Marketing Underutilized Plant Species for the Benefit of the Poor

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Modern crop production is based on only a few plant species. Particularly in marginal environments of developing agricultural economies, many less well-known agricultural or non-timber forest species, continue to be grown, managed or collected, thus contributing to the livelihood of the poor and to agricultural biodiversity. Some of these species, called underutilized plant species, are characterized by the fact that they are locally abundant in developing countries but globally rare, that scientific information and knowledge about them is scant, and that their current use is limited relative to their economic potential. In this paper, we first identify the economic factors that cause these plants to be 'underutilized'. Based on this analysis, we propose a classification of underutilized plant species based on the relationship of the observed to the potential economic value of the species, and the presence or absence of and constraints to output markets. Then, focusing on a subset of underutilized plant species with market potential, we identify three necessary conditions for the successful commercialization of underutilized plant species for the benefit of the poor: demand expansion, increased efficiency of supply and marketing channels, and a supply control mechanism. This conceptual framework is intended to provide a basis for an empirical assessment of marketing solutions for underutilized plant species among the rural poor in developing economies.

Collective Action and Marketing of Underutilized Plant Species

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Minor millets are examples of underutilized plant species, being locally important but rarely traded internationally with an unexploited economic potential. In the Kolli hills of Tamil Nadu, India, a genetically diverse pool of minor millet varieties are grown by the tribal farming communities to meet their subsistence food needs. Most of these minor crops were not traded outside the farming community. Despite a consumption preference among the farming communities for minor millets, in the recent past the acreage under minor millet crops have declined considerably due to the availability of substitute cash crops. As a response, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) based in Chennai has led targeted conservation cum commercialization intervention programs over the last 7-9 years in the Kolli Hills. In this paper we provide a first evaluation of the success of marketing development for minor millets in the Kolli Hills with a specific focus on collective action and group initiatives undertaken by the women and men self-help groups organized by the concerned non-governmental organization. We analyze the key collective actions that are taking place in the minor millet marketing chain through a series of field visits and focus group discussions with the stakeholders involved. We then compare the role of collective action in this new market with the case of marketing chains for cassava and organic pineapples, two cash crops with an expanding production in Kolli Hills. Our analysis shows the critical role of collective action and group initiative as a necessary but not sufficient condition for the successful commercialization of underutilized plant species for the benefit of the poor and the conservation of agrobiodiversity.

Traditional Smallholder Farmers in a Growing Economy and a Globalized World

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?Smallholder farming plays a central role for the livelihood security of rural families in most low- to middle income countries. Beyond that it contributes to sustain important ecological functions and services. Yet, world-wide, increasing economic pressure threatens its viability, while young and capable labour force is attracted away to urban centres. In the Mexican state of Yucatán - where foremost indigenous Mayan people are practicing traditional farming under adverse natural conditions, using a broad variety of agro-biodiversity - these predominant trends can be observed like in a burning lens. Farming is more and more just performed for subsistence while cash for daily expenses is obtained from other sources. Aware of the sector’s benefits for society, Mexican policy makers recently put its services regarding food and livelihood security, agro-biodiversity, and maintenance of cultural heritage high on the agenda. Starting from that baseline, research teams affiliated to the University of Kassel and the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) conducted several interrelated research projects. All investigations are grounded in field work, including intensive interviews among local people and experts. The results are assembled in this volume.

Developing Markets for Agrobiodiversity

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This wonderful book demonstrates how rural livelihoods - as well as diets, health and ways of life - are enhanced by the so-called neglected and underutilized plant species which, in the books Syrian case study, include such deliciously interesting things as capers, laurel, jujube and figs. Using value chain analysis the author illuminates the opportunities for strengthening arid land economies with attention to such species, while simultaneously maintaining the diversity and integrity of those plant genomes, landscapes and cultures. And keeping the world worth tasting. KEN WILSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CHRISTENSEN FUND Alexandra Giuliani delivers a convincing and very practical account of how biodiversity products derived from neglected and underutilized plant species enter the markets in Syria. By highlighting the value of these plant products for the family income and health status of marginal farmer families in rural drylands and semi-arid areas, she brings the message home as to why it is so important to maintain biodiversity of the genetic resources not by protection alone, but rather through their judicious use. KATHARINA JENNY, SENIOR ADVISOR, FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, SWISS AGENCY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION Just four crops - maize, potatoes, rice and wheat - provide more than 90 per cent of the worlds food. Old varieties of even these crops are disappearing as farmers and consumers strive for more uniformity in food products. This in turn affects less obvious elements, such as insects that play a role in pollinating plants or controlling pests and the soil organisms that help plants extract nutrients from the soil. Also, farmers need a broad base of agrobiodiversity to be able to respond and adapt to environmental changes and to improve their production. This is especially important in the face of climate change and changing economic and political pressures. This book from Bioversity International describes a study conducted in Syria of how communities are developing markets for local products derived from neglected and underutilized plants. Based on concrete case studies, the data and processes documented in this book show the potential of biodiversity to make a significant contribution to livelihood security in communities that inhabit difficult environments with unique resources. The study also highlights the importance of local cultural knowledge and institutions in sustainable development of biodiversity markets. Published with Bioversity International.

Orphan Crops for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

Book Description

Orphan Crops for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security discusses the issues, challenges, needs and opportunities related to the promotion of orphan crops, known also as neglected and underutilized species (NUS). The book is structured into six parts, covering the following themes: introduction to NUS, approaches, methods and tools for the use enhancement of NUS, integrated conservation and use of minor millets, nutritional and food security roles of minor millets, stakeholders and global champions, and, building an enabling environment. Presenting a number of case studies at the regional and country levels, the chapters cover different but highly interlinked aspects along the value chains, from acquisition and characterization of genetic diversity, cultivation and harvesting to value addition, marketing, consumption and policy for mainstreaming. Cross-cutting issues like gender, capacity building and empowerment of vulnerable groups are also addressed by authors. Representatives from communities, research for development agencies and the private sector also share their reflections on the needs for the use enhancement of NUS from their own perspectives. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of food security, sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health and development, as well as practitioners and policymakers involved in building more resilient food and production systems.

Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security: Prospects and Hidden Potential

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Global demand for food is rising as a result of increases in the global population as well as dietary changes. Furthermore, climate change exerts additional pressure on the food supply, adversely affecting sustainable food production. Increased temperatures and drought stresses coupled with the migration of pests limit crop yields and affect their nutritional quality. Many staple crops are unable to adapt to these changing climatic conditions. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation to end hunger and promote good health and well-being, concerted efforts need to be made to enhance food production while mitigating the effects of climate change through the promotion of climate-smart agricultural practices and the utilization of neglected and underutilized crop species. These species can be highly nutritious and well-adapted to different agroecologies and climatic conditions, meaning that they offer the possibility of improving food and nutritional security.