New Humans, New Earth: The Grand Celestrial Plan for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Book Description

This guide presents simple, demystified ideas about humanity's evolution into a new human species, and Mother Earth's unfolding transformation into a higher vibrational planetary being. It will awaken the reader to new levels of understanding about these exciting and challenging times.

New Humans, New Earth!

Book Description

Portal to the New Earth

Book Description

A comprehensive overview of how the universe operates and how to utilize this information to catalyze an evolution of human consciousness to choose to live in sacred and divine harmony with all of life and the Earth. This is a journey in two parts: the first part shows how the Portals utilize sound, sacred geometry and an understanding of Earth grid energies to facilitate an evolution of consciousness. I have come to think of them as multi-dimensional energy body alignment tools. Part two covers the inspiration and ultimate reason that I build the Portal installations: to awaken people to the sacredness of all things so as to choose to inhabit the earth in the most harmonious and beautiful way. Inspired by the work of Buckminster Fuller and Paolo Soleri, I have gone on to study a wide range of visionary projects spanning the past century that I have synthesized into a future urban eco-structure concept: the 12 Spiral City. The book culminates with the principle of TerrAquaforming: consciously integrating water and earth in the most life enhancing way for not only the benefit of future human habitations, but all life and the Earth itself.

New Earth Transmissions

Book Description

Embark on a journey into the future history of New Earth and discover wisdom and knowledge to guide you through these prophetic times of personal and global transformation as we manifest the higher consciousness civilization of New Earth.

The New Heaven & the New Earth

Book Description

Planetary transformation is already underway. Changes started in the Inner Worlds over the past 200 years (the New Heaven) are already manifesting and will continue to do so for the next 200 years (the New Earth). How we react to these changes will decide human destiny, which is not a haphazard thing but what we make of it. To react correctly, we need more than just worldly knowledge: we need real Esoteric Knowledge, a spiritual understanding rooted in the vast Invisible Reality. And we need more than knowledge: we need effective spiritual techniques that lead to Higher Conscious. In this book, Imre Vallyon sets a high bar for the spiritual aspirant seeking Enlightenment-and rightly so, because the Ultimate Reward requires the Ultimate Effort. Book jacket.

The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth

Book Description

The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth contains essential knowledge for the current new phase of our human evolution. What and why is happening in our New Reality and how we can recalibrate to be aligned and benefit from these monumental times designed for our evolution and expansion is thoroughly processed and explained. Mother Earth's frequency has changed, and it is accelerating rapidly. The higher frequencies of light are available to humanity and all beings. There is a need for adjustments to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to be in harmony with the current global alteration of consciousness. Together with all planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, we are on the acceleration path. It is a process of rebirth and reconstruction for all. Exactly, through a shift from solely the mind to the heart-based consciousness and awareness, in every moment, we are liberated and in alignment with the parameters of the New Earth and paradigm. Our lighter and brighter frequency is a product of the Heart center awareness moment to moment in this new realm. It is evident, our evolution collectively and individually depends on how much love we have in our hearts fro our life and others. Those who do not have self-love and in this way love for others will be left behind. In other words, we cannot evolve and experience higher states of consciousness and ascension without self-love and love for others at this time. The fact is everything we need to evolve is already within us. The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth contains wisdom and practices to assist the process of our unification within and mastering the physical plane and form when gliding to the higher states of consciousness and awareness happens naturally.

The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth

Book Description

We are in a global transition in all areas and aspects of our lives. The necessary adjustments are required to allow the alignment in harmony with the current changes. Are you ready? The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth contains essential wisdom for the current new phase of our human evolution and transition we are living in. What and why is happening in our new reality is thoroughly explained, and how we can adjust to align and benefit from these monumental changes and times, designed for our acceleration. Mother Earth’s frequency has changed, and it is accelerating rapidly. The higher frequencies of light are available to humanity and all beings. There is a need for adjustments to our belief system and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to be aligned and in harmony with the current global alteration of consciousness. Together with all planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, we are on the acceleration path. It is a process of rebirth and reconstruction for all. Exactly the evolution happens through a shift from solely the mind to the heart-based consciousness and awareness moment to moment. This is when we are liberated and in alignment with the parameters of this new reality. It is evident, our evolution collectively and individually depends on how much love we have in our hearts towards others and our selves. Our lighter and brighter frequency is a product of the heart center awareness moment to moment in this new realm. The fact is everything we need to evolve is already within us. 'The Manual For Humanity Thriving In The New Earth' contains knowledge, wisdom, and practices to assist the process of our up leveling and unification within and with the outer world. Together, we are mastering the physical life through this manual, when the higher state of consciousness and awareness happen naturally. Let us join hearts and souls together through wisdom, understanding, and cooperation in creating a better world and our new reality to be an opportunity for all.

Planetary Transformation

Book Description

The coming years provide a tremendous opportunity for all of Mankind to awaken into higher awareness and for our physical planet to undergo an amazing transformation. To understand what that implies, we first have to understand the process of this fundamental transformation and what we can do about it. In Part One of Planetary Transformation, the author, working from the Higher Consciousness of a Spiritual Master and modern-day prophet, outlines the spiritual roots of the physical upheavals that are manifesting on Earth, providing deeper understanding for the true spiritual seeker. In Part Two readers are given practical meditation techniques that will raise their consciousness and help them deal with the coming changes. In the turbulent days to come, people will have a choice: Be one of those who are buffeted by events they do not understand. Or be one of those who know what is happening and who will work with the incoming energy of change to help turn planet Earth into an unimaginable world of Harmony, Love, Peace and Unity.

Becoming One People and Planet, Volume Two

Book Description

Becoming ONE, People and Planet is a masterful blend of psychology, metaphysics, ecology, science, art, poetry and spirituality from Suzan Caroll PhD. This book offers information, meditations, and exercises that help readers consciously communicate with their greater multidimensional self and integrate that expanded sense of self into their physical body and daily life. In this way, the author hopes, readers will contribute to a growing collective consciousness that is creating a new reality.Becoming ONE is divided into two volumes for the ease of the reader. Volume ONE begins the readers' journey of personal and planetary transformation. This journey is continued in Volume Two where the reader completes the process of integration and fully becomes one with his/her multidimensional self and with our planet.Not only does Becoming ONE pull together many different disciplines, but it also blends several forms of expression (everything from scientific research to artwork, poetry, and storytelling). This unusual combination is specifically designed to activate the reader’s whole-brain thinking—simultaneously using both our logical left brain and our creative right brain. This form of thinking greatly enhances our ability to expand our consciousness and activate our latent, innate potentials. Becoming ONE offers a gentle and thorough process of expanding our consciousness to understand and embrace our multidimensional self, as well as our multidimensional planet, to realize that we are part of a whole much greater than we could ever imagine. In that sense, Becoming ONE is no less than a multidimensional handbook which guides us into a new era where living in unity with all life is as natural as breathing.

TRANSCENDENT HUMANS, TRANSCENDENT EARTH an Ascension Plan for Gaia and Humanity

Book Description

Transcendent Humans, Transcendent Earth is a "collection of inspired channeled writings" about the final phase of a divine ascension strategy for Gaia, her Humanity and for each of us as evolving Beings of Light! This important new "body of work" contains a clear, demystified description of the Ascended Masters, a comprehensive study of the Extraterrestrials and special "encoded" messages from the Angelic Realms. In a sense, it serves as a guidebook for better understanding the Celestial Realms and the personal ascension process that we are all experiencing.