Understanding Key Issues of Sustainable Wood Production in the Pacific Northwest

Book Description

Researchers involved with the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station Sustainable Wood Production Initiative have outlined some of the barriers and opportunities for sustainable wood production in the region. Sustainable wood production is defined as the capacity of forests to produce wood, products, and services on a long-term basis and in the context of human activity and use. The collective findings of these papers suggest that in the future, the regions wood supply will primarily come from private land, and the barriers and opportunities related to sustainable wood production will have more to do with future markets, harvest potential, land use changes, and sustainable forestry options than with traditional sustained yield outputs. Private lands in the PNW should be able to sustain recent historical harvest levels over the next 50 years, but regional changes in sawmilling capacity and uncertain market conditions may affect wood production in the region. Public perceptions of forestry, land use changes, and alternative forestry options are also discussed. These papers present preliminary findings and proposals for future work designed to help us understand the key issues related to sustainable wood production.

The Economics of U.S. Nonindustrial Private Forests

Book Description

The nonindustrial private forests are a large and valuable national resource and the best possible understanding of their characteristics, capabilities, and potentials is useful for the formation of national policy on natural resources. In this title, originally published in 1979, Marion Clawson presents an informative description and analysis of the nonindustrial private forests of the United States and offers his best judgement as to the economic potential of these forests to produce wood and other forest outputs. This book is directed to foresters, economists, policy makers, conservationists, and students interested in environmental issues.

Management of Non-industrial Private Forest Lands

Book Description

Oregon State University researchers conducted a survey in 1994 of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners in western Oregon and western Washington. Private forests provide valuable ecological services, such as fish and wildlife habitat, and are also partially filling the gap created by recent reductions in federal timber harvest in the region. The purpose of the study was to assess demographic characteristics, timber management practices, harvest decisions, attitudes toward government regulation, and the use of government assistance by NIPF landowners in western Oregon and western Washington. NIPF owners are a very heterogenous class with diverse objectives, ranging from timber production to the enjoyment of owning "green space". Most of the owners surveyed had harvested timber from their land and had used a variety of methods, including clearcuts (28%) and thinnings and other partial cuts (60%). A majority (68%) said they would alter the amount and timing of their harvest if it were necessary to maintain a healthy ecosystem. However, most owners would not be willing to give up their right to harvest timber altogether, even if offered a tax incentive. Many of the results differed between owners of large acreages and owners of small acreages.