Book Description

The Book is dedicated to the French People of France, to their culture and their civilizations, which over centuries has been overspread throughout the continents of our planetary earth… One must be added that the French Civilization has at least a supposedly root in its Homo Cromagnon, through the pictures in Dordogne, Lascoux and La Ferassie, which is placed in the late phase of Upper Paleolithicum… Encylopaedist


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG ONE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of the Central of OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of German of Teutonische Siebenbürgen (the seven cities), and Magyars of Koloszvar, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth, or earth of penta-continents… Also, Napocensis – logos, through Siebenbürgenlogos and Hungarlogos, are a really UNIO - TRIO - NATIONUM - IN - BECOMING, embodying through their endeavor of cities of culture, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transsylvania - emigrants overall in the world, becoming thus a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) Thus, it is done a parallelism to the double reference number of E – book ( e – Book ), through IPBN and through GGKEY recording… Also, the code of this E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number (or even more), reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or Novum-Encyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Intuition – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a Pandemion – Pathologion world infection, a threatening panic, through fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Unio Trio Being of Logos


Book Description

The Book is dedicated to the British People, who through culture and civilization has reached the zenith of British Empire which has lasted over three hundred years… The greatest legacy of the British Empire remains English language and English alphabet, which are spread-out throughout latitudes and longitudes of our planetary Earth… Encylopaedist


Book Description

“Gradually, the complementarity in abstract art and abstract technology in Sapiens, becomes more and more visible, by reaching through Akademos BlissBurg – Four, its own abstract SOPHOS, or abstract intelligence, which is another coming and becoming of the natural intelligence of human and computer intelligence of the same human of creativity… The present book, in classic format or on line expression, is trying to comprise some basic elements of the natural intelligence of human, its quality and quantumity of natural brain, then, passing through the creation of computers, as personal computers, as supracomputers (likewise as computer-brain), resembling a semantic internet industry, in widespread of World Wide Web, towards a pattern of transcomputer, which could be and could become a common beneficial progress for everyone and for all… It is more than obvious that the combination between natural brain of human and the post-natural computer brain of the same human, into their endless creativity, will generate an artificial intelligence of the ManComputer - Code - System, which will change and challenge, the wholeness of history of planetary system (First Cosmic Habitat of Human), including its Solar System neighbor, as Second Cosmic Habitat of Human. What must put in evidence that the progress of human is done through its ability of the triad of three different systems, such as: A - SYSTEM OF HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY (System of working ability – working productivity – working creativity, belonging primarily to the individuality, into its own family) B – SYSTEM OF STATE ENTERPRISE (System of Education – Instruction – Financial Supporting of the state into which we born and which we live in) C – SYSTEM OF SPECIES SAPIENS (System in ability in working and creation is coming primarily through the basic ability of the Species Sapiens, who is The Greatest Educator and The Greatest Teacher of everyone, by rethinking Species as Tool Maker / ReMaker – Tool User / ReUser – Tool Improver / ReImprover… Akademossophosbeing


Book Description

The OnLine Book, AKADEMOS BLISSBURG - ONE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of the Species Sapiens, in its triad of; A – Archaic Sapiens ( ca. about 500.000 – 200.000 years ago ) - Pre - modern Sapiens ( ca. about 200.000 – 50.000 years ago ) - Modern Sapiens or Modern Anatomical Man ( ca, about of the last 50,000 years of Human genesis and evolution ) Sapiens itself is a fighter through Paleolithic times, is a challenger through Neolithic’ s times, is a desirer for freedom and independence throughout Antiquity’s times, a stubborn through Middle Age for faith, for rationality, for causality, a hoper into its culture and its own civilizations through Renaissance and Enlightenment, which, over centuries, have been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth, or earth of penta-continents… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG ONE, is a set of book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) Thus, it is done a parallelism to the double reference number of E – book ( e – Book ), through IPBN ( in Amazon – KDP ) and through GGKEY ( in Google Play Book ) world recording… Also, the code of this E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number (or even more), reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or Novum - Encyclopaedism… Not in the least, the science - logos has been a rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, by showing its strong of Info – Intuition – Force ( a basic Task – Force – Sapiens ), which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a Corona - Pandemion – Pathologion world infection, a dramatic threatening panic, through fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities, a strong Sapiens will overcome this weak Sapiens… Unio Sapienticum


Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

The Book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG FIVE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD MOLDAVIA, centered on of BUKOWINA, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, and has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Bukowina is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Moldavians emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, BUKOWINA BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E – book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Bukowina rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross – fires of many adversities… Bukowinian Being


Book Description

The Book, MARAMURESH BLISSBURG ONE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORD OF OLD DACIA, centered around of MARAMURESH, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Maramuresh is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through de mass of Maramuresh emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above book, MARAMURESH BLISSBURG ONE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-Book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neo-Encyclopaedism or Novum-Encyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Maramuresh rich heritage in all areas of human handscrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanatism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Maramuresh Being


Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and unthinking of the whole of the European Union history, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and published with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know the history of Europe, must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and citizens of Europe, the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all in detail, in reality, in morality and rationality… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries… …It is the first time in Human Known History and Historiology, when, a Constitution is becoming also a vector of knowledge, sensing and resensing a searching and researching project in Antropos-Sapientology, finally, a form of concrete epistemology, a substantial gnoseology, having an explicit and implicit proper function of axiology in oneself, for oneself and through oneself… Constitutionalist of European Union


Book Description

Whoever has the Right of Sapiens, the one must assume the Duty of Sapiens equally and co-equally... Whoever assumes the Right and Duty of Sapiens alike must become a Dimension of Sapiens, which Dimension of Sapiens must be a maximum generality of Determination of Sapiens... When the Law / Duty of Sapiens, when the Size / Determination of Sapiens are deeply set and attuned to the Destiny of Sapiens, then this whole Field of Sapiens in Coming and Becoming, this Cult of Sapiens, this Forum of Sapiens, must always be regenerated and revitalized by all creators and authors in Sapiens, in science, in technology, in economics, in art, in sociology, in historiography, in mediology, in philosophy, in psychology, in theology, as re-sensing and resuscitation of Sapiens, for the fulfillment of Sapient of Sapiens, towards the Self-Overcoming of Sapiens, as individuality, as generality and as syncretic universality, all as synonymous with the triad of Nature de Sapiens, the Cult of Sapiens and the Culture of Sapiens, the only planetary Species capable of creating human and SapientoHuman civilizations, thus blessing the universe, the nature and itself through its logicality and ontology... In Debt of Sapiens Duty of Sapiens, we will take over critically, syncretically, synthetically and analytically, the great meanings of ennobling the creative being in the Law of Sapiens, which will be amplified and accelerated to launch into the orbits of spirituality and creativity of Sapiens as EnnobledSapiens, or Sapiens-Enriched, BereicherungSapiens, or Sapiens through Sapiens, all as a source and resource of the sapientic self in its immanence and transcendence, through which Sapiens reveals oneself as a proud creator and explorer of verses, of universes, of adversities, of causalities and temporospatialities for self-transcendence, through effort, through study, through becoming, through differentiation, through creation, assuming a triad of physical – biophysical – metaphysical, reunited in their duality of videological and digital expression... Indebted to Sapiens