Book Description

إن الإمام البخاري قد ضمن صحيحه كتابا للأدب وهو الكتاب الثامن والسبعون من صحيحه لكنه لم يكتف بذلك حتى أفرد للأدب كتابا مستقلا سماه : " الأدب المفرد " لأنه قد جعله مقصورا على موضوع الأدب دون غيره فجاء فريدا في نوعه، جامعا للآداب الإسلامية، فهو بحق موسوعة إسلامية في الآداب، جدير بكل مسلم أن يقتنيها لينتفع بما تحويه من كنوز نبوية شريفة وهذه طبعة مخرجة الاحاديث وعليها حواشي مهمة مترجما باللغة الانكليزية

Islamic Manners

Book Description

Written by one of the outstanding scholars of the 20th Century, Islamic Manners is a vital book that exemplifies the character and personality of every Muslim. Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda (1917-1997) was a leading scholar in the field of hadith. This book discusses essential adab (manners) and covers the following areas: Importance of Appearance Entering and Leaving a House The Manners of Visiting The Manners of Conversation Social Manners Communicating with Non-Muslims The Manners of Eating & Drinking Weddings Visiting a Sick Person Condolences

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad

Book Description

Women Around the Messenger

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Al-Adab Al-Mufrad with Full Commentary

Book Description

A complete, newly translated edition of al-Adab al-Mufrad, the most famous collection of Prophetic traditions on manners and morals, with a pioneering commentary by Adil Salahi.

Good Character

Book Description

, Based on the teaching of the Qur'an and the good examples set by the Prophet Muhammad, this collection of protocol describes exactly how Muslims must conduct themselves in certain situations, such as greeting family and friends, eating, and visiting the sick, and why proper conduct is such an important pillar of the Islamic faith. ,


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The Book of the Jihad of 'Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami (d. 1106)

Book Description

In 1105, six years after the first crusaders from Europe conquered Jerusalem, a Damascene Muslim jurisprudent named ’Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami (d. 1106) publicly dictated an extended call to the military jihad (holy war) against the European invaders. Entitled Kitab al-Jihad (The Book of the Jihad), al-Sulami’s work both summoned his Muslim brethren to the jihad and instructed them in the manner in which it ought to be conducted, covering topics as diverse as who should fight and be fought, treatment of prisoners and plunder, and the need for participants to fight their own inner sinfulness before turning their efforts against the enemy. Al-Sulami’s text is vital for a complete understanding of the Muslim reaction to the crusades, providing the reader with the first contemporary record of Muslim preaching against the crusaders. However, until recently only a small part of the text has been studied by modern scholars, as it has remained for the most part an unedited manuscript. In this book Niall Christie provides a complete edition and the first full English translation of the extant sections (parts 2, 8, 9 and 12) of the manuscript of al-Sulami’s work, making it fully available to modern readers for the first time. These are accompanied by an introductory study exploring the techniques that the author uses to motivate his audience, the precedents that influenced his work, and possible directions for future study of the text. In addition, an appendix provides translations of jihad sermons by Ibn Nubata al-Fariqi (d. 985), a preacher from Asia Minor whose rhetorical style was highly influential in the development of al-Sulami’s work.

Adab Al-Qadi

Book Description

Islam is a practical religion dealing with the warring traits of human nature and bending them to the Straight Path. It has discarded the law of the jungle, and the motto of might is right. The Islamic concept of justice is positive. It does not stop at the negation of the wrong but goes forward to promote the right so that there remains no incompatibility between the so-called justice and what is really just and equitable. The concept of Islamic justice does not permit prejudice against anyone. The Quranic Injunction is: "...and let not the hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly...." [TMQ Surah Maidah: 8] Under Islam, justice is the sum total of life. To do injustice is sinful. To suffer injustice calls for positive remedial action on the part of Muslims. Such action might mean even the supreme sacrifice of one's life for the sake of justice. This book is an English rendering of a popular Arabic book entitled Adab Al Qadi, Written by the renowned Muslim Jurist Imam Khassaf. In this book, the learned author has favored us with the basic principle of the Islamic judicial system and that of the Judiciary in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. The Learned Translator of this book Justice Dr.Muneer Ahmad Mughal, was himself a Judge of the Lahore High Court, Lahore. He has perfect hold on the subject and over both the languages.