Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World

Book Description

Religious pluralism is the greatest challenge facing Christianity in today's Western culture. The belief that Christ is the only way to God is being challenged, and increasingly Christianity is seen as just one among many valid paths to God. In Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, four perspectives are presented by their major proponents: Normative Pluralism: All ethical religions lead to God (John Hick) Inclusivism: Salvation is universally available, but is established by and leads to Christ (Clark Pinnock) Salvation in Christ: Agnosticism regarding those who haven't heard the gospel (Alister McGrath) Salvation in Christ Alone: Salvation depends on explicit personal faith in Jesus Christ alone (R. Douglas Geivett and W. Gary Phillips) This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to critique and respond to the critiques of the other contributors. The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.

Is Jesus the Only Savior?

Book Description

A compelling and urgent case for Jesus Christ as the one and only way to salvation. Today, professing that Jesus Christ is the only way to approach God and receive his salvation may seem to some like a form of intolerance or arrogance. A growing number of Christian intellectuals, pastors, and leaders are favoring a more inclusive view of a person's path to salvation. But what does this mean in practice? Are there biblical or theological means of defending inclusivism or pluralism, or do these views simply pay tribute to modern ethical standards? The fact is that unity among Christians on this fundamental issue has disappeared. Many people of faith choose among three fundamentally different answers to the question, "Is Jesus the only Savior?" Stated succinctly, these answers are: No! (Pluralism) Yes, but... (Inclusivism) Yes, period! (Exclusivism) In Is Jesus the Only Savior?, Ronald Nash explores the divergent views of pluralism and inclusivism in depth, laying out the reasoning, history, and major supporters behind them; and making a resounding case for exclusivism based on firm theological standards. Christians of all walks of life will find their faith in Christ affirmed and strengthened by this vital treatise, written in accessible terms and a readable style.

Everything We Need for Life and Godliness

Book Description

Why do we read the Psalms? We read them because we find comfort in them. We identify ourselves with the ups and downs of the writer, his feelings and emotions. They show the struggles of the writer with Gods activities, how long before you. The psalmist says, and our cry to the Lord mixes with his. They show his fears when he writes: though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and our fear becomes one with his. The theologian reads them because of their prophetic and Messianic teachings. But, do we ever read them because they teach us how we relate to God? See how the Psalms teach us what a person in a right relationship with God does in his relationship with Him. Experience a thrilling, growing, and often convicting journey in God while being richly blessed as you learn what it means: He establishes the work of our hands and see the Apostle Pauls example. We know that our times are in Gods hands and see how God created time for our salvation and why He determines our days. We consider all precepts right and see the problems of the pick-and-choose theology. We are devoted to God and see how were little burning bushes walking the streets of this world. We trust in God and see how little we doand much more.

Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation

Book Description

This document's purpose is to spell out the Church's understanding of the nature of revelation--the process whereby God communicates with human beings. It touches upon questions about Scripture, tradition, and the teaching authority of the Church. The major concern of the document is to proclaim a Catholic understanding of the Bible as the "word of God." Key elements include: Trinitarian structure, roles of apostles and bishops, and biblical reading in a historical context.

Jesus, the Only Way to God

Book Description

If the evangelical church at large was ever too confrontational in its evangelism, those days are gone. In our shrinking, pluralistic world, the belief that Jesus is the only way of salvation is increasingly called arrogant and even hateful. In the face of this criticism, many shrink back from affirming the global necessity of knowing and believing in Jesus. In Jesus, the Only Way to God, John Piper offers a timely plea for the evangelical church to consider what is at stake in surrendering the unique, universal place of Jesus in salvation.

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

Book Description

In this twenty-second volume of the Believers Church Bible Commentary series, author Paul M. Zehr explores Paul’s instructions to Timothy and Titus in light of recent scholarship, applying Christian theology and ethics to the political, philosophical, religious, and cultural issues that early Christians faced as the church reached out in mission in Ephesus and on the island of Crete. Additionally, Zehr also shows how the themes in 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus have been interpreted and applied in the history of the church, especially the believers church. His interpretive process includes both a vertical reading of each book separately and a horizontal reading of the themes found in all three letters. Check out other commentaries in this series! Endorsements “This is a remarkably readable commentary on the pastoral epistles. It successfully and perhaps uniquely provides sound exegesis at a level that is adequate for the preacher; sets the theological themes in their wider biblical contexts; and surveys the history of the interpretation and influence of the letters, particularly in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. I warmly commend this attractive presentation, which should greatly encourage and assist exposition of these fascinating letters.” —I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen, Scotland “This commentary by Paul Zehr provides helpful guidance to interpret important but difficult passages in a contemporary Anabaptist manner. Zehr is alert to current ecumenical and evangelical scholarship on the pastorals, to the historical and cultural contexts reflected in these books, to the difficult issues of authorship, and to the energy of these letters for the well-being of healthy church leadership.” —John A. Esau, former Mennonite pastor and denominational administrator “With careful scholarship and a Christ-centered hermeneutic, Paul Zehr has given to the church an insightful guide in understanding the pastoral epistles. He seeks to work carefully with the cultural background of these scriptures, their context in the larger Scripture, and in applications to our setting. He does not back away from engaging the difficult issues that have divided groups but calls us to follow Paul’s example of contextualizing applications.” —Myron S. Augsburger, President & Professor Emeritus of Eastern Mennonite University “Dr. Zehr’s commentary brings the most accessible scholarship, knowledge of the first-century cultural/historical settings and a keen interest in the meaning of the text for today’s church into a most engaging combination for pastors and church leaders alike. Their task in making the biblical text relevant in the twenty-first century is greatly helped by this volume in the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series.” —Philip H. Towner, Dean, The Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, American Bible Society

What's So Great About Christianity

Book Description

Is Christianity true? Can educated, thinking people really believe the Bible? Or, do the athiests have it right? Has Christianity been disproved by science and discredited as a guide to morality? Best-selling author Dinesh D'Souza (What's So Great About America) approaches Christianity with a skeptical eye, but treats the skeptics with equal skepticism. The result is a book that will challenge the assumptions of doubters and affirm that there really is, indeed, something great about Christianity.

One for All

Book Description

Context, context, context; "One For All: The Message of Salvation in God's Own Words" presents the good news of humanity's salvation in the proper context. This book is for anyone who desires to go beyond the religious and denominational rhetoric of what others say God has said in His Word, and see for themselves what He has actually said and meant, in the proper context. After serving for eight years in a support staff and ministry leadership role at a mega church, in Tulsa, OK, my herd-like religious viewpoint of the gospel was challenged, as I and others witnessed our Senior Pastor gradually convert from his thirty-year devotion to a traditional Pentecostal denomination, to a Universalism based Gospel of Inclusion. That experience caused me to re-read the Bible and see, in many ways, for the first time what God was saying, and not just see what I was told, by others, was in His Word. Unlike so many books on the topic of salvation, this book is unique, in that it is not based on, nor based in, nor does it promote, a particular denominational code of belief; and, as such, it does not seek to sway or steer the reader in a particular direction, other than the truth of God's Word. For more information, visit our website @ http: //