Moshiach Daily

Book Description

Torah Insights on the Topic of Moshiach and Geulah Connected to the Daily "Hayom Yom" Adapted from the Talks of Moshiach - the Rebbe Shlita It is important to learn about Moshiach and Redemption today, not only to hasten their coming but mainly to "live with the time" of the Days of Moshiach. This learning fills our minds with Moshiach and Redemption as they are discussed in Torah, which spread to our feeling and thought, speech and action that are done in a way befitting this special time, when we can point to Moshiach. Even with all the recent miracles, it is difficult to internalize the awareness that we are on the threshold of the era of Moshiach to the point that we begin to live with Moshiach and Redemption. The solution to this is to learn Torah about Moshiach and Redemption. Torah can change a person's nature, so even if one feels "outside" of the Redemption, this learning causes one to live with the Redemption with the awareness that "here comes Moshiach."

Moshiach Day by Day

Book Description

Jewish tradition views the Messianic Era as the culmination of history for all mankind. It will be a time when the Creator is revealed to His Creation, so that it can be known that the One who exists above and beyond any description can also exist within a limited world. Moshiach Day by Day provides insights into the Jewish concept of the Messiah, the process of Messianic revelation, the personality of the Messiah, and the role that everyone (Jew and Gentile) can play in hastening the Time to Come!

Wood Made Flesh

Book Description

P A U L M . P E R K I N S was born in San Diego, California in 1948 and moved to Hawaii in that same year. His father, a submarine sonarman, was stations between Pearl Harbor and San Diego for twenty years. The novel (Wood Made Flesh) was a result of Pauls hard work studying at Long Ridge Writers Group, where he was enrolled in Writing Courses, Novel Writing, Short Stories and Magazine Articles. The novel is fiction, however, is inclusive of facts about Pauls life growing up and his interest in the three monotheistic religions of the world. Paul, now 62, has seen prophecies unveiled. He has read and studied hundreds of books and articles about religious prophecies and has concluded that The Third Secret is a forewarning of what will take place in our times. Just look around and see what was right 100 years ago is now wrong and what was wrong 100 years ago is now acceptable by our deeply sinful world. This novel, although fictional, is eighty percent factual.

Living with Moshiach

Book Description

A renowned scholar and theologian presents inspiring and articulate observations on the ultimate purpose of G-d's creation - the redemption by our righteous Moshiach. Based on the talks and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, these concise adaptations are arranged according to the weekly and holiday Torah portions. This volume unites these cogent insights with the well-known Chasidic adage, "one must live with the times," that is, take guidance from the appropriate Torah reading.

The Cure

Book Description

A sixteen-year-old boy living in 2407 collides with the past when he finds himself in Strasbourg in 1348 confronting the anti-Semitism that sweeps through Europe during the Black Plague.

The Inner Stream Torah Insights on the Parsha of the Week

Book Description

Inner Stream-Insights of Torah. Inspiring and Encouraging Words by Mohorosh Shlit"a on The Weekly Parsha. Strikes a chord in every reader, as it crystallizes the Torah's timeless wisdom based on the teaching of Rabbi Nachman Z"L, and it reveals the Insight of Torah on how it is being applied to our daily life.

Prophecy in the New Millennium

Book Description

Secular and spiritual prophets of doom abound in the information-rich twenty-first century - as they have for millennia. But there has yet to be worldwide floods, meteor impact, global computer failure, obvious alien contact, or direct intervention from God to end the world as we know it. Considering the frequency with which prophecy apparently fails, why do prophecies continue to be made, and what social functions do they serve? This volume gives a concise, but comprehensive, overview of the rich diversity of prophecy, its role in major world religions as well as in new religions and alternative spiritualties, its social dynamics and its impact on individuals’ lives. Academic analyses are complimented with contextualized primary source testimonies of those who live and have lived within a prophetic framework. The book argues that the key to understanding the more dramatic, apocalyptic and millenarian aspects of prophecy is in appreciating prophecy’s more mundane manifestations and its role in providing meaning and motivation in everyday life.

I Await His Coming Every Day

Book Description

Maimonides' well-known 13 principles of faith includes the statement: "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Mashiach. Even if he delays, I will wait every day for him to come." What does it mean to "wait every day?" Going to the primary source, Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, this book assembles selected translations alongside the vocalized Hebrew text and presents them together with five discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that illuminate these chapters. The discourses deal with the function of Mashiach, the nature of the Biblical sources that foretell the Redemption, prophecies concerning Mashiach, and an explanation of "the ultimate good of the era of the Redemption."

Treasures of the Messiah

Book Description

Treasures of the Messiah is a personal journey with Yahshua (Jesus) that still continues. Since 2006, G-d opened my eyes to the hidden things of His word. Layer after layer of teaching and revelations, I finally realized that there is no end to the depths of G-d and the Messiah. In fact, I began learning so much that I started to forget the special and valuable treasures which the L-rd had hidden. So I began making notes and shared them with my uncles, George and Brian Herman. The excitement we had when a parable or a hidden word was opened to us. The learning became so vast that I decided to record it in a book and share with others. My uncles and I are pleased to give you the opportunity to receive the treasures the L-rd has so graciously given unto us. May you enjoy it as was have. I hope it is a pleasure for the Jewish reader and non-Jewish reader. The goal is to bridge the gap between both groups so both see the beautiful design and mysteries of the Messiah as a whole.

The Thirteen Principles of Faith (Vol. 1)

Book Description

The Rambam writes the following at the end of his commentary on Maseches Brachos: "I value teachign you the fundamentals of Judaism and emunah more than any other topic." This famous teacher of the entire Torah is sharing with us that relating the fundamentals of our faith is his most precious lesson! In this sefer, we present you with many enlightening, inspirational and practical essays on the Rambam's Thirten Principles of Faith. By learning this sefer, you will, be'ezras Hashem, deepen you knowledge, connection, and commitment to emunah. In addition to fulfilling this most fundamental of mitzvos, this will fill your life with fulfillment and vitality. This is as it is written in Habakuk: "The tzaddik lives with his faith," which means that emunah is a source of life and vitality in This World and for all eternity.