Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping

Book Description

Earthen levees are extensively used to protect the population and infrastructure from periodic floods and high water due to storm surges. The causes of failure of levees include overtopping, surface erosion, internal erosion, and slope instability. Overtopping may occur during periods of flooding due to insufficient freeboard. The most problematic situation involves the levee being overtopped by both surge and waves when the surge level exceeds the levee crest elevation with accompanying wave overtopping. Overtopping of levees produces fast-flowing, turbulent water velocities on the landward-side slope that can potentially damage the protective grass covering and expose the underlying soil to erosion. If overtopping continues long enough, the erosion may eventually result in loss of levee crest elevation and possibly breaching of the protective structure. Hence, protecting levees from erosion by surge overflow and wave overtopping is necessary to assure a viable and safe levee system. This book presents a cutting-edge approach to understanding overtopping hydraulics under negative free board of earthen levees, and to the study of levee reinforcing methods. Combining soil erosion test, full-scale laboratory overtopping hydraulics test, and numerical modeling for the turbulent overtopping hydraulics. It provides an analysis that integrates the mechanical and hydraulic processes governing levee overtopping occurrences and engineering approaches to reinforce overtopped levees. Topics covered: surge overflow, wave overtopping and their combination, full-scale hydraulic tests, erosion tests, overtopping hydraulics, overtopping discharge, and turbulent analysis. This is an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers working on levee design, water resource engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal engineering, and for professionals in the field of civil and environmental engineering, and natural hazard analysis.

Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping

Book Description

"Earthen levees are extensively used to protect the population and infrastructure from periodic floods and high water due to storm surges. The causes of failure of levees include overtopping, surface erosion, internal erosion, and slope instability. Overtopping may occur during periods of flooding due to insufficient freeboard. The most problematic situation involves the levee being overtopped by both surge and waves when the surge level exceeds the levee crest elevation with accompanying wave overtopping. Overtopping of levees produces fast-flowing, turbulent water velocities on the landward-side slope that can potentially damage the protective grass covering and expose the underlying soil to erosion. If overtopping continues long enough, the erosion may eventually result in loss of levee crest elevation and possibly breaching of the protective structure. Hence, protecting levees from erosion by surge overflow and wave overtopping is necessary to assure a viable and safe levee system. This book presents a cutting-edge approach to understanding overtopping hydraulics under negative free board of earthen levees, and to the study of levee reinforcing methods. Combining soil erosion test, full-scale laboratory overtopping hydraulics test, and numerical modeling for the turbulent overtopping hydraulics, it provides an analysis that integrates the mechanical and hydraulic processes governing levee overtopping occurrences and engineering approaches to reinforce overtopped levees. Topics covered surge overflow, wave overtopping and their combination, full-scale hydraulic tests, erosion tests, overtopping hydraulics, overtopping discharge, and turbulent analysis. This is an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers working on levee design, water resource engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal engineering, and for professionals in the field of civil and environmental engineering, and natural hazard analysis"--

Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Wave Overtopping and Overflow on Dikes

Book Description

Earthen levees are designed for little wave overtopping during a design storm but excessive overtopping and overflow can occur due to the combined effects of an extreme storm, sea level rise and land subsidence. The transition from little wave overtopping to excessive wave overtopping and overflow on an impermeable smooth levee is examined in wave-flume experiments consisting of 107 tests. A numerical model based on time-averaged continuity, momentum and wave action equations is developed to predict the cross-shore variations of the mean and standard deviation of the free surface elevation and depth-averaged fluid velocity of irregular waves in the presence of onshore steady flow. An empirical formula is proposed to express the wave overtopping and overflow rate in terms of the computed variables on the seaward slope of the levee. The formula is shown to predict the measured overtopping and overflow rates within a factor of about 2. The numerical model is applied to an earthen levee in Louisiana to show its practical utility but will need to be verified using field data if available. Furthermore, the numerical model will need to be extended to predict levee erosion and breaching.


Book Description

Earthen levees are extensively used to protect the population and infrastructure from periodic floods and high water due to storm surges. The causes of failure of levees include overtopping, surface erosion, internal erosion, and slope instability. Overtopping may occur during periods of flooding due to insufficient freeboard. The most problematic situation involves the levee being overtopped by both surge and waves when the surge level exceeds the levee crest elevation with accompanying wave overtopping. Overtopping of levees produces fast-flowing, turbulent water velocities on the landward-side slope that can potentially damage the protective grass covering and expose the underlying soil to erosion. If overtopping continues long enough, the erosion may eventually result in loss of levee crest elevation and possibly breaching of the protective structure. Hence, protecting levees from erosion by surge overflow and wave overtopping is necessary to assure a viable and safe levee system. This book presents a cutting-edge approach to understanding overtopping hydraulics under negative free board of earthen levees, and to the study of levee reinforcing methods. Combining soil erosion test, full-scale laboratory overtopping hydraulics test, and numerical modeling for the turbulent overtopping hydraulics. It provides an analysis that integrates the mechanical and hydraulic processes governing levee overtopping occurrences and engineering approaches to reinforce overtopped levees. Topics covered: surge overflow, wave overtopping and their combination, full-scale hydraulic tests, erosion tests, overtopping hydraulics, overtopping discharge, and turbulent analysis. This is an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers working on levee design, water resource engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal engineering, and for professionals in the field of civil and environmental engineering, and natural hazard analysis.

