Novel Applications of the Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS) in Volatile Organic Compound Sampling from Different Environmental Matrices

Book Description

The Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS) is a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based permeation passive sampler developed at the University of Waterloo. This sampler has found numerous applications in the sampling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air and soil gas. In the presented thesis, studies were conducted to expand the WMS applicability to different environmental matrices. In the first part of this work, a modified version of the sampler, with a smaller area of the sampling surface, was calibrated towards seventeen VOCs listed as sources of concern in guidance documents for vapor intrusion. The calibration constant values obtained at different exposure periods demonstrated high reproducibility and independency of the exposure time. Furthermore, the application of the WMS for VOC sampling from groundwater was examined. This study involved seven VOCs considered as important groundwater pollutants. The performance of the sampler was examined at different concentration levels and for different exposure times. The effects of the sorbent type and bubble formation at the surface of the membrane on the sampling efficiency were evaluated in order to optimize the performance of the WMS. A hypothesis regarding the calibration constant values in water sampling compared to their values in air sampling was examined. The WMS demonstrated linear uptake of the targeted compounds over the studied periods of time and at different concentration levels. Very low detection limits were achieved for all studied compounds. The calibration constant values for the sampler towards the studied compounds were measured with a reasonable reproducibility. Nonetheless, the experimental values of the calibration constants in water sampling did not comply with the theory. Furthermore, a new method of bulk soil sampling was tested. In this approach, the soil sample is enclosed in a container along with the WMS placed in the headspace of the sample. The capability of the WMS to perform exhaustive extraction of volatile organic compounds trapped in the sample was tested in this case. Two compounds, TCE and PCE were used as model compounds to test the introduced method. The initial experiments involved sampling from spiked sand soil as the simplest scenario. The experimental setup was evaluated and modified accordingly to achieve the desired extraction. The effects of the exposure parameters on the extraction efficiency were examined through experimental design starting with extraction from sand followed by extraction from a soil with a high organic content. The three-factor factorial design used for this purpose included the three factors: temperature, water content, and exposure time. The results demonstrated high extraction efficiency achieved when sampling from sand and lower extraction efficiency when sampling from the soil with a high organic content. The recovery was enhanced to a large extent in the latter case at a higher temperature with very low detection limits. The results presented in this thesis indicate that the WMS can be a potential universal tool for sampling from all environmental matrices in vapor intrusion investigations.

Solutions Manual to Accompany Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis

Book Description

This is the Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis, Second Edition. It provides solutions to the exercises and problems found in the main volume This book introduces a comprehensive overview on the fundamentals and applications of environmental sampling and analysis for students in environmental science and engineering as well as environmental professionals involved in sampling and analytical work. The book details fundamentals of sampling, selection of standard methods, QA/QC, sample preparation, chemical and instrumental principles, and method applications to various contaminants in environmental matrices (air, water, soil, waste, and biological samples). The book gives an integrated introduction to sampling and analysis – both are essential to quality environmental data. For example, contrary to other books that introduce a specific area of sampling and analysis, this text provides a balanced mix of field sampling and laboratory analysis, essential knowledge in chemistry/statistics/hydrology/regulations, wet chemical methods for conventional chemicals as well as various modern instrumental techniques for contaminants of emerging concerns. The new edition adds three standalone chapters regarding the basics of analytical and organic chemistry, environmental data analysis, mass spectrometry and other significant amounts of new materials such as time-integrated passive sampling, incremental sampling, green sample preparation, Raman spectroscopy, chiral separation, and non-target analysis. In addition, the second edition provides more examples, visual aids, case studies, and end-of-chapter exercise problems to enhance a better understanding of the fundamentals of environmental sampling and analysis while incorporating current literature (mostly peer-reviewed journal papers) regarding the applications and challenges in the field of environmental sampling and analysis.

