Major Business Organizations of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 1992-93

Book Description

The second edition of Major Business Organisations of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent Guide to the States provides comprehensive data on over 3,000 organisations including Manufacturers, Foreign Trading arrangement of this Organisations, Banks, Ministries, Chambers of Commerce and Services. book Due to the change in the import/export laws in Eastern Europe it is now possible to trade directly with many This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader organisations, and with over 5,000 named contacts and to find any entry rapidly and accurately. comprehensive details on each organisation, this directory enables the western business community to Company entries are listed alphabetically within each reach this new market. country section; in addition three indexes are provided on coloured paper at the back of the book. The information in this directory is the result of a careful research and extensive translation operation ensuring The alphabetical index of organisations throughout the entries are as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Eastern Europe and the lists all entries in The Editors would like to express thanks to the huge alphabetical order irrespective of their main country of number of organisations who provided information about operation. themselves for inclusion in this book. The alphabetical index of organisations within each Whilst the editors have taken every care to ensure the country of Eastern Europe and the lists information in this book is up-to-date, due to the fast organisations by their country of operation.

Major Business Organisations of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 1993/94

Book Description

The third edition of Major Business Organisations of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent Guide to the States provides comprehensive data on over 3,000 organisations including Manufacturers, Foreign Trading arrangement of this Organisations, Banks, Ministries, Chambers of Commerce and Services. book Due to the change in the import/export laws in Eastern Europe it is now possible to trade directly with many This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader organisations, and with over 7,000 named contacts and to find any entry rapidly and accurately. comprehensive details on each organisation, this directory enables the western business community to Company entries are listed alphabetically within each reach this new market. country section; in addition three indexes are provided on coloured paper at the back of the book. The information in this directory is the result of a careful research and extensive translation operation ensuring The alphabetical index of organisations throughout the entries are as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Eastern Europe and the C.I.S. lists all entries in The Editors would like to express thanks to the huge alphabetical order irrespective of their main country of number of organisations who provided information about operation. themselves for inclusion in this book. The alphabetical index of organisations within each Whilst the editors have taken every care to ensure the country of Eastern Europe and the C.I.S. lists information in this book is up-to-date, due to the fast organisations by their country of operation.

Major Companies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

Book Description

The Major Companies directories provide quality company information on the leading businesses worldwide. These directories are packed with essential facts and contacts, including address, phone and fax numbers; e-mail and Web addresses; listings of a company's activities, parents, subsidiaries and agents, brands and trademarks; and financial information for the previous two years.

Major Companies of Europe 1992/93

Book Description

Volumes 1& 2 Guide to the MAJOR COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1992/93, Volume1, arrangementofthe book contains useful information on over 4000 of the top companies in the European Community, excluding the UK, over 1100 This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader to companies of which are covered in Volume 2. Volume 3covers find any entry rapidly and accurately. over 1300 of the top companies within Western Europe but outside the European Community. Altogether the three Company entries are listed alphabetically within each country volumes of MAJOR COMPANIES OF EUROPE now provide in section; in addition three indexes are provided in Volumes 1 authoritative detail, vital information on over 6500 of the largest and 3 on coloured paper at the back of the book, and two companies in Western Europe. indexes in the case of Volume 2. MAJOR COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1992/93, Volumes 1 The alphabetical index to companies outside the Continental & 2 contain many of the largest companies in the world. The EC lists all companies having entries in Volume 3 in area covered by these volumes, the European Community, alphabetical order irrespective of their main country of represents a rich consumer market of over 320 million people. operation. Over one third of the world's imports and exports are channelled through the EC. The Community represents the The alphabetical index in Volume 3to companies within each world's largest integrated market.

