Public Actors in International Investment Law

Book Description

This open access book focuses on public actors with a role in the settlement of investment disputes. Traditional studies on actors in international investment law have tended to concentrate on arbitrators, claimant investors and respondent states. Yet this focus on the "principal" players in investment dispute settlement has allowed a number of other seminal actors to be neglected. This book seeks to redress this imbalance by turning the spotlight on the latter. From the investor's home state to domestic courts, from sub-national governments to international organisations, and from political risk insurance agencies to legal defence teams in national ministries, the book critically reviews these overlooked public actors in international investment law.

The Bank of the European Union

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Hardship and Force Majeure in International Commercial Contracts

Book Description

Force Majeure and Hardship are commonly invoked in international trade when unforeseen events occur making performance impossible or impracticable. Most national legislators provide rules to deal with these issues, but the specifi c solutions adopted in domestic laws vary substantially from one country to another. In recent years the growing complexity of trade in a globalized world has greatly increased the number of situations where a party can invoke force majeure or hardship. Parties need to be able to analyse the nature and characteristics of force majeure and hardship and look for contractual clauses which can regulate these issues in conformity with their needs. Written by international practitioners, this dossier explores the evolution of the rules on hardship, the ICC Clause on Hardship and the perspectives of contract adaptation by arbitrators. The section on Force Majeure includes an overview of recent arbitral case law (impediment beyond sphere of control and risk of the obligor; foreseeability; causation; notice requirement), analysis of the ICC 2003 Force Majeure Clause and an update on its revision. Two other important themes are included: the relationship between force majeure and applicable law, general principles of law and trade usages as well as the impact of economic sanctions.

European Seaports Law

Book Description

In 2001, the European Commission published its so-called Ports Package, a first attempt at developing a European policy for seaports. The Ports Package includes a Directive on Market Access to Port Services, which will influence the port industry thoroughly and lead to fundamental changes in daily port operations. In this volume, academics as well as practising lawyers from France, Ireland, Italy and Belgium describe the legal framework for the several branches of the port sector, recalling the far-reaching practical implications of existing general EU law and discussing the latest versions of the Port Services Directive proposal. Completed by authoritative views from the head of the Commission's ports unit, a specialist MEP, and representatives from both the public and the private port sector, this book offers a fairly complete overview of existing port law as well as the main points of concern in the policy debate. Its purpose is to serve both as a policy background document and as a working tool for public and private port players, as well as for academics and lawyers.

EU Foreign Investment Law

Book Description

Regulation of foreign investment is one of the most topical and controversial subjects in EU law and international investment law. This book examines the legal foundations upon which EU investment policy is based, addressing the legal, practical, and political concerns created by the establishment of a common investment policy.

Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts

Book Description

This book focuses on a review of how sixty years of case-law and regulatory activity transformed the European continent and the world. It provides a critical analysis of the key features of EU integration and how this integration is perceived (internally and externally). In this context, this book also explores the EU's interactions with a number of other countries and organisations with the objective of assessing the EU's role in global governance.