Modeling Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium Tsugense Subsp. Tsugense) Spread and Intensification in Mature Uneven-aged Forests in Southeast Alaska

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Hemlock dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium tsugense (Rosendahi) G.N. Jones subsp. tsugense (western hemlock race)) is the most important and widespread disease of old-growth western hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest. Although heavy infection of dwarf mistletoe can significantly increase growth loss and mortality of host trees, the parasite is also considered an important ecological component of forests influencing stand structure, species composition, and wildlife habitat. This retrospective study was conducted in stands that sustained extensive windthrow in the past and was designed as a simulation for stand structure and disease conditions expected after use of silvicultural systems that retain overstory canopy trees in a managed forest. The specific objectives were to: 1. characterize the forest structure and dwarf mistletoe component of stands that developed after catastrophic wind storms in the late 1800's; and 2. develop and validate a model, using site, plot, and tree variables, that predicts the dwarf mistletoe rating of hemlock trees that have been exposed to the pathogen for approximately a century. Results indicated that retention of overstory infected hemlock trees in southeast Alaska forests will result in pathogen spread to and intensification on hemlock trees that have developed since the late 1800's (post-disturbance trees), but not to the devastating levels predicted by previous research in the coastal forests of British Columbia, Washington, or Oregon. On Kuiu Island, the retention of an average of 3 heavily infected overstory residual trees/plot (83 residual trees/ha) resulted in nearly 100 percent infection of post-disturbance hemlock trees within a plot. Of those trees infected, less than one-fifth had heavy infection (a dwarf mistletoe rating of 5 or 6), and approximately one-half had moderate infection (a dwarf mistletoe rating of 3 or 4). On Chichagof Island, the retention of an average of 2 heavily infected residual trees/plot (69 residual trees/ha) resulted in nearly 100 percent infection of post-disturbance hemlock trees within a plot. Of those trees infected, less than ten percent had heavy infection and approximately one-third had moderate infection. A mathematical model that predicted dwarf mistletoe rating on post-disturbance hemlock trees was developed from eight stands on Kuiu Island and the generality of the variables was tested in two stands on Chichagof Island. The Kuiu Island model predicted that the mean dwarf mistletoe rating of post-disturbance hemlock trees within a plot increased with increasing numbers and dwarf mistletoe ratings of residual and advanced regeneration trees within a plot. No other factors that described site or tree conditions within a plot appeared important in the model. Sitka spruce trees, though rare hosts of dwarf mistletoe, did not appear to increase the mean dwarf mistletoe rating of postdisturbance hemlock trees within a plot. When present in sufficient numbers, spruce trees may act as barriers to pathogen spread, although further analysis is needed to confirm a barrier effect. The Chichagof Island models, developed separately for the two stands, also predicted that the mean dwarf mistletoe rating of post-disturbance hemlock trees within a plot increased with increasing numbers and dwarf mistletoe rating of residual trees within a plot. The importance of advanced regeneration trees could not be verified in either stand on Chichagof Island since most plots lacked this tree type.

Research Paper PNW.

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Performance of the SEAPROG Prognosis Variant of the Forest Vegetation Simulator

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This paper reports the first phase of a recent effort to evaluate the performance and use of the FVS-SEAPROG vegetation growth model. In this paper, we present our evaluation of SEAPROG's performance in modeling the growth of even-aged stands regenerated by clearcutting, windthrow, or fire. We evaluated the model by comparing model predictions to observed values from two sets of long-term permanent plots. We examined six variables: trees per acre, quadratic mean diameter, basal area per acre, height of the largest 40 trees per acre, cubic-foot volume per acre, and board-foot volume per acre. The differences between observed and predicted values were large enough to have important implications for the interpretation and use of the model's predictions. Of even greater importance was the evidence for considerable bias in quadratic mean diameter, basal area, height, and volume, all of which were systematically underestimated. Our results appear to validate the concerns expressed by users.

Synthesis on the Literature on the Biology, Ecology, and Management of Western Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe

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Hemlock dwarf mistletoe (HDM) (¿Arceuthobium tsugense¿) is a small, inconspicuous parasite that has significant effects on tree growth and stand structure in coastal forest ecosystems of west. N. Amer. Previous clearcut harvesting of areas that removed all infected trees, and forestry practices that established even-aged stands of trees effectively prevented HDM impacts. However, current forest practices that restrict clearcut harvesting to small openings, and retain live trees to preserve attributes of old-growth forests create conditions that are favorable for enhanced seed production by HDM, early spread of the HDM to infect young trees, and, increased growth impacts to residual trees. More info. is needed on the biology and impacts of HDM. Illustrations.

A Synthesis of the Literature on the Biology, Ecology, and Management of Western Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe

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Hemlock dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium tsugense [Rosendahl] G.N. Jones) is a small, inconspicuous parasite that has significant effects on tree growth and stand structure in coastal forest ecosystems of western North America. Most previous research focused on the effects of hemlock dwarf mistletoe on timber production. Previous clearcut harvesting of large areas that removed virtually all infected trees and forestry practices that established even-aged stands of trees effectively prevented or minimized future hemlock dwarf mistletoe impacts. Under this regime, further research on hemlock dwarf mistletoe was considered unnecessary. However, current forestry practices that restrict clearcut harvesting to small openings and retain live trees to preserve attributes of old-growth forests create conditions that appear highly favorable for enhanced seed production by hemlock dwarf mistletoe, early spread of the mistletoe to infect young trees, and, consequently, increased growth impacts to residual trees over time. More information is needed on the biology and impacts of hemlock dwarf mistletoe in coastal western hemlock retention-harvested forests in the United States of America and Canada. Further work is recommended to develop sampling and monitoring procedures to determine hemlock dwarf mistletoe spread and impacts. We also need to investigate several unusual aspects of hemlock dwarf mistletoe biology and development such as long-distance seed dispersal and persistence in old-growth forests. Detailed tree, stand, and forest-level models are needed to monitor and project hemlock dwarf mistletoe effects over a wide range of ecological conditions and management regimes in coastal forests.