Demonstration and Validation of the Use of Passive Samplers for Monitoring Soil Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air

Book Description

This thesis documents a demonstration/validation of passive diffusive samplers for assessing soil vapor, indoor air and outdoor air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at sites with potential human health risks attributable to subsurface vapor intrusion to indoor air. The study was funded by the United States (U.S.) Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Department of the Navy (DoN). The passive samplers tested included: SKC Ultra and Ultra II, Radiello®, Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS), Automated Thermal Desorption (ATD) tubes, and 3M OVM 3500. The program included laboratory testing under controlled conditions for 10 VOCs (including chlorinated ethenes, ethanes, and methanes, as well as aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons), spanning a range of properties and including some compounds expected to pose challenges (naphthalene, methyl ethyl ketone). Laboratory tests were performed under conditions of different temperature (17 to 30 oC), relative humidity (30 to 90 % RH), face velocity (0.014 to 0.41 m/s), concentration (1 to 100 parts per billion by volume [ppbv]) and sample duration (1 to 7 days). These conditions were selected to challenge the samplers across a range of conditions likely to be encountered in indoor and outdoor air field sampling programs. A second set of laboratory tests were also conducted at 1, 10 and 100 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to evaluate concentrations of interest for soil vapor monitoring using the same 10 VOCs and constant conditions (80% RH, 30 min exposure, 22 oC). Inter-laboratory testing was performed to assess the variability attributable to the differences between several laboratories used in this study. The program also included field testing of indoor air, outdoor air, sub-slab vapor and deeper soil vapor at several DoD facilities. Indoor and outdoor air samples were collected over durations of 3 to 7 days, and Summa canister samples were collected over the same durations as the passive samples for comparison. Subslab and soil vapor samples were collected with durations ranging from 10 min to 12 days, at depths of about 15 cm (immediately below floor slabs), 1.2 m and 3.7 m. Passive samplers were employed with uptake rates ranging from about 0.05 to almost 100 mL/min and analysis by both thermal desorption and solvent extraction. Mathematical modeling was performed to provide theoretical insight into the potential behavior of passive samplers in the subsurface, and to help select those with uptake rates that would minimize the risk of a negative bias from the starvation effect (which occurs when a passive sampler with a high uptake rate removes VOC vapors from the surroundings faster than they are replenished, resulting in biased concentrations). A flow-through cell apparatus was tested as an option for sampling existing sub-surface probes that are too small to accommodate a passive sampler or sampling a slip-stream of a high-velocity gas (e.g., vent-pipes of mitigation systems). The results of this demonstration show that all of the passive samplers provided data that met the performance criteria for accuracy and precision (relative percent difference less than 45 % for indoor air or 50% for soil vapor compared to conventional active samples and a coefficient of variation less than 30%) under some or most conditions. Exceptions were generally attributable to one or more of five possible causes: poor retention of analytes by the sorbent in the sampler; poor recovery of the analytes from the sorbent; starvation effects, uncertainty in the uptake rate for the specific combination of sampler/compound/conditions, or blank contamination. High (or positive) biases were less common than low biases, and attributed either to blank contamination, or to uncertainty in the uptake rates. Most of the passive samplers provided highly reproducible results throughout the demonstrations. This is encouraging because the accuracy can be established using occasional inter-method verification samples (e.g., conventional samples collected beside the passive samples for the same duration), and the field-calibrated uptake rates will be appropriate for other passive samples collected under similar conditions. Furthermore, this research demonstrated for the first time that passive samplers can be used to quantify soil vapor concentrations with accuracy and precision comparable to conventional methods. Passive samplers are generally easier to use than conventional methods (Summa canisters and active ATD tubes) and minimal training is required for most applications. A modest increase in effort is needed to select the appropriate sampler, sorbent and sample duration for the site-specific chemicals of concern and desired reporting limits compared to Summa canisters and EPA Method TO-15. As the number of samples in a given program increases, the initial cost of sampling design becomes a smaller fraction of the overall total cost, and the passive samplers gain a significant cost advantage because of the simplicity of the sampling protocols and reduced shipping charges.

