Moshiach FAQs

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"I have done all that I can - to make Moshiach a reality - I now give this special obligation to you (the Jewish people).. Do all that you can to bring Moshiach!" It is with this statement on the 28th of Nissan 5751 that the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson - changed the paradigm of the work of the Jewish people. While historically we have relied on the Tzaddikim to bring the world to its' perfection, the Rebbe entrusted and empowered us to get the job done.The Jewish world was thrown into a frenzy. We have been studying Torah and performing mitzvos for generations, yet it seemed that we were missing that "Direct Path" and key to the era of Moshiach. Many spent hours thinking of special ideas. On the Shabbos of Tazria-Metzora 5751, the Rebbe made it crystal clear. "The direct path to enter the era of Moshiach, is through learning about the concepts of Moshiach in all areas of the Torah".

Questions and Answers on Moshiach Based Upon Rambam's Laws of Kings

Book Description

Questions and Answers on Moshiach based upon Rambam's Laws of Kings addresses several perplexing questions people often have regarding Moshiach's arrival, with a unique and fresh perspective based upon Maimonides' discussion of this topic in Chapters 11 and 12 of his magnum opus on Jewish law entitled Mishneh Torah. The questions cover such topics as what is the process through which Moshiach is revealed, whether Moshiach will need to perform miracles, Elijah the Prophet's message regarding his arrival, why Moshiach must be a human being, can Moshiach rise from the dead, how will we be able to identify him, and many other fascinating questions. Both the layman and the advanced scholar will benefit from the insights into this timely yet little understood area of Jewish Law. This latest version contains the original approbations by Chief Rabbis Ovadia Yosef and Mordechai Eliyahu, as well as other leading rabbis, appearing in Rabbi Volpo's landmark book Yechi Hamelech Hamoshiach, from which these questions were adapted for the English reader.

Moshiach Matters

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Countdown to Moshiach

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The Days of Moshiach

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Moshiach Day by Day

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Jewish tradition views the Messianic Era as the culmination of history for all mankind. It will be a time when the Creator is revealed to His Creation, so that it can be known that the One who exists above and beyond any description can also exist within a limited world. Moshiach Day by Day provides insights into the Jewish concept of the Messiah, the process of Messianic revelation, the personality of the Messiah, and the role that everyone (Jew and Gentile) can play in hastening the Time to Come!

Yalkut Moshiach V'Geulah Vol. 31 Matos-Masei

Book Description

With much material from the treatises and Drashot of major Rabbinical authorities, and the revelations of General Chassidus, as well as basic texts and Rishonim, these overflowing volumes will provide fresh material for anyone interested in studying, teaching, and discussing concepts of Moshiach and Geulah (Messiah and Redemption). Of course, the Chabad sources have not been slighted. One volume projected for each Parsha of the Torah.

Moshiach Daily

Book Description

Torah Insights on the Topic of Moshiach and Geulah Connected to the Daily "Hayom Yom" Adapted from the Talks of Moshiach - the Rebbe Shlita It is important to learn about Moshiach and Redemption today, not only to hasten their coming but mainly to "live with the time" of the Days of Moshiach. This learning fills our minds with Moshiach and Redemption as they are discussed in Torah, which spread to our feeling and thought, speech and action that are done in a way befitting this special time, when we can point to Moshiach. Even with all the recent miracles, it is difficult to internalize the awareness that we are on the threshold of the era of Moshiach to the point that we begin to live with Moshiach and Redemption. The solution to this is to learn Torah about Moshiach and Redemption. Torah can change a person's nature, so even if one feels "outside" of the Redemption, this learning causes one to live with the Redemption with the awareness that "here comes Moshiach."

A Guide to Torah Hashkofoh

Book Description

Honest answers to honest questions on Creation, evolution, interpersonal relations and more.