Memoirs Of A Sai Student

Book Description

In this written account of his experiences as a student and devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Aravind Balasubramanya shares, with his simple, lucid, and heartfelt style of writing, captivating stories of his time with our beloved Swami. Read and bring to vivid life in the mind's eye the plays, the plots, the schemes, and the traps hatched, and the love that the author has for Swami, which the Lord reciprocated during his time as a student in Swami's school and university. Throughout Memoirs Of A Sai Student, the author reveals the labyrinth of evolution that is life, through which Swami guided him safely and moulded him into an ardent devotee of the Lord and an acclaimed speaker.

Capturing Divinity

Book Description

In a discourse on 22nd April, 1998, in the hills of Kodaikanal, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba made a revelation about an aspect of God. “The photographer asks you to be ready when he snaps your picture and he gives you time to ready yourself. But, the Divine Cameraman will not give you any notice. You should always be ready to meet the situation. If you engage yourself in bhajan and daivachintanam (thinking of God) – keerthanam and smaranam (singing and remembrance) – you will not be caught unawares.” The Divine Cameraman wants us to appreciate and love His uncertainty. The prerequisite for seeking the Lord who is ever compassionate is to be ever ready and that is something that the author realized as he graduated from Swami’s educational wing into His service wing. One has to be alert always, because things can ‘click’ at any time; there can be a ‘flash’ of inspiration during any hour of the day and though situations appear to have been captured in a ‘negative’ way, they can quickly be ‘developed’ into the ‘positive’ to fill one with beautiful memories. It was an honour, a privilege, and a boon from the highest heavens in fact, that Aravind got the chance to be His cameraman for a few years. However, that did not reverse the roles with respect to readiness. Aravind had to be alert at all times and be ready to “meet the situation” as Swami puts it. He confesses that he has not been alert all the while, but whenever he was alert and sincere, an experience with the Divine unfolded. This book is a collection of such moments – moments that arose at the most unexpected times and in the most beautiful ways to assure him that his Beloved Bhagawan always has him in His sight.

In Search of Sai Divine

Book Description

This very important research based, comprehensive and most enlightening book is the revised and updated book combining my two most important books on Sri Sathya Sai Incarnation: Section I presents the second Sai Baba Incarnation - Sri Sathya Sai Babas life (1926-2011), His Identityand Role, Teachings and His Contributions to humanity. It Is the revised and updated version of the authors first book Sai Baba Sai and His Message(1975) which was very much appreciated by Sri Sathya Sai Baba saying: very good book, Yes,very good book. Its 13 editions were published from 1975 to 2002.. Section II presents a sample of Sri Sathya Sai Babas thrilling miracles for which He has been universally known as Man of miracles. His miracles are still happening throughout the world even after His leavingg His mortal body on 24th April,2011 at the age of 85.. In Section III is presented the authors own self-inspired life-long research review of the important writings of Sai devotees and scholars from various fields on this great incarnation of this age and His unique contributions to the moral and spiritual development and social welfare of millions of people throughout the world. It is a unique study as no one else has as yet done such a research review. This publication is being published on the happy occasion of His 90th Birth Anniversary on 23rd November 2015 as the tribute of the 80 year old author who has been privileged to be His ardent devotee for the last 40 years as His devotee since 1971 and studying His spiritual and social movement as a quasi observer retaining his Identity as an independent sociologist.

His Story - Childhood Stories of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Book Description

His Story is a Comic eBook based on Childhood Stories of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This was the story of the Advent of the Avatar and the early years of His life and mission, a mission that would bring millions to His Lotus Feet to taste the bliss of Divine Love and thus transform their lives. In a letter He wrote to His brother Sri Seshama Raju way back in 1947, Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphatically declared the grand purpose for which He has come. He said: I have a Task: To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of Ananda (Bliss). I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a Work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a reason to be proud, for I rescue all who worship and adore Me. The decades that have rolled by since that epochal letter was written have been witness to the grand manner in which His vision has taken shape. The world-class super-speciality hospitals that offer tertiary level medical care free of charge, schools and colleges that impart values-based education, the mammoth drinking water supply projects and the numerous other service projects undertaken by Him stand as a testimony to His selfless Love and His compassion for humanity. However, even more, significant than these activities have been His tireless efforts towards spreading the message of spirituality and inculcating love and brotherhood throughout the world. Through the Sri Sathya Sai Centers and the Education in Human Values (EHV) programmes, thousands all over the world have sanctified their lives by putting into practice His precepts, and by participating in service programmes such as Narayana Seva (feeding of the poor) and free medical camps. Truly, the Sathya Sai Avatar has heralded a golden era in the history of mankind.