Major Companies of The Far East and Australasia 1992/93

Book Description

This book represents the ninth edition of what has become an established reference work, MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE Guide to the FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA. This volume has been carefully researched and updated since publication of the previous arrangement of the book edition, and provides more company data on the most important companies in the region. The information in the This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader to book was submitted mostly by the companies themselves, find any entry rapidly and accurately. completely free of charge. The companies listed have been selected on the grounds of Company entries are listed alphabetically within each section; the size of their sales volume or balance sheet or their in addition three indexes are provided on coloured paper at importance to the business environment of the country in the back of the book. which they are based. The alphabetical index to companies throughout East Asia lists The book is updated and published every year. Any company all companies having entries in the book irrespective of their that considers it is eligible for inclusion in the next edition of main country of operation. MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA, The alphabetical index to companies within each country of should write to the publishers. No charge whatsoever is made East Asia lists companies by their country of operation. for publishing details about a company.

Security and Insecurity in Business History

Book Description

In der Unternehmensgeschichte wurde das Thema "Sicherheit" bislang wenig systematisch bearbeitet. Der Band macht einen ersten Versuch, die Ansätze der Historischen Sicherheitsforschung auf Unternehmen anzuwenden und die historische Dynamik von "Sicherheit" jenseits statischer Risikobegriffe an Fallbeispielen seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert zu analysieren. Gemäß den theoretischen Annahmen der Historischen Sicherheitsforschung gehen wir davon aus, dass die konkrete Bedeutung von "Sicherheit" im jeweiligen historischen Zusammenhang verhandelt wurde. Die Sicherheitserwartungen von Unternehmen können nicht allein aus ihrer Orientierung an Marktrisiken erklärt werden. Ihre Wahrnehmung von Risiko und Gefahr folgte historisch wandelbaren "Sicherheitsgrammatiken". Mit Beiträgen von Marcus Böick, Christian Kleinschmidt, Mark Jakob & Nina Kleinöder, Sabine Pitteloud, Kristin Stanwick Bårnås, Christian Marx, Ole Sparenberg, Sascha Brünig und Eva Schäffler. Dieser Band steht im Zusammenhang mit der Nomos-Schriftenreihe "Politiken der Sicherheit", die vom Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 138 "Dynamiken der Sicherheit" an den Universitäten Marburg und Gießen herausgegeben und unterstützt wird.

Medium Companies of Europe 1992/93

Book Description

Volumes 1 & 2 Guide to the MEDIUM COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1992/93, Volume 1, arrangement of the book contains useful information on nearly 4500 of the most important medium-sized companies in the European This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader to Community, excluding the UK, over 1500 companies of which find any entry rapidly and accurately. are covered in Volume 2. Volume 3 covers nearly 2000 of the medium-sized companies within Western Europe but outside Company entries are listed alphabetically within each country the European Community. Altogether the three volumes of section; in addition three indexes are provided in Volumes 1 MEDIUM COMPANIES OF EUROPE now provide in and 3 on coloured paper at the back of the book, and two authoritative detail, vital information on over 7900 key indexes in the case of Volume 2. companies in Western Europe. The alphabetical index to companies outside the Continental MEDIUM COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1992/93, Volumes 1 EC lists all companies having entries in Volume 3 in & 2 contain many of the most significant companies in alphabetical order irrespective of their main country of Europe. The area covered by these volumes, the European operation.

Major Companies of the Arab World 1992/93

Book Description

This book represents the sixteenth edition of the leading IMPORTANT reference work MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE ARAB WORLD All company entries have been entered in MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE ARAB WORLD absolutely free of This volume has been completely updated compared to last charge, thus ensuring a totally objective approach to the year's edition. Many new companies have also been included information given. this year. Whilst the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at the time of press, no The publishers remain confident that MAJOR COMPANIES responsibility or liability can be accepted for any errors or OF THE ARAB WORLD contains more information on the omissions, or for the consequences thereof. major industrial and commercial companies than any other work. The information in the book was submitted mostly by the ABOUT GRAHAM & TROTMAN LTD companies themselves, completely free of charge. To all those Graham & Trotman Ltd, a member of the Kluwer Academic companies, which assisted us in our research operation, we Publishers Group, is a publishing organisation specialising in express grateful thanks. To all those individuals who gave us the research and publication of business and technical help as well, we are similarly very grateful. information for industry and commerce in many parts of the world.

Major Companies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 2000

Book Description

This revised edition includes more than 9,500 of the most important business organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. The number of named contacts in the directory has been increased by more than 10,000 to 45,000 since last year.