Multidimensional Numerical Modeling of Surges Over Initially Dry Land

Book Description

For modelers evaluating the impact of dam, levee and structure failures the need is to be able to determine the flood height and timing. A two-dimensional (2-D) model needs to be able to reproduce this flood wave along the channel and over dry ground. This report details the testing of the 2-D shallow-water module of the ADaptive Hydraulics (ADH) model for surges over initially dry ground. ADH utilizes an unstructured computational mesh that is automatically refined. Other modules in ADH include three-dimensional (3-D) Navier Stokes (with and without the hydrostatic pressure assumption) and groundwater flow. Testing is conducted in comparison to physical flume results for two test cases. The first test case is for a straight flume and the second contains a reservoir and a horseshoe channel section. It is important that the model match the timing of the surge as well as the height In both cases the ADH compared closely with the flume results.

Shear Stress Analysis of Levees Subjected to Combined Surge and Wave Overtopping

Book Description

Storm surge above the levee crest elevation combined with levee wave overtopping can place large shear stresses on the levee landward slope face. Previous research has examined overtopping flow conditions, but the resulting shear stress has not been thoroughly analyzed. The purpose of this thesis is to examine multiple combinations of overtopping flow conditions and the resultant shear stress along the levee's landward slope. This thesis presents measurements of depth, velocity, discharge, and wave height, and it estimates shear stress using data collected from a scaled physical model. Shear stress is estimated using three equations including a version of Saint-Venant equations that accounts for unsteady, non-uniform flow. The objective of this thesis is to develop shear stress estimates on the landward slope of a levee during combined wave and surge overtopping for conditions and dimensions typical to levees along the Gulf coast of the United States.

Storm Surge Risk Assessment and of Levee Systems

Book Description

Currently in the United States, more than 100,000 miles of levees exist that are facing substantial risk from storm surge. Data from modeling efforts can provide valuable information to decision makers to act against these risks. Probabilistic models for the performance of coastal structures against storm surge hazard are needed to gain a deep understanding of their failure mechanisms and occurrence probabilities in order to support various critical decisions needed prior to and during these events. Current probabilistic models for flood defense systems are primarily focused on a single mode of failure without consideration of causal relations among failure modes. In current models, failure assessment is treated as a snapshot in time neglecting the time evolution of failure processes. To address these limitations, a well-defined model of levee together with robust reliability analysis techniques are needed. The finite difference platform of FLAC3D is utilized in this study to analyze the failure mechanisms of levees. Subsequently, stochastic finite difference models of levees combined with machine learning techniques enable generation of a novel class of multi-dimensional fragility surfaces that will enhance our understanding of various failure processes. Another limitation of existing models is their inability to account for impacts of failures in flood defense systems on characteristics of storm surge. This issue is addressed through integration of proposed probabilistic levee performance models with hydraulic models to enable them to adapt in response to changing conditions of the flood protection systems. This integration improves forecasting capabilities of the models. Therefore, the goal of this research is to provide a better understanding of the complex behavior of flood defense systems, enable more accurate forecasts of the performance of these systems during storm surge events, and finally devise more effective ways to transfer the produced information to decision makers. To this end, this study advances the state-of-the-art in numerical modeling in geotechnical engineering, uncertainty quantification, and risk analysis, by integrating advanced approaches in reliability and fragility analysis with flood inundation modeling capabilities to improve decision making in the face of flood events. First, a physics-based performance model for geotechnical failure mechanisms in levees is developed. The produced model properly captures coupled behavior of soil instability and backward erosion piping that considers the hydro-mechanical coupling between the material properties. Then, a highly efficient probabilistic calibration framework that is integrated with multivariate Kriging surrogate modeling is developed and applied on the produced performance model to reduce uncertainties in the input variables. After that, the current issues in reliability analysis of geotechnical systems are investigated and a new active surrogate reliability method is developed using an effective learning function that facilitates the active learning process. The developed reliability method is integrated with random field methodologies to evaluate reliability of levee systems with spatial correlation in input properties. The developed probabilistic models are integrated with breach models to provide a set of two-dimensional fragility models that are functions of key factors including initial water level before surge and peak surge elevation. Unlike existing fragility models, this new class of fragility models can accurately represent various undesirable events in levees including initiation of breach, local geotechnical instabilities, and breach development. Then, the proposed fragility models are integrated with flood hazard models and flood inundation modeling to analysis the flood risk in the downstream of the levees. In the developed risk analysis framework, the consequences are modeled in terms of human casualties, damage to the levee systems, and economic loss. The developed models in this study helps decision makers for short-term during-hazard responses such as evacuation, and long-term risk management planning.