Sanathana Sarathi English Volume 07 (2012 - 2021)

Book Description

Started in 1958, Sanathana Sarathi is a monthly magazine devoted to Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanti (Peace) and Prema (Love) - the four cardinal principles of Bhagawan Baba's philosophy. It is published from Prasanthi Nilayam (the Abode of Highest Peace) and acts as a mouthpiece of Baba's Ashram as it speaks of the important events that take place in His sacred Abode, besides carrying Divine Messages conveyed through Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The word meaning of Sanathana Sarathi is the 'Eternal Charioteer'. It signifies the presence of the Lord in every being as the atma guiding their lives like a charioteer. It implies that he who places his life, the body being likened to a chariot, in an attitude of surrender in the hands of the Lord, will be taken care of by the Lord even as a charioteer would take the occupant of his chariot safely to its destination. The magazine is an instrument to disseminate spiritual knowledge for the moral, physical and mental uplift of humanity without any discrimination as the subject matter discussed therein is always of common interest and of universal appeal. The fifteen Vahinis - streams of sacredness - known as the Vahini Series comprising annotation and interpretation of the Upanishads and other scriptures, Itihasas like the Ramayana, the Bhagavatha and the Mahabharata, and authentic explanations on Dhyana, Dharma, Prema, etc., have been serially published in this magazine as and when they emanated from the Divine pen of Bhagawan Baba. This magazine is published in almost all Indian languages, English and Telugu from Prasanthi Nilayam and others from respective regions. Every year Sanathana Sarathi comes out with a special issue in November commemorating the Divine Birthday. The English and Telugu magazines are posted on the 10th and 23rd respectively, of every month, from Prasanthi Nilayam. This magazine has wide, ever increasing circulation in India as well as abroad, as the study of it brings the reader closer to the philosophy of the Avatar in simple understandable language THUS SPAKE SAI... Discoursing during the launch of Sanathana Sarathi... From this day, our Sanathana Sarathi will lead to victory the cohorts of truth - the Vedas, the Sastras and similar scriptures of all faiths, against the forces of the ego such as injustice, falsehood, immorality and cruelty. This is the reason why it has emerged. This Sarathi will fight in order to establish world prosperity. It is bound to sound the paean of triumph when universal Ananda is achieved.

Love And Suffering

Book Description

Nooshin Mehrabani, the author of this book is a native of Iran. The author takes the readers through a guided tour of her life – her happy moments and travails seem to go hand-in-hand. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has been her Guru and God, guiding her through every moment of her life. Many miraculous events happen in her life, when she feels the unseen hand of Bhagawan guiding her convincingly and continuously. She finds answers to knotty, gnarled problems by Bhagawan's grace. The compassionate Lord also grants her many interviews, guiding her life through a safe passage, ultimately leading her to settle at Prasanthi Nilayam. This book will serve as a motivating factor for both newcomers and old-timers in Bhagawan's fold, to hold on to His feet through the thick and thin of life and reach the ultimate goal of life, namely liberation.

