The American Journal of International Law, Volume 98

La Jurisprudence De L'omc/ the Case-law of the Wto

Book Description

This bilingual volume is the third in a series, which has the ambition to present the "jurisprudence" of the WTO, in a simple, coherent and systematic fashion.

Le contentieux de la mise en conformité dans le règlement des différends de l'O.M.C. / Adjudicating Compliance in the WTO Dispute Settlement System

Book Description

Le mécanisme de règlement des différends de l’O.M.C. se distingue des autres juridictions internationales en ce qu’il comporte un ensemble sophistiqué de procédures spécifiquement et exclusivement destinées à traiter les désaccords pouvant surgir au cours de l’exécution de l’obligation qui résulte pour un Membre de la décision juridictionnelle qui déclare sa responsabilité. Leur existence même et la façon dont les organes de jugement s’acquittent de leur mission témoignent de ce que l’exécution des obligations résultant des actes juridictionnels dans l’ordre international n’échappe pas fatalement au droit. Ainsi, le système de l’O.M.C. exprime mais aussi réalise une ambition singulière en droit international : renforcer la garantie de la légalité en habilitant la juridiction à encadrer, contrôler, et, en définitive, participer à assurer l’exécution de ses propres décisions. The WTO dispute settlement system has created a sophisticated set of procedures designed with the sole purpose of dealing with all disagreements that can arise between the parties during the implementation process. The very existence of these procedures, and the manner in which the adjudicative bodies accomplish their task, give evidence of the fact that compliance with judgments in the international legal order does not inevitably lie outside the realm of the law. The WTO system thereby expresses but also fulfills a strong ambition, unique when considered through the lens of international law: strengthening the rule of law by vesting the adjudicative bodies with the task of supervising, reviewing, and ultimately contributing to inducing and enforcing compliance with their own judgments.

WTO - World Economic Order, World Trade Law

Book Description

Since its foundation in 1995, the World Trade Organization, with its extensive legal provisions, has been defining the world trade relations and also had an enormous impact on both European and national economic law. At the same time, the WTO is perceived within the political discussion as a symbol for the world trade relations as a whole, the challenges of globalization and justice of the world trade order. Due to the expansion, consolidation and the increased enforcement of its rules, the relevance of the World Trade Organization will continue to increase. This book describes the institutional system, the basic principles and the vast variety of rules of the World Trade Organization. It aims at clarifying the structures and the general concepts, in order to enable the reader to get a better understanding of the issues at stake in many of the discussions and controversies on world trade.

Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 30 Years on

Book Description

Interpretation has always had a prominent place in international adjudication, yet its role has been further enhanced during the last few decades with the expansion of the regulatory range of international law and the proliferation of international judicial bodies. In such a diverse new world and celebrating the 30 years since the entry into force of the VCLT, this Volume on Treaty Interpretation attempts a much needed re-examination of the issues of treaty interpretation. In the first part of this Volume the authors focus on the VCLT itself and examine the nature of interpretation and the normative content of the relevant provisions. In the second and third parts of the Volume the analysis turns to the characteristics of treaty interpretation as applied within two of the most important sectors of international law i.e. that of trade and investment law on the one hand and of human rights on the other. Such a two-tiered approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the content and function of the principles of interpretation as enshrined in Articles 31-33 of the VCLT.

Environmental Process and Production Methods (PPMs) in WTO Law

Book Description

This book examines the conditions under which PPM measures may be adopted under WTO law de lege lata and de lege ferenda. It analyses in detail the complex case law in this field and its evolution in the last 25 years, as well as the many doctrinal debates around PPM measures and their relevance in the light of the evolution of case law, both under the GATT and the TBT Agreement. Further, it also suggests an original approach to the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the GATT and the TBT Agreement in the context of PPM measures. The PPM issue has been one of the most debated topics in the trade and environment debate. Even though the US–Shrimp case showed that PPM measures are not prohibited per se under the GATT, many questions remain unanswered when it comes to the precise conditions under which environmental PPM measures are justifiable under WTO law, for example in the field of trade measures relating to climate change mitigation efforts, natural resources management policies and biodiversity conservation measures.