Fundamentals of Air Sampling

Book Description

There is a growing need for environmental measurement personnel who possess a solid understanding of the techniques of air pollutant sampling. This essential book explains the fundamentals of air sampling, develops the theory of gas measurement, and presents several "how-to" examples of calibration and use of air and gas sampling devices. Other topics covered range from the basics of pressure measurement and units conversion to specific discussions regarding the use of a Volatile Organic Sampling Train or a SUMMA-polished canister sampling system.

Monitors of Organic Chemicals in the Environment

Book Description

The authors of this book are pioneers of the passive, integrative sampling approach and developers of globally applied semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). The book will boost understanding of how passive samplers such as SPMD function by examining basic exchange processes that mediate the concentration of SVOCs in a sampling matrix. The book delineates fundamental theory and modeling techniques, while providing a practical guide for its proper application.

Compound Specific Isotope Ratio Analysis in Vapour Intrusion Studies Using Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS)

Book Description

Compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) has been used extensively for fingerprinting applications and for the evaluation of the degradation processes in organic contaminant studies in groundwater. Recently, an increase in academic interest on the potential applications of CSIA in vapour intrusion has been observed, and various studies have been conducted. A key challenge of this research is the development of analytical protocols for CSIA that handle very low concentrations of organic compounds typically found in indoor samples. A sampling device capable of gathering enough mass for CSIA has to be tested for field applications. In this research the Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS), a permeation-type passive sampler that has been successfully used in numerous studies, is presented as a potential device for this purpose. Indeed, the WMS has been successfully applied in the quantitation of volatile analytes in indoor and outdoor air, as well as soil-gas matrices. The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of the WMS for CSIA in vapour intrusion studies. Analyte amounts sufficient for CSIA were collected when using thermal desorption to introduce the sample into the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry system (TD-GC-IRMS). The TD-GC-IRMS was employed to determine the stable carbon isotopic composition ([delta]13C) of three model analytes: hexane, benzene and trichloroethylene, which were contained in a standard gas mixture. In order to determine whether isotopic fractionation occurred during the exposure, measures of [delta]13C were taken for individual compounds found in both the standard gas (active sampling) and in the gas permeating through the PDMS membrane into the sorbent (passive sampling). Various WMS were exposed to the standard gas for 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 hours. Variations of the isotopic carbon composition for each analyte were measured versus time, amount of analytes sorbed and exposure temperature. Results obtained in all studies indicate good reproducibility with a standard deviation within the accepted analytical error of ± 0.5 [per mille]. All sampling processes introduced small isotopic fractionation; however, the degree of fractionation remained practically constant and independent of sampling time, mass adsorbed and temperature, therefore could be accounted for. The new method developed was applied in a field study, where the results obtained were compared with solvent base active sample collection and analysis. Results obtained demonstrated good data reproducibility. This indicates that CSIA coupled with WMS could be a valuable tool in environmental forensics field.

Guidelines for the Use of the Semipermeable Membrane Device (Spmd) and the Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (Pocis) in Environmental Monitoring Studies

Book Description

The success of an environmental monitoring study using passive samplers, or any sampling method, begins in the office or laboratory. Regardless of the specific methods used, the general steps include the formulation of a sampling plan, training of personnel, performing the field (sampling) work, processing the collected samples to recover chemicals of inter- est, analysis of the enriched extracts, and interpretation of the data. Each of these areas will be discussed in the following sections with emphasis on specific considerations with the use of passive samplers.

Monitors of Organic Chemicals in the Environment

Book Description

The authors of this book are pioneers of the passive, integrative sampling approach and developers of globally applied semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). The book will boost understanding of how passive samplers such as SPMD function by examining basic exchange processes that mediate the concentration of SVOCs in a sampling matrix. The book delineates fundamental theory and modeling techniques, while providing a practical guide for its proper application.