Serving the Underserved

Book Description

Focusing on needs and services outside the library walls, this book outlines a fresh approach to how libraries can think about and effectively reach underserved populations. Readers will discover strategies for identifying information needs where underserved populations are and learn about many successful services, programs, and partnerships. Underserved populations frequently do not have access to a library--or they may even be unaware that they have an information need. How can we as a profession effectively reach them? This text, geared to both graduate and undergraduate LIS students as well as practicing librarians and library staff, provides contextual information on historically underserved populations as defined by the ALA Office for Diversity, Outreach, and Literacy Services (ODLOS), explores information use behaviors for these groups, and presents examples of successful strategies and programs. Readers will understand the history, background, and demographics of ALA-identified underserved population groups, which include refugees and immigrants, rural or isolated communities, historically disadvantaged racial or ethnic groups, LGBTQAI+ teens, people with mental health challenges, and those experiencing homelessness; find ideas from real-world practice for effectively serving those population groups in their community; learn about concepts such as Reijo Savolainen's everyday life information seeking (ELIS) and Elfreda Chatman's small world lives and life in the round, theories that consider how a person's circumstances affect their information needs, searching habits, and information authorities; see why misconceptions, stereotypes, and implicit biases about underserved populations can act as barriers to people accessing the information they need; be introduced to the concept of the "community information liaison," a librarian who addresses information-seeking of their community outside of the library walls; and have information about support organizations and additional resources for further learning. The text features contributed chapters from noted authorities such as Paul T. Jaeger, Ana Ndumu, Helen Chou, Bharat Mehra, Jeanie Austin, Emily Jacobson, Julie Hersberger, Carrie Scott Banks, Barbara Klipper, JJ Pionke, Nicole Dalmer, and Vanessa Kitzie, plus an afterword by Nicole A. Cooke.

Serving the Underserved

Book Description

Focusing on needs and services outside the library walls, this book outlines a fresh approach to how libraries can think about and effectively reach underserved populations. Readers will discover strategies for identifying information needs where underserved populations are and learn about many successful services, programs, and partnerships.

Productivity in the 21st Century

Book Description

Underserved Patrons in University Libraries

Book Description

This practical and research-based volume focuses on how libraries can meet the needs of underserved patrons in college and university libraries, with an emphasis on those facing trauma, abuse, and discrimination. While university libraries strive to meet the needs of all students, some groups have traditionally been overlooked. This volume engages with those underserved populations on college campuses, with an emphasis on those facing trauma, abuse, and discrimination. It brings a variety of authorial voices to discuss different aspects of that service and to share current research related to underserved populations in libraries. This combination supports research in LIS and beyond while offering concrete ways for service providers to make a difference in the lives of their patrons. Editors Skinner and Gross have both conducted extensive research in ethically meeting patron needs. They and their contributors are keenly aware of the complex and interwoven considerations that inform such service, such as patron desire for confidentiality accompanied by an urgent need for assistance. This volume is committed to sharing diverse voices in the field and to exploring the interrelationship between theoretical findings and practical applications—all in the service of underserved patrons.

Librarians Serving Diverse Populations

Book Description

A qualitative and quantitative assessment and research study of the paths and experiences of librarians whose duties include serving diverse cultures. Through surveys, interviews, and evaluation of documents, the author explores issues and challenges raised by the results of the research study. Mestre provides recommendations for improvements to curricula and training at Library Schools, for libraries seeking someone to fill positions such as diversity librarian positions, for follow-up training and support after librarians are hired and for how to strengthen diversity efforts. Also included are two chapters that provide guidance for getting started as a liaison for diversity and cross-cultural efforts in academic libraries. This book is the first such research study in academic librarianship.

A Librarian's Guide to Engaging Families in Learning

Book Description

Public libraries can increase their impact on knowledge development, innovation, and social change by promoting parent and family engagement in children's learning. Libraries are increasingly focusing on families. Educational research confirms that family engagement in children's learning and development predicts school readiness, positive social behaviors, high school graduation, interest in STEM careers, and post-secondary education. A Librarian's Guide to Engaging Families in Learning will inspire libraries and librarians to innovate and promote family learning from a child's earliest years through adolescence. By bringing together research and practice, it will deepen librarians' understanding of families' role in education and help them to learn new ways to build positive and trusting family partnerships that honor diverse cultures and languages, as well as to develop leadership for community impact. Written by thought leaders in the fields of family engagement and library science, each of the three main sections of the book begins with a framework followed by case studies illustrating key concepts of the framework. Cases are followed by reflections from practicing librarians. All chapters focus on practical family engagement in the social infrastructure, lifelong learning, and diversity and social justice.

A Model of Urban Public Library Service for Underserved Groups

Book Description

This study examines the current model of public library service provision to underserved populations. In the context of this study, underserved populations are understood to be socially excluded urban populations which include those living in low income areas, minorities, the homeless and the socially excluded. Because it is an almost omnipresent institution in communities across the United States, the public library is in the unique position of being able to help underserved communities on a nationwide scale. Services provided by the public library can address some of the most conspicuous disparities in society which disproportionally affect underserved groups-such as poor health practices, low literacy levels, and poor information access. Consequently, there is merit in studying the current model of public library services for underserved groups, particularly how public library services are addressing the information needs of underserved groups and how they are working to support basic life needs, providing technology access, and supporting educational achievement. Insight gained from a study of this phenomenon would be useful for public library practice because it sheds light on obstacles to provision of public library services to underserved groups, identifies gaps in service provision, expands the literature on trends in library services to guide future research, and presents recommendations for future approaches to service provision.