Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Book Description

Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place uses the writing and photography of an American couple that journeyed to Jordan as Peace Corps volunteers and served in a small village for two years in the mid 2000s. Martin and Karen Feess, the author and photographer, through their recollections, bring to life the people among whom they served. The reader will join them in celebrating villagers' weddings and other feasts. The narrative recounts their visits to the wonders of this often-misunderstood place--the Roman ruins, medieval castles, and holy place. By coming to appreciate the rich lives of the Jordanian people, the reader may cultivate the beginnings of an approach both to fathoming the intricacies of the Middle East's obstacles to peace and to appreciating how the seeds of solutions to the region's problems with conflict lie among the people who live there. If you watch or read the news and find your thoughts filled with questions about the realities of the lives of the people existing quietly beneath the headlines, then Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place will help you to find answers to those questions ... and the hints about how peace might take root and flourish.

Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Book Description

Journey with us to the small villages of rural Jordan where we listened to the villagers' thoughts. Join in the wedding celebrations and feasts. Come with us also to Roman ruins, medieval castles, holy places, and wonders of the words. And join us in our quest for understanding which will bring peace to the world.

Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Book Description

On August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein launched an invasion of Kuwait that ransacked the country, killed scores of innocent people, and destroyed the country's petroleum infrastructure. Eventually bringing together an allied coalition to turn back Saddam's forces and free Kuwait. But how many people actually know the events occurring in Iraq in the year preceding the invasion from inside the ruling party? I worked as a civilian contractor for close to a year directly for the Revolutionary Command Council, leading a team of Western technicians to modernize banking in the country. On the day of the Kuwait invasion, I, along with hundreds of others were taken hostage as collateral by the Iraqi government. Fearing my own death as well as my immediate colleagues, I led an escape across two deserts five days later to safety in Jordan. I had no previous military training; only the sheer will not to perish as a result of the US government nor forfeit my life for corporate bosses who failed to intervene in any way to help us. This is the story of what I saw in the year preceding Desert Shield that you never heard nor read about, as well as events that followed at the conclusion of Desert Storm. What life was like for a then peaceaEUR"loving people, the regime and how it operated, the betrayals, the "Super Gun", Uday Hussein, the gassing of the Kurds at Halabja, the WMD and the destruction of this stockpile by the US military that caused Gulf War syndrome, and the after effects on our troops which the US government denied for years and years. Thousands and their offspring suffer from these results today and will for generations to come. I never returned to Iraq, but shortly after Desert Storm I did go to perform a similar assignment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while the oil wells were still on fire in the desert. There, I was also an "insider" to the workings of the government, the attempt to recover the stolen gold, the corruption in the ruling family, the hypocrisy of the country, and the plight of the Palestinian people working and living in the kingdom for backing Iraq in its war with the allies. Although I waited a quarter of a century to publish this book for fear of retribution for the material in it, I hope this story sheds light on a war and the destruction of a nation and its people that really did not have to be fought at all. I am still traumatized both mentally and physically from the experience and likely will be for the remainder of my natural life. Believe me, it's a lot easier to do in the movies, and it pays a whole lot better! But it also taught me a valuable life lesson: if you think time heals all wounds, it doesn't. That is why they call a scar a scar!

Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Book Description

This is the true story of God doing the impossible. A young couple leaves Silicon Valley to learn Kurdish in Berlin. They have a passion to share the love of Jesus with the world, particularly those who are oppressed, unloved, and disenfranchised. As the First Gulf War ends, they are called to lead a team of relief workers in the mountains of eastern Turkey and Iraq to assist the hundreds of thousands of Kurds who have fled for their lives. Their faith is stretched further as they attempt to adopt two starving Kurdish sisters. Finally, God asks them if their faith is big enough to trust Him -even if they lose these precious children. It is a story of two fragile people, facing formidable challenges, with scant human resources, under extreme conditions. Read about faith when confronted by fear, hope when all seems lost, and peace in the midst of life's greatest struggles. Between Iraq and a Hard Place tells the saga of a couple under intense pressure, of two children facing certain death, and a people facing genocide.

Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Book Description

Living Between Iraq and a Hard Place is a real life twenty-first century adventure. Martin and Karen Feess, an American couple, spent two years immersed in Arab-Muslim culture, participated in village life, and formed close friendship, while Martin's thinking evolved with regard to the problems of the Middle East. His observations are at time surprising, often humorous, and always thought provoking.

Ethnic Realities and the Church (Second Edition)

Book Description

Lessons Learned the Hard Way. The missionary enterprise is difficult, wherever it’s undertaken. But some places and peoples make it especially difficult, showing painfully-little visible fruit over decades or even centuries. Kurdistan is one of those places. But that doesn’t mean God hasn’t been at work, nor does it mean there aren’t valuable lessons to be learned, even from “failures.” From his on-the-ground experience in Kurdistan and his study of past missionary work there, Bob Blincoe presents this thorough history of missions to the Kurdish people. More than mere history, Ethnic Realities and the Church is also a mission-strategy handbook. Here are helpful insights and implications not only for those who would still reach the Kurds for Christ, but for missionaries to any people group, especially where tilling the soil is particularly hard.


Book Description

What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to his followers. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well-equipped disciples. We need a fully integrated global supply chain—a pipeline—that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe. Pipeline seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest. This is a collaboration of forty different authors from churches, agencies, and cross-cultural servants. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

Post-9/11 Cinema

Book Description

Examines dramatic motion pictures and documentary films depicting the September 11 terrorist attacks and the events that followed.

Geography of a Life

Book Description

‘An Astonishing work, breathtakingly bold in conception and passionately written . . . salutary, exciting and in its historiographical aspects convincing.’ (G. W Bowersock, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.) ‘Demands to be taken seriously . . . Every page that Bernal writes is educating and enthralling. To agree with all his theses may be a sign of naivety, but not to have spent time in his company is a sign of nothing at all.’ (Ray, Herbert Thompson Reader in Egyptology, University of Cambridge.) Anticipation of ‘Geography of a Life’ ‘Martin Bernal himself has avowed that Black Athena owes its conception to a mid-life crisis. Now that he has overcome this set-back with obvious success, one hopes he will live long enough to follow the example set by his mother Margaret Gardiner and his grandfather Sir Alan (Gardiner), who both wrote their memoirs in their eighties. I have no doubt that Bernal’s autobiography will generate more interest among educated lay persons and less irritation among scholars than any future volume of Black Athena.’ (Arno Egberts, Professor of Egyptology, University of Leiden.)