Acquisition of Land for Future Highway Use

Book Description

A study was made of the legal aspects of acquiring property for future highway use. Existing statutes and court decisions involving acquisition of land were analyzed to isolate the important principles which should be considered in drafting legislation authorizing the acquisition of land for future use. 15 states specifically authorize future use acquisition by statute, and 6 by judicial decision.

Condemnation of Property for Highway Purposes

Book Description

Statutes of the forty-eight states and territories were reviewed which pertain to the condemnation of land for highways. 4 aspects of the power of eminent domain and the manner in which the several state legislatures have handled them are discussed: (1) delegation of the authority to condemn, (2) property which may be taken, (3) type of legal estate which may be acquired, and (4) designation of the procedure to be followed. A comparison of the various statutes within a particular jurisdiction reveals a surprising amount of internal conflict.