Les systèmes d’innovation dans les économies émergentes

Book Description

La série Smart innovation présente les thèmes liés à la dynamique technologique, entrepreneuriale, territoriale et économique de l'innovation. Elle privilégie les approches novatrices des acteurs qui, par leurs comportements, stratégies et politiques d'innovation intelligente, modifient les modèles économiques dans une perspective de croissance durable. Largement analysés dans les économies développées, les systèmes d’innovation le sont beaucoup moins dans celles émergentes et dans les pays en développement. Le cas des MINT (Mexique, Indonésie, Nigéria, Turquie) s’avère intéressant pour définir ce qui caractérise ces économies et les distingue réellement. Les MINT ont des modèles de croissance rapide au développement laborieux. Si la littérature flatte leurs perspectives de croissance économique ou démographique, l’entrée par la voie de l’innovation démontre de nombreuses contraintes structurelles et systémiques que cet ouvrage propose d’analyser. Sur un plan théorique d’abord, Les systèmes d’innovation dans les économies émergentes traite de l’état de l’art des travaux SNI (système national d’innovation) dans les pays en développement et plus particulièrement dans les pays émergents. Puis sur un plan empirique, il analyse l’hétérogénéité de ces SNI dans les MINT et le réel potentiel de ces derniers dans une trajectoire à long terme.

Collective Innovation Processes

Book Description

In macro-, meso- and micro-economic systems, the concept of innovation involves a variety of resources and functions. It includes all formal and informal institutions, networks and actors that influence innovation and act as innovation boosters within companies, at the territorial level, at the level of innovation networks or in national economies. This book deals with innovation in a globalized context in terms of the entrepreneur, enterprise, territorial and sectoral systems and national systems of innovation in which collective innovation processes are formed.

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Peru 2011

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Peru, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices on how to improve policies that affect innovation performance, including R&D policies.

Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development

Book Description

The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development explores the theories and approaches which, over a prolonged period of time, have existed as viable alternatives to today’s mainstream and neo-classical tenets. With a total of 40 specially commissioned chapters, written by the foremost authorities in their respective fields, this volume represents a landmark in the field of economic development. It elucidates the richness of the alternative and sometimes misunderstood ideas which, in different historical contexts, have proved to be vital to the improvement of the human condition. The subject matter is approached from several complementary perspectives. From a historical angle, the Handbook charts the mercantilist and cameralist theories that emerged from the Renaissance and developed further during the Enlightenment. From a geographical angle, it includes chapters on African, Chinese, Indian, and Muslim approaches to economic development. Different schools are also explored and discussed including nineteenth century US development theory, Marxist, Schumpeterian, Latin American structuralism, regulation theory and world systems theories of development. In addition, the Handbook has chapters on important events and institutions including The League of Nations, The Havana Charter, and UNCTAD, as well as on particularly influential development economists. Contemporary topics such as the role of finance, feminism, the agrarian issue, and ecology and the environment are also covered in depth. This comprehensive Handbook offers an unrivalled review and analysis of alternative and heterodox theories of economic development. It should be read by all serious scholars, teachers and students of development studies, and indeed anyone interested in alternatives to development orthodoxy.

The Globalizing Learning Economy

Book Description

This volume analyses some of the major current trends and policy challenges in the 'new economy' from the point of view of technical innovation and competence building. It brings together the leading European expertise on different topics in this field. Together the authors give a picture of the most dramatic new challenges in a world where competition is becoming increasingly knowledge-based and global. Why has the US economy been able to realise a so-called new economy based on the effective exploitation of information technology while Europe still suffers from chronic high rates of unemployment? How is it that contemporary economic systems have become more knowledge-intensive but social inequality, both within and across countries, is increasing? The contributors to this volume share the belief that knowledge is a fundamental component of economic growth and welfare. However, the ways in which knowledge is transmitted and distributed among economic agents requires shaping by public policies. The individual chapters report on the most significant policies adopted and assess them in the light of the European experience in comparison with the United States and Japan.

Entrepreneurship and Development

Book Description

In analyzing the complex link between entrepreneurship, innovation and development in the context of the emerging world, this book offers a holistic reading of this triptych based on a theoretical foundation that is itself subject to controversy: the national system of innovative entrepreneurship. The “emerging” nature of the studied countries provides specific insights, and allows the theoretical developments to be fine-tuned to the current issues. In a context that makes competitive advantages transient, emerging markets can provide a real test case for responding in a structural and innovative way to social and economic challenges, thus ensuring the sustainable performance of their innovative entrepreneurial system. Entrepreneurship and Development advocates for the integration of the social and cultural history of a given country within the framework of public policies, and proposes more targeted actions for innovative entrepreneurial activities. Moreover, the education system must integrate the entrepreneurial culture and foster multidisciplinarity to support the transfer of knowledge to markets.

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