Public Policy and Public Morality

Book Description

The book deals with two very important but imprecise terms in contemporary law, namely public policy and public morality. It is commendable that such a comprehensive work about general clauses has been prepared. They are the elements of the common good which refers directly to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The aim of these clauses is to protect the integrity of Polish legal order and the reason why they are applied boils down to the public interest. The clauses refer to the extralegal criteria of a moral, economic or political nature. That is why, for a legal practice, it appears vital that experts contribute to the clarification of their content and meaning as a legal categories. No less important is entrusting or leaving this task to the courts and other legal bodies. These efforts serve to ensure necessary flexibility in applying, in particular, the public policy clause – a safety valve of legal order. prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier, Jagiellonian University in Kraków The theme of the volume and the studies included in it are very interesting and important from a cognitive and applied perspective. The authors of the book represent various academic circles and different legal disciplines, whereas their conclusiveness is an essential value of the presented analyses. Dr hab. Krzysztof Motyka, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland The idea of the authors of the book to discuss the issues of “public policy” and “public morality” as legal clauses in Polish law against the background of legal solutions of the European Union and international law deserves recognition. It efficiently combines the findings of the legal doctrine and the judicial decisions which allows to view these problems not only from the theoretical and legal perspective, but also from a practical angle. The presented definitions, theoretical and legal considerations, as well as the rulings regarding the clauses of “public policy” and “public morality” constitute a starting point for the authors to formulate their own arguments and conclusions de lege lata and de lege ferenda. The authors also skillfully describe the afore-mentioned clauses and demonstrate their close relationship with constitutional axiology, emphasizing their limitative nature and homeostatic role. Dr hab. Paweł Cichoń, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 37 (2021) (VOLUME IV)

Book Description

The 2021 Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights provides an extract of the principal jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Part One contains the Decisions on the Merits of the Commission, and Part Two the Judgments and Decisions of the Court. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. Some parts are in English or Spanish only. NB: This book is part of a four volume set. Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-90-04-51185-9 Vol. 2 ISBN: 978-90-04-51187-3 Vol. 3 ISBN: 978-90-04-53773-6 Vol. 4 ISBN: 978-90-04-53775-0

Book Description

Digital Work and Personal Data Protection

Book Description

This book gathers contributions related to the most pressing problems and challenges that new information and communications technologies (ICT) and digital platforms introduce into the labour market, and the impact they have on the way that people work, their rights and even their health and dignity. In addition, there are also chapters studying personal data protection, which is currently a topic of maximum interest due to the New European Regulation about it. The contributors here are drawn from around the world, with several countries represented, such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia and Venezuela. The book will appeal lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (6) and Portuguese (4).

Memoria: Docente por primera vez

Book Description

Testimonio y modelo de una memoria de prácticas docentes en un centro de educación secundaria para la especialidad de Matemáticas.

Derechos, Libertades y Sociedad de la Información

Book Description

Los vertiginosos avances que en muy pocas décadas han alcanzado las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a facilitar la comunicación entre las personas y el flujo de informaciones, y muy en particular el espectacular desarrollo que ha tenido internet desde su creación relativamente reciente, plantean retos complejos y novedosos a nuestras sociedades, desde los más diversos puntos de vista. La presente obra colectiva pretende dar al lector una perspectiva multidisciplinaria de los retos arriba mencionados.