Maya Erikson 3. Maya Erikson y la cueva de hielo

Book Description

Tercera aventura de Maya Erikson Nada más ver el extraño avión que los llevaría a su destino, Maya entendió que aquel no iba a ser un viaje normal; «la Antártida es un lugar hostil», les dijeron. Al principio, todo parecía tranquilo, hasta que en una inocente excursión con sus compañeros presencian un misterioso suceso. Cuando el equipo de investigación llega, su extraña actitud los hace desconfiar... ¿Qué está pasando realmente? Mientras intentan averiguarlo, acaban descubriendo algo que nadie se imaginaba. Entonces empieza su lucha por salvar el continente. **** Maya Erikson es una serie de libros infantiles de aventuras y ciencia ficción para niños y niñas de 7 a 12 años . En estas trepidantes novelas infantiles y juveniles, los niños y niñas descubrirán el amor por la naturaleza, por los animales, por los viajes y por la ciencia. No solo son libros de lectura divertidos, sino que fomentan valores como la amistad, la valentía, la curiosidad y la justicia. Acción, intriga, entretenimiento y diversión están asegurados. Acompañados por preciosas e inspiradoras ilustraciones originales a color de la artista Marina Bruno. Cómpralos ya y descubre la aventura de este año.

Maya Erikson 2. Maya Erikson y el código de la pirámide

Book Description

Segunda aventura de Maya Erikson Tras su viaje a Costa Rica, Maya y su padre deciden irse a Egipto a buscar a Rebeca, su madre. Llevan varios días sin tener noticias de ella y Maya cree que algo raro está pasando. Al llegar, nadie parece saber dónde está. Con la ayuda de Tarek, un chico que trabaja como guía local, Maya sigue los últimos pasos de su madre antes de desaparecer. Empieza así un viaje lleno de misterios, trampas y jeroglíficos que se convierte en la mayor prueba a la que Maya se ha enfrentado nunca. No imagina que lo que está a punto de descubrir podría alterar el mundo tal y como lo conocemos. **** Maya Erikson es una serie de libros infantiles de aventuras para niños y niñas de 7 a 12 años. En estas trepidantes novelas infantiles y juveniles, los niños y niñas descubrirán el amor por la naturaleza, por los animales, por los viajes y por la ciencia. No solo son libros de lectura divertidos, sino que fomentan valores como la amistad, la valentía, la curiosidad y la justicia. Acción, intriga, entretenimiento y diversión están asegurados. Acompañados por preciosas e inspiradoras ilustraciones originales a color de la artista Marina Bruno. Cómpralos ya y descubre la aventura de este año.

Introduction to Psychology

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Algic Researches

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UNESCO on the Ground

Book Description

For nearly 70 years, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has played a crucial role in developing policies and recommendations for dealing with intangible cultural heritage. What has been the effect of such sweeping global policies on those actually affected by them? How connected is UNESCO with what is happening every day, on the ground, in local communities? Drawing upon six communities ranging across three continents—from India, South Korea, Malawi, Japan, Macedonia and China—and focusing on festival, ritual, and dance, this volume illuminates the complexities and challenges faced by those who find themselves drawn, in different ways, into UNESCO's orbit. Some struggle to incorporate UNESCO recognition into their own local understanding of tradition; others cope with the fallout of a failed intangible cultural heritage nomination. By exploring locally, by looking outward from the inside, the essays show how a normative policy such as UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage policy can take on specific associations and inflections. A number of the key questions and themes emerge across the case studies and three accompanying commentaries: issues of terminology; power struggles between local, national and international stakeholders; the value of international recognition; and what forces shape selection processes. With examples from around the world, and a balance of local experiences with broader perspectives, this volume provides a unique comparative approach to timely questions of tradition and change in a rapidly globalizing world.

Andean Archaeology I

Book Description

Study of the origin and development of civilization is of unequaled importance for understanding the cultural processes that create human societies. Is cultural evolution directional and regular across human societies and history, or is it opportunistic and capricious? Do apparent regularities come from the way inves tigators construct and manage knowledge, or are they the result of real constraints on and variations in the actual processes? Can such questions even be answered? We believe so, but not easily. By comparing evolutionary sequences from different world civilizations scholars can judge degrees of similarity and difference and then attempt explanation. Of course, we must be careful to assess the influence that societies of the ancient world had on one another (the issue of pristine versus non-pristine cultural devel opment: see discussion in Fried 1967; Price 1978). The Central Andes were the locus of the only societies to achieve pristine civilization in the southern hemi sphere and only in the Central Andes did non-literate (non-written language) civ ilization develop. It seems clear that Central Andean civilization was independent on any graph of archaic culture change. Scholars have often expressed appreciation of the research opportunities offered by the Central Andes as a testing ground for the study of cultural evolu tion (see, e. g. , Carneiro 1970; Ford and Willey 1949: 5; Kosok 1965: 1-14; Lanning 1967: 2-5).

The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas

Book Description

Publisher description: The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume II: Mesoamerica (Part One), gives a comprehensive and authoritative overview of all the important native civilizations of the Mesoamerican area, beginning with archaeological discussions of paleoindian, archaic and preclassic societies and continuing to the present. Fully illustrated and engagingly written, the book is divided into sections that discuss the native cultures of Mesoamerica before and after their first contact with the Europeans. The various chapters balance theoretical points of view as they trace the cultural history and evolutionary development of such groups as the Olmec, the Maya, the Aztec, the Zapotec, and the Tarascan. The chapters covering the prehistory of Mesoamerica offer explanations for the rise and fall of the Classic Maya, the Olmec, and the Aztec, giving multiple interpretations of debated topics, such as the nature of Olmec culture. Through specific discussions of the native peoples of the different regions of Mexico, the chapters on the period since the arrival of the Europeans address the themes of contact, exchange, transfer, survivals, continuities, resistance, and the emergence of modern nationalism and the nation-state.