MASH Test 3-21 on TL-3 Thrie Beam Transition Without Curb

Book Description

This project evaluated the impact performance of a modified Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) thrie beam transition to rigid concrete barrier without a curb element below the transition rail. In a previous test described in TxDOT Research Report 0-4564, a thrie beam transition without curb failed to meet National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 performance criteria. However, it could not be discerned whether the vehicle instability observed in that test was attributable to the missing curb or the rotation of the thrie beam transition rail into the sloped face of the concrete safety shape rail at the bridge end connection point.

MASH TL-3 Evaluation of 2019 MASH 2-Tube Bridge Rail Thrie Beam Transition

Book Description

The purpose of the tests reported herein was to assess the performance of the 2019 MASH 2-Tube Bridge Rail Thrie Beam Transition according to the safety-performance evaluation guidelines included in AASHTO MASH. The crash tests were performed in accordance with MASH TL-3, which involves two full-scale crash tests (MASH Tests 3-20 and 3-21). However, MASH states that when there are transitions between two barrier types with different stiffness, one from a more flexible barrier and the other to a more rigid barrier, a full-scale crash test is recommended for both types. Therefore, MASH Test 3-21 was performed at the transition from the thrie beam rail to bridge rail, and at the transition from the W-beam rail to thrie beam rail. This report provides details of the 2019 MASH 2-Tube Bridge Rail Thrie Beam Transition, detailed documentation of the crash tests and results, and an assessment of the performance of the 2019 MASH 2-Tube Bridge Rail Thrie Beam Transition for MASH TL-3 transition evaluation criteria. The 2019 MASH 2-Tube Bridge Rail Thrie Beam Transition performed acceptably for MASH TL-3 transitions.

Transportation Librarian's Toolkit

Book Description

The Transportation Librarian's Toolkit is a product of the Transportation Library Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF- 5(105), a collaborative, grass-roots effort by transportation libraries to enhance information accessibility and professional expertise to serve the transportation community. At the time of publication study members included state DOT libraries in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Kansas, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Louisiana; and the University Transportation Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to the Toolkit, the study has also published an Interim Report of the formation, major activities and accomplishments of the study from its launch in October 2004 through its third annual meeting in September 2007. The Technical Advisory Committee members of the pooled fund study were instrumental in creating this toolkit, which is a product of the collective work of the study. The purposes of this toolkit are to ease the learning curve of those new to librarianship and/or transportation; to pull together the collective wisdom of pooled fund members on topics that the pooled fund has addressed through its work of connecting and networking transportation libraries; to serve as a living document, updated frequently in print and online; to capture some of the institutional memory that is leaving the DOTs as waves of retirements loom; and to give transportation librarians of varying experience levels and work situations some tools to inspire, enhance and streamline librarians' work as well as library operations to make the transportation library an indispensable resource within the parent organization.