NREL's Balance-of-System Cost Model for Land-Based Wind

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NREL's Land-based Balance of System Systems Engineering (LandBOSSE) model is a tool for modeling the balance of system (BOS) costs of land-based wind plants. BOS costs currently account for approximately 30% of the capital expenditures needed to install a land-based wind plant and include all costs associated with installing a wind plant, such as permitting, labor, material, and equipment costs associated with site preparation, foundation construction, electrical infrastructure, and tower installation. NREL developed LandBOSSE after identifying a need for a hybrid of process-based and empirically derived model that can provide flexibility for assessing wind plant BOS costs at a system level. NREL's prior BOS models have relied on empirical fits of legacy industry data, which limit their predictive ability. LandBOSSE, however, was designed to help users explore tradeoffs between innovative design scenarios while balancing the level of detail and speed required for model execution. The model was developed using a hybrid of process-based and empirically derived methods to create a modular model design that will allow for updates as wind energy technology evolves. The goal of LandBOSSE is to allow researchers, analysts, wind power developers, government agencies, and the public to explore how BOS may vary for different wind plant designs. This report summarizes the approach, methods, and equations used to develop LandBOSSE Version 2.1 (hereafter referred to as LandBOSSE 2.1). Future versions of the model may incorporate additional process-based capabilities or modify calculations within the code. Please refer to the GitHub repository at for the most up-to-date version of the software documentation and code.

Land-Based Wind Plant Balance-of-System Cost Drivers and Sensitivities

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With Balance of System (BOS) costs contributing up to 30% of the installed capital cost, it is fundamental to understand the BOS costs for wind projects as well as potential cost trends for larger turbines. NREL developed a BOS model using project cost estimates developed by industry partners. Aspects of BOS covered include engineering and permitting, foundations for various wind turbines, transportation, civil work, and electrical arrays. The data introduce new scaling relationships for each BOS component to estimate cost as a function of turbine parameters and size, project parameters and size, and geographic characteristics. Based on the new BOS model, an analysis to understand the non-turbine wind plant costs associated with turbine sizes ranging from 1-6 MW and wind plant sizes ranging from 100-1000 MW has been conducted. This analysis establishes a more robust baseline cost estimate, identifies the largest cost components of wind project BOS, and explores the sensitivity of the capital investment cost and the levelized cost of energy to permutations in each BOS cost element. This presentation shows results from the model that illustrate the potential impact of turbine size and project size on the cost of energy from US wind plants.

Wind Vision

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This book provides a detailed roadmap of technical, economic, and institutional actions by the wind industry, the wind research community, and others to optimize wind's potential contribution to a cleaner, more reliable, low-carbon, domestic energy generation portfolio, utilizing U.S. manu-facturing and a U.S. workforce. The roadmap is intended to be the beginning of an evolving, collaborative, and necessarily dynamic process. It thus suggests an approach of continual updates at least every two years, informed by its analysis activities. Roadmap actions are identified in nine topical areas, introduced below.

Modeling Balance-of-System Costs for Land-Based Wind Plants

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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the Land-based BOS Systems Engineering (LandBOSSE) model to provide researchers, analysts, wind power developers, government agencies, and the public with a flexible tool that can be used to estimate the BOS costs associated with wind power plant construction. This fact sheet provides an overview of the model.

Floating Offshore Wind Energy

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This book provides a state-of-the-art review of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT). It offers developers a global perspective on floating offshore wind energy conversion technology, documenting the key challenges and practical solutions that this new industry has found to date. Drawing on a wide network of experts, it reviews the conception, early design stages, load & structural analysis and the construction of FOWT. It also presents and discusses data from pioneering projects. Written by experienced professionals from a mix of academia and industry, the content is both practical and visionary. As one of the first titles dedicated to FOWT, it is a must-have for anyone interested in offshore renewable energy conversion technologies.

Offshore Wind Balance-of-System Cost Modeling

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Offshore wind balance-of-system (BOS) costs contribute up to 70% of installed capital costs. Thus, it is imperative to understand the impact of these costs on project economics as well as potential cost trends for new offshore wind technology developments. As a result, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed and recently updated a BOS techno-economic model using project cost estimates created from wind energy industry sources.

NREL Offshore Balance-of-System Model

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has investigated the potential for 20% of nationwide electricity demand to be generated from wind by 2030 and, more recently, 35% by 2050. Achieving this level of wind power generation may require the development and deployment of offshore wind technologies. DOE (2008) has indicated that reaching these 2030 and 2050 scenarios could result in approximately 10% and 20%, respectively, of wind energy generation to come from offshore resources. By the end of 2013, 6.5 gigawatts of offshore wind were installed globally. The first U.S. project, the Block Island Wind Farm off the coast of Rhode Island, has recently begun operations. One of the major reasons that offshore wind development in the United States is lagging behind global trends is the high capital expenditures required. An understanding of the costs and associated drivers of building a commercial-scale offshore wind plant in the United States will inform future research and help U.S. investors feel more confident in offshore wind development. In an effort to explain these costs, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has developed the Offshore Balance-of-System model.

Future of wind

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This study presents options to speed up the deployment of wind power, both onshore and offshore, until 2050. It builds on IRENA’s global roadmap to scale up renewables and meet climate goals.