Agencies of the Frame

Book Description

Agencies of the Frame: Tectonic Strategies in Cinema and Architecture aims to explore parallel approaches to the conceptualisation and composition of place, space, time, materiality and narrative in cinematographic and architectural practices. Beyond drawing useful implications for design, the book investigates a range of themes to mobilise a reconsideration of cinema and architecture as non-representational practices. It suggests that films and buildings can be read and designed as assemblages not directed to the formal expression of meaning, but to the framing of strategic and enabling conditions of emergent sense, realised within the tectonic and material conditions of the cinematic and the architectural as such. Succinct analyses of precedents in film, music, painting and architecture are used to foreground tectonic and compositional characteristics related to spatiality, temporality and narrative that are transferable across disciplines and practices. The thematic framework of the book engages theoretical material by Heidegger, Simondon, Deleuze, Nancy, Agamben and Stiegler. Classical modernist and postmodernist films by Dreyer, Antonioni, Hitchcock, Godard, Paradjanov, Tarkovski, Herzog, Lynch and Heneke are analysed side by side with important traditional, modernist and contemporary buildings, including works by Corbusier, Scarpa, Lewerentz, Zumthor and Markli. Illustrated with drawings and photographs by the author, the book should be of interest to practitioners and students of art, design, cinema and the built environment who wish to expand the creative scope and resonance of their work.

Inside Anthropotechnology

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For the last 40 years, anthropotechnology has concentrated its efforts on the study and improvement of the working and living conditions of populations throughout the world. It guides the actors of the design processes by paying attention to the “human factor”: its social, cultural and environmental components. It therefore values a conception of techniques that respect people and their ways of thinking and acting in specific contexts. This book introduces the reader to design dynamics that combine often conflicting sets of competencies, but that are always anxious to respond to the contexts of the field.

The Quarterly Review

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Quarterly Review

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Pierre Nicole, Jansenist and Humanist

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The present study had its origins long ago in a doctorate thesis presented at the University of Cambridge. The work has been considerably enlarged in scope, if not in bulk, but has always been conceived as a whole. Nicole's thought is, in any case, remarkably coherent. I make use of articles of mine published in French Studies for April 1960 and July 1967, and my thanks are due to the General Editor of that journal for permission to do so. lowe a great debt of gratitude to Dr M. G. Wallas, who guided my researches in the early years. The penetration and lucidity of her criticism were equalled only by her kindness and patience. To Mr N. J. Abercrom bie, who had himself worked on Nicole for a number of years, I am deeply grateful for the gift of books, notes and analyses. Probably every section of this study owes something to his work, hints of the importance of the influence on Nicole of St Fran~ois de Sales proving particularly fruitful. One of the most pleasant moments in the course of my researches was spent at the Rijksarchief in Utrecht, to the staff of which, and to Dr AJ. van de Yen, Keeper of the Archives of the Oud-Bisschoppelijke Clerezij, I am much indebted for their kind help. May 1971 E. D. J.

Transparent Minds

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This book investigates the entire spectrum of techniques for portraying the mental lives of fictional characters in both the stream-of-consciousness novel and other fiction. Each chapter deals with one main technique, illustrated from a wide range of nineteenth- and twentieth-century fiction by writers including Stendhal, Dostoevsky, James, Mann, Kafka, Joyce, Proust, Woolf, and Sarraute.

An Inquiry Into Modes of Existence

Book Description

In a new approach to philosophical anthropology, Bruno Latour offers answers to questions raised in We Have Never Been Modern: If not modern, what have we been, and what values should we inherit? An Inquiry into Modes of Existence offers a new basis for diplomatic encounters with other societies at a time of ecological crisis.


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