European Union Accession and Land Tenure Data in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

The European Union (EU) has embarked upon a major expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, with eight countries from the region becoming members in 2004, two more expected to become members in 2007, and a process established by which the countries of the Western Balkans can eventually accede to the EU. As part of their necessary transition from centrally planned to market economies, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe need to meet EU requirements for monitoring land tenure and use. This policy paper explores the issues for land tenure data in this context and makes recommendations for suitable approaches for the countries in EU accession. It will be of particular interest to policy-makers and their advisers in Central and Easter Europe.

Regional Convergence in the European Union

Book Description

The introduction of the single currency in the European economic space constitutes without doubt the most visible step towards monetary and economic integration in the EU. Those who boosted the birth of the Common Market in 1957 dreamt that this would one day come about as a logical consequence of the integration process. However, things have gone much more slowly than possibly imagined, although if taken in an adequate historic perspective, it is undeniable that the agreements that have led to European Monetary Union signify a really formidable jump in the process of political and economic integration in Europe. This is something many doubted would ever happen, but which is already a reality, although still in need of a period of consolidation. The most general economic consequences of the EMU have already been analysed in considerable depth. Proof of this is the literature already available. In general, there is coincidence in affirming that the balance of the results expected is clearly positive. Firstly, as a result of the anticipated gains in efficiency, a consequence of reduction of transaction costs associated to the previous existence of different currencies and of the elimination of exchange rate uncertainties.

Widening the European Union

Book Description

The proposed enlargement of the European Union to include countries from Central and Eastern Europe has become an important political issue. Widening the European Union focuses on those institutional reforms of the Union that may be necessary to make the enlargement possible. The institutional structure, originally designed for the Union of just six states, might not be suitable for a EU of twenty-seven or more member states. An overview of current rational choice theories of institutional change is provided before the volume focuses on several aspects of institutional reforms in the Union. Widening the European Union contains contributions from a distinguished team of European academics. This book is a valuable resource to students of the European Union with an interest in its politics and policy, enlargement and institutional reform.

Through the Paper Curtain

Book Description

As the EU and NATO prepare to enlarge, this volume assesses the likely impact on new member states and their neighbours remaining outside these two organizations. Through a combination of thematic and case study chapters it discusses the economic and security implications of enlargement for both ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’. Assesses the likely impact of EU and Nato enlargement. Investigates three thematic areas: economic cooperation, security and defence, and free movement of people. Considers five country case studies. Outlines the current relations between the states, how these relate to the past and what effect enlargement will have.

World Economic Outlook, October 2000

Book Description

The World Economic Outlook, published twice a year in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, presents IMF staff economists analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Chapters give an overview of the world economy; consider issues affecting industrial countries, developing countries, and economies in transition to market; and address topics of pressing current interest. Annexes, boxes, charts, and an extensive statistical appendix augment the text.

Costs and Benefits of Unilateral Euroization in Central Eastern Europe

Book Description

Countries unable or unwilling to join a monetary union can replicate most membership effects unilaterally through either a currency board or the formal replacement of domestic currency by that of the Union. Potential benefits include lower transaction costs, lower interest rates, and lower exposure to speculative attacks. Costs include initial reserves, inadequate response to asymmetric shocks, loss of seigniorage, no lender of last resort. Expected costs and benefits have probably been exaggerated. Net effects depend primarily on the degree of monetary, real, and institutional convergence. Positive net advantages will accrue to countries that are either already converging, or wish to use a single currency to speed up convergence - especially if small. There is no legal or economic justification for EU aversion to unilateral euroization in accession candidate countries.

A Cost Too Far?

Book Description

"Prime Minister Blair often claims that 60 percent of the UK's trade and three million job 'depend on' EU membership. In fact, 48 percent of UK exports of goods and services go to the EU. Moreover, nearly 80 percent of our economy is the result of domestic activity, involving buying from and selling to each other. The export of goods and services to the rest of the world account for another 11 percent, and only ten percent is the result of exporting to the EU. In any event, the jobs currently resulting from trade with the EU would not be lost if we left. A number of authoritative studies have found that leaving the EU would have little impact on employment. The balance of the costs and benefits of UK membership of the EU is unequivocally negative. The net costs are substantial. The current recurring annual direct net cost to the UK of EU membership is estimated to range between approximately three and five percent of the GDP, with a 'most likely' figure of four percent of the GDP, equivalent to 40 billion per year. Within the 'most likely' 40 billion, 20 billion is the direct net cost of EU regulation to the UK economy - annually. A further 15 billion is the direct net cost to the UK economy of the Common Agricultural Policy. Another 5 billion is the annual cash subsidy that the UK pays to 'Brussels' through the EU budget. The current heavy burden of direct net economic cost - four percent of GDP - will not get lighter in the future. At best it will get no worse. The gloomy prognosis for the future is due partly to measures already in the EU pipeline, starting with the EU Constitution and enlargement, and partly to the UK being locked into a regional bloc in marked long-term decline. On a global view, the EU model of conducting trade, via a tightly-regulated customs union, is outmoded. The world outside the EU, with a superior trading and economic performance, tends to choose interlocking networks of user-friendly free trade agreements. These deliver the same benefits that EU members derive from the single market, but with very few of the costs."