Stochastic Lagrangian Modeling for Large Eddy Simulation of Dispersed Turbulent Two-Phase Flows

Book Description

Understanding the dispersion and the deposition of inertial particles convected by turbulent flows is a domain of research of considerable industrial interest. Inertial particle transport and dispersion are encountered in a wide range of flow configurations, whether they are of industrial or environmental character. Conventional models for turbulent dispersed flows do not appear capable of meeting the growing needs of chemical, mechanical and petroleum industries in this regard and physical environment testing is prohibitive. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) ha.

Random Fields and Stochastic Lagrangian Models

Book Description

The book presents advanced stochastic models and simulation methods for random flows and transport of particles by turbulent velocity fields and flows in porous media. Two main classes of models are constructed: (1) turbulent flows are modeled as synthetic random fields which have certain statistics and features mimicing those of turbulent fluid in the regime of interest, and (2) the models are constructed in the form of stochastic differential equations for stochastic Lagrangian trajectories of particles carried by turbulent flows. The book is written for mathematicians, physicists, and engineers studying processes associated with probabilistic interpretation, researchers in applied and computational mathematics, in environmental and engineering sciences dealing with turbulent transport and flows in porous media, as well as nucleation, coagulation, and chemical reaction analysis under fluctuation conditions. It can be of interest for students and post-graduates studying numerical methods for solving stochastic boundary value problems of mathematical physics and dispersion of particles by turbulent flows and flows in porous media.

Particle Dispersion in Homogeneous Turbulence Using the One-dimensional Turbulence Model

Book Description

Lagrangian particle dispersion is studied using the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model in homogeneous decaying turbulence configurations. The ODT model has been widely and successfully applied to a number of reacting and nonreacting flow configurations, but only limited application has been made to multiphase flows. We present a version of the particle implementation and interaction with the stochastic and instantaneous ODT eddy events. The model is characterized by comparison to experimental data of particle dispersion for a range of intrinsic particle time scales and body forces. Particle dispersion, velocity, and integral time scale results are presented. Moreover, the particle implementation introduces a single model parameter [beta] p, and sensitivity to this parameter and behavior of the model are discussed. Good agreement is found with experimental data and the ODT model is able to capture the particle inertial and trajectory crossing effects. Our results serve as a validation case of the multiphase implementations of ODT for extensions to other flow configurations.

Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Dispersion Around Buildings Via a Lagrangian Stochastic Particle Model

Book Description

This paper describes a numerical modeling approach that can be used to provide estimates of air concentrations due to emissions at industrial sites or other sites where buildings may have an important impact on the dispersion patterns. The procedure consists of two sequential steps: (i) Prediction of mean flow and turbulence fields via a turbulent flow model; and, (ii) Employment of the calculated flow and Turbulence fields to drive a Lagrangian Stochastic Particle Model. Two flow scenarios in which the approaching mean wind is assumed to be at 90° and 30° to the building complex are used as input to the Lagrangian model. The first calculation is based on an earlier transport and diffusion simulation that employed an existing particle-in-cell flux-gradient dispersion model. The second simulation is used to demonstrate the strong spatial variations that the concentration field exhibit within the highly complex separation zones of building wakes. The relationship between concentration levels and toxic load are discussed for the case of a chemical spill.

Eddy Covariance

Book Description

This highly practical handbook is an exhaustive treatment of eddy covariance measurement that will be of keen interest to scientists who are not necessarily specialists in micrometeorology. The chapters cover measuring fluxes using eddy covariance technique, from the tower installation and system dimensioning to data collection, correction and analysis. With a state-of-the-art perspective, the authors examine the latest techniques and address the most up-to-date methods for data processing and quality control. The chapters provide answers to data treatment problems including data filtering, footprint analysis, data gap filling, uncertainty evaluation, and flux separation, among others. The authors cover the application of measurement techniques in different ecosystems such as forest, crops, grassland, wetland, lakes and rivers, and urban areas, highlighting peculiarities, specific practices and methods to be considered. The book also covers what to do when you have all your data, summarizing the objectives of a database as well as using case studies of the CarboEurope and FLUXNET databases to demonstrate the way they should be maintained and managed. Policies for data use, exchange and publication are also discussed and proposed. This one compendium is a valuable source of information on eddy covariance measurement that allows readers to make rational and relevant choices in positioning, dimensioning, installing and maintaining an eddy covariance site; collecting, treating, correcting and analyzing eddy covariance data; and scaling up eddy flux measurements to annual scale and evaluating their uncertainty.