Learning Mechanisms in Food Selection

Book Description

The articles in this volume are collected from a ground-breaking symposium held at Baylor University. They are organized under the topics of Comparative Perspectives, The Development of Food Preferences, Food Aversion Learning, Long-Delay Learning, Non-Gustatory Aspects of Food Aversion Learning, and Pharmacological Aspects of Food Aversion Learning.

Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection

Book Description

Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection examines animals belonging to diverse trophic groups, from carnivores, herbivores, micro-algal grazers, to filter-feeders and detritus-feeders. In the past Optimal Foraging Theory has been applied to all these groups, but in different ways and in disci plines that rarely overlap. Here concepts and developments hitherto scattered in the literature are drawn together. This uniquely broad synthesis captures the state of the art in the study of diet selection and prescribes new objectives in theoretical development and research.

Mechanisms of Learning and Motivation

Book Description

This volume consists of a series of chapters honoring a Polish psychologist and neurophysiologist who died in 1973. Although his name was familiar to all of the contributors, many had had no personal contact with him and had gained acquaintance with his ideas only through his publications.

Social Learning

Book Description

Many animals, including humans, acquire valuable skills and knowledge by copying others. Scientists refer to this as social learning. It is one of the most exciting and rapidly developing areas of behavioral research and sits at the interface of many academic disciplines, including biology, experimental psychology, economics, and cognitive neuroscience. Social Learning provides a comprehensive, practical guide to the research methods of this important emerging field. William Hoppitt and Kevin N. Lala define the mechanisms thought to underlie social learning and demonstrate how to distinguish them experimentally in the laboratory. They present techniques for detecting and quantifying social learning in nature, including statistical modeling of the spatial distribution of behavior traits. They also describe the latest theory and empirical findings on social learning strategies, and introduce readers to mathematical methods and models used in the study of cultural evolution. This book is an indispensable tool for researchers and an essential primer for students. Provides a comprehensive, practical guide to social learning research Combines theoretical and empirical approaches Describes techniques for the laboratory and the field Covers social learning mechanisms and strategies, statistical modeling techniques for field data, mathematical modeling of cultural evolution, and more

Evolution and Learning

Book Description

First published in 1987. Evolutionary theory and learning theory have for a long time developed in quite separate traditions. The purpose of this book is partly to celebrate new developments in the two theories by displaying some of the work of this new breed of scholar. It is the editors’ hope that they can encourage others to look more carefully at the mechanisms that make learning an evolutionary consideration and evolution a learning theory consideration.

Food Aversion Learning

Book Description

During the past 10 years, the study of learned aversions to foods has become one of the most' 'popular" areas of research in animal psychology. Learned aversions to foods are typically produced in the laboratory by first allowing an animal to eat (or drink) some distinctively novel substance and then making the animal' 'ill" in some way, most frequently by either giving it an injection of some "illness" -producing drug such as lithium chloride or by exposing it to a toxic dose of radiation. When an animal that has been treated in this way is subsequently given another opportunity to ingest the same or a similar substance, one usually observes that it will either totally avoid ingesting the substance or that it will consume less of it than a control animal that was not made ill after previously consuming the same substance. This form of learning has attracted the interest of many researchers because there are two apparently striking differences in the acquisition of food aversions and the acquisition of other types of associative learning.

Pediatric Food Preferences and Eating Behaviors

Book Description

Pediatric Food Preferences and Eating Behaviors reviews scientific works that investigate why children eat the way they do and whether eating behaviors are modifiable. The book begins with an introduction and historical perspective, and then delves into the development of flavor preferences, the role of repeated exposure and other types of learning, the effects of modeling eating behavior, picky eating, food neophobia, and food selectivity. Other sections discuss appetite regulation, the role of reward pathways, genetic contributions to eating behaviors, environmental influences, cognitive aspects, the development of loss of control eating, and food cognitions and nutrition knowledge. Written by leading researchers in the field, each chapter presents basic concepts and definitions, methodological issues pertaining to measurement, and the current state of scientific knowledge as well as directions for future research.

Advances in the Study of Behavior

Book Description

Advances in the Study of Behavior

Food Choice, Acceptance and Consumption

Book Description

The role of the human senses in food acceptance, the socio-cultural context of eating and food choice, what animal research tells us about human eating, the developments of childresns eating habits, what does abnormal eating tell us about normal eating, the contextual basis for food acceptanc, food choice and food intake, marketing and consumer behaviour with respect to foods, economic influences on food choice, food choice,mood and mental performance, attitudes and belifs inf food habits, dietary change.

Aversion, Avoidance, and Anxiety

Book Description

Based on a conference held at the University of Umea, Sweden, these papers discuss the scientific status of the field of aversive learning from historical, affective, clinical, neurobiological, cognitive, neuroethological, and conceptual perspectives. Aversion, Avoidance, Anxiety carries readers through the history of the field's development, looks at the current state of progress, and discusses future research and therapeutic possibilities. The editors provide introductions to each chapter containing both timely information and background data to help readers systhesize and assimilate the information.