Vidya Vahini

Book Description

Baba has clarified that the word Vidya used for this Vahini (Stream of Thought), means (Ya) that which (Vid) “illumines.” It is this sense that is highlighted in expressions like Atma Vidya, Brahma Vidya, etc., or even the name Vidyagiri given to the campus of Prasanthi Nilayam, which comprises the Institute of Higher Learning. Baba makes us aware of the comparatively less beneficial lower learning, which deals with theories, inferences, concepts, conjectures, and constructions. The Higher Learning hastens and expands the universal urge to know and become Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram. Baba has come as Man among men on a self-imposed mission, to correct the wrongs inflicted on mankind through the fanatically blind pursuit of lower learning. The human race has to voyage on an even keel; it is leaning too alarmingly towards the briny grave; the lower learning is lowering it into the bottomless pit. Vidya alone is the remedy. From His childhood days, Baba has stood forth as an educator, a Guru as the villagers loved to address Him. He warned, without hesitation, elders at Puttaparthi, teachers in the schools, and headmen of castes against cruelty to animals and exploitation of labour, usury and gambling, pedantry and illiteracy, hypocrisy and pomp. Through gulps and jests, parody and satire, songs and plays, the young, teenager Teacher ridiculed and reformed the society, which honoured or tolerated such evils. Through Bhajans sung in chorus by groups of men and women, He reminded them of the universal, human values of Truth, Morality, Peace, Love, and Non-violence as early as 1943, when he was barely seventeen. These were the basic acquisitions that Vidya, the Higher Learning, can confer on votaries. As Lord Krishna, He said to Arjuna, “Adhyatma Vidya, Vidyanaam.” “Among all the Vidyas, I am Atma Vidya,” the search for Atmic Truth. The world can be saved from suicide only through this Vidya. The search for Truth and Totality, for Unity and Purity is the means; the Awareness of the One is the consummation of the process. This Message is the sum and substance of every Discourse of His, during the last five decades. This precious book provides us the chance to peruse nineteen essays He wrote, in answer to appeals for the elucidation of the principles, which must guide us while rehabilitating education as an effective instrument for establishing peace and freedom, in us and on Earth.

Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

Book Description

Prof. N. Kasturi, who had the extreme fortune of being close to Bhagawan Baba, has brought out in this volume the life story of the Divine Avatar from 1973 to 1979. For those, who are unaware of Baba’s might, this book will reveal His mahimas and leelas.

Loving God

Book Description

This is the biography of Professor N. Kasturi, the chosen biographer of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This book is his autobiography, his story, his journey to the feet of the Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In his own words, "Each of us has to live the volume of biography, which we bring with us, as often as we are born, page after page, chapter after chapter, howsoever punctuated with dots and dashes, interrogations and exclamations, commas and colons, until the sentence ends ultimately with a Full Stop. But, luckily, I have as my inseparable companion and counsel, Bhagawan Himself; He dots the i’s and crosses the t’s as I live the lines on every page. He has made the Book of Life, my biography – momentous and meaningful for me. I must, however, confess that I do not deserve this book on me, by me. There are, I know, millions, who are absorbing the Love of the Living Loving God much deeper, who can, therefore, stand forth as messengers of His Love. They can lead the unloved and the unloving with surer and firmer steps, to the Presence of the Redeemer, the Comforter, the Saviour, the Avatar, the Sai. Nevertheless, when Bhagawan manifested a faint, favourable interest, when someone ventured to whisper to me in His Presence, that a bunch of my reminiscences may be welcomed by many, I was promoted by that smile to embark on this audacious adventure. My memory assumed the role of Chief Editor and hence, the chronicle suffers from imperfect chronology. Since the four parts of “Sathyam Sivam Sundram” relate most of that I have yearned to communicate, this book has become a personal testament, often perhaps too personal to be tolerated, for which act of indiscretion, I ask for pardon. Flattery is the food of fools, say those, who are denied that pabulum. I dare not deny my taste, for I have been fooled by flatterers, who threw appellations like poet, scholar, linguist, humourist, philosopher, and even ant-hill sage! Please dear reader, remember that I am struggling my best to eliminate the poison of the ego and sympathise with me, whenever you find the reptile raising its hood between the lines of this book. A few ‘old students’ of my classes at the University, my grandson, his wife, and a few brothers at Prasanthi Nilayam demanded that I should not give up the work and insisted on the completion of the book. As a result, this book, ‘Loving God’ is now placed at the Feet of the Lord and on the palms of those, who live in the Love of the Lord. Jai Sai Ram."

Sri Sathya Sai, Anandadayi

Book Description

A devotee and her family share the divine memories of Sathya Sai Baba, b. 1926, Hindu spiritual leader from India.