Normands coureurs de mer

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Missionnaires au quotidien à Tahiti

Book Description

Missionnaires au quotidien à Tahiti immerses us in the everyday life of Catholic missionaries sent out to the Tahitian islands in the period 1834 to 1914. Using the correspondence of the 167 members of the order of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, an attempt is made to define the social and geographic origins of the Picpucian people. Priests and friars are followed in their education, from the apostolic school to the first Pacific vicariates. Right from the first days of established contact, we see the management of the day-to-day affairs of these eternal travellers, by turns vicars and planters, schoolmasters and builders. Within the framework of a very hierarchical ecclesiastical structure, we watch the elaboration of a social project that quickly extends beyond the bounds of a narrow theocracy. It is on this societal model that a large part of Polynesia rests today.

Les Normands sur les mers du monde

Book Description

Pourrait-on parler des Normands sans un rappel de mémoire obligé, concernant les Vikings dont ils procèdent ? Car c'est avec ces derniers que débute en fait leur histoire. Devenus Normands les héritiers des Vikings établis quatre siècles auparavant en France eurent la réputation de savoir se servir des subtilités du droit, d'être des hommes riches, la bonne pratique de commerce aidant. Il suffit de feuilleter une bonne histoire de France pour se rendre compte de la multitude de Normands qui, amiraux, grands capitaines, explorateurs et colons de terres lointaines ont illustré depuis le XIIIe siècle ses chapitres maritimes et océaniques. Des nobles seigneurs normands des Pouilles et de Sicile, côté Italie, des chefs de guerre normands s'étant distingués durant les croisades, côté Proche Orient et de Jehan de Bethancourt, le roi des Canaries (1403) aux grands navigateurs français et aux impavides hommes et officiers de la "Royale" d'origine normande, la geste maritime et océanique de ces hommes de la mer demeure exemplaire.

French Warships in the Age of Steam 1859–1914

Book Description

In 1859 the French navy was at a high point, having fought alongside the British in the Crimean War and developed a formidable fleet of fast wooden-hulled steam ships of the line. But in that very year the world’s navies had to start over again when French naval architect Dupuy de Lôme introduced the ironclad battleship. The French navy then went through three tumultuous phases. In the 1860s and 1870s it focused on building a new traditionally-structured fleet in which wooden-hulled battleships gave way to iron and steel ships with massive guns and armour. In the 1880s and 1890s this effort was disrupted by a vigorous contest between battleship sailors and advocates of fast steel cruisers and small torpedo craft, leaving France by the end of the 1890s with few new battleships (none as large as the best foreign ships) but some two hundred torpedo boats. The Fashoda crisis in 1898 revealed the weakness of the French navy and between 1900 and 1914 the French focused on building a strong battle fleet. In 1914 this fleet remained well behind those of Britain and Germany in numbers, but taken individually French warships remained among the best in the world. This book is the first comprehensive listing in English of the over 1400 warships that were added to the official French navy fleet list between 1 January 1859 and World War I. It includes everything from the largest battleships to a small armoured gunboat that looked like a floating egg. The ships are listed in three separate parts to keep contemporary ships together and then by ship type and class. For each class the book provides a design history explaining why the ships were built, substantial technical characteristics for the ships as completed and after major reconstructions, and selected career milestones including the ultimate fate of each ship. Like its predecessors written jointly with Rif Winfield, French Warships in the Age of Sail 1626-1786 and French Warships in the Age of Sail 1786-1861, with which it forms the third in a trilogy, it provides a complete picture of the overall development of French warships over a period of almost three centuries.