Los mitos vascos

Book Description

Veinticinco años después de la publicación de su exitosa obra El matriarcalismo vasco , avalada por el propio J. M. Barandiarán, Andrés Ortiz-Osés vuelve a plantear aquí el tema de los mitos vascos desde la distancia que confiere la experiencia. La metodología es la hermenéutica simbólica y la mitología comparada, aportando una interpretación sistemática de la cosmovisión tradicional vasca de forma inteligible y sin forzarla. En este libro se dan cita los arquetipos fundamentales (la Tierra madre, la diosa Mari...), así como las leyendas (Kixmi, López de Haro...), el Carnaval y la pelota... La obra se cierra con una consideración sobre el Animismo, el paso de la caverna al templo y al museo (Guggenheim), y la mitología actual.

Cuentos de la mitología vasca

Book Description

Una selección de cuentos de la riqueza folclórica que surgen del mundo montañoso y enigmático del País Vasco. Relatos fantásticos y atrayentes son los que integran este libro; historias que no hace mucho tiempo todavía contaban los ancianos en los caseríos, transmitidas de boca en boca desde tiempos ancestrales.

Views of Women's Lives in Western Tradition

Book Description

This collection of essays explores the status of women as viewed in Western literature, philosophy and the performing arts.

ETA's Terrorist Campaign

Book Description

This book analyses the rise and decline of the Basque terrorist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA, Basque Homeland and Freedom). ETA declared a unilateral ceasefire in November 2011, bringing to a close a campaign of political violence that started in the late 1960s. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, the overwhelming majority of secession supporters agreed that an independent Basque homeland would be realised through ‘ballots’ and not ‘bullets’. Providing an inter-disciplinary overview of radical Basque nationalism that pays special attention to the drivers for ETA’s decline, defeat and disbandment, this book includes chapters by historians, political scientists and sociologists who offer three important theoretical and empirical contributions to the literature on nationhood and security studies. Firstly the book re-assesses the military conflict that opposed ETA and the Spanish state, by paying special attention to tactical and strategic considerations as well as the counter-terrorist policy itself. Secondly it provides an original interpretation of the politics of fear which surrounded the process of victimization, as well as assessing the extent to which the issue of violence led to the polarisation of citizens. Thirdly the authors examine the historical narratives and rituals that contributed to the production and reproduction of identity binaries and memories of war. Arguing that the defeat of ETA must be contextualised within the strategic evolution of Basque nationalism, the declining resonance of the radical message and the effectiveness of the Spanish counter-terrorist effort, this book is essential reading for students and scholars working in the areas of European politics, nationalism and terrorism studies.

The Contestation of Patriarchy in Luis Martín-Santos' Work

Book Description

This book proposes that Spanish author Luis Martín-Santos’ work focuses on the effects of patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity on men, to actively contribute to freeing both men and women from the yoke of patriarchy. It aims for a new resonance of Luis Martín-Santos. It analyzes the influence of Heidegger, Freud and Sartre in Martín-Santos’ psychiatric essays and his fictional works: the novel Tiempo de silencio (Time of Silence), the collection of short stories Apólogos, and the posthumous fragment Tiempo de destrucción (Time of Destruction). It demonstrates that alongside the political critique of Franco’s dictatorship, Martín-Santos’ creative writings are an attempt to destroy the prevalent masculine myths of Western patriarchy, and a proposal to create new myths for the future.