Open Your Eyes: Moshiach!

Book Description

In accordance with the instructions of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Shlita to learn matters of Moshiach and Redemption, we hereby present a collection of highlights from the Sichos of Dvar Malchus – selected points from these Sichos, adapted and simplified, including important conclusions to be drawn from the Sichos. These highlights appeared originally in the Dvar Malchus section of Tambourines Magazine. We are printing this in connection with the printing of a complete Translation of these Addresses, including the footnotes (which originally appeared in Hebrew and Yiddish, edited by the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Shlita), which we printed two volumes (Devorim – Shoftim, 5751 and Shemos - 22nd of Shevat, 5752) as of now, and in the process of printing more in the near future, with the help of Hashem.Much appreciation to Hatamim Eitan Corenblum for his help in the printing of this book.***The addresses of Dvar Malchus 5751-5752 are unique in that they show us how the ultimate Redemption through our Righteous Moshiach is currently unfolding, and guide us in how to fulfill the Torah and Commandments, on a truly high level to befit this special era.Immediately Hashem shall open our eyes to see “the king in his glory” – the Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, Now!

Lubavitcher Messianism

Book Description

In 1994 the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, died leaving no successor. For many years his followers had maintained that he was Moshiach -the Jewish Messiah and would usher in the Redemption. After his death Lubavitch divided into two opposing groups. While some messianists hold that the Rebbe died but is to be resurrected as the messiah, others hold that he is still alive, but concealed. The anti-messianists maintain that the Rebbe could have been Moshiach if God had willed it, but they disagree vehemently that as such he could come back from the dead. Using ethnographic data obtained by the author through twenty years of fieldwork, this book presents a social-psychological account of Lubavitcher Messianism and moves beyond the typical scholarly preoccupation with 'belief' and 'dissonance' to examine the role of rhetoric, religious experience and ritual in maintaining counterintuitive convictions. Through examining the parallels between early Christianity and messianism in Lubavitch this book provides a comprehensive perspective for examining messianism generally

''Moshiach!'' - Music to My Ears

Book Description

MOSHIACH!Music To My Ears is the outgrowth of Carolyn Vermes years of writing songs while absorbing the wisdom inherent in Chasidic teachings. It is a call for people of all faiths to prepare the heart and mind for the Era of Moshiach (Messiah) by doing acts of lovingkindness, which will cause evil to dissipate and peace and harmony to flourish. The lovelyoften haunting melodies that accompany the lyrics are notated for easy playing and singing.

Inventing Jewish Ritual

Book Description

A celebration of innovation and creativity in Jewish ritual

The Seven Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbes

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Authentically Jewish

Book Description

This book analyzes the different conceptions of authenticity that are behind conflicts over who and what should be recognized as authentically Jewish. Although the concept of authenticity has been around for several centuries, it became a central focus for Jews since existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre raised the question in the 1940s. Building on the work of Sartre, later Jewish thinkers, philosophers, anthropologists, and cultural theorists, the book offers a model of Jewish authenticity that seeks to balance history and tradition, creative freedom and innovation, and the importance of recognition among different groups within an increasingly multicultural Jewish community. Author Stuart Z. Charmé explores how debates over authenticity and struggles for recognition are a key to understanding a wide range of controversies between Orthodox and liberal Jews, Zionist and diaspora Jews, white Jews and Jews of color, as well as the status of intermarried and messianic Jews, and the impact of Jewish genetics. In addition, it discusses how and when various cultural practices and traditions such as klezmer music, Israeli folk dance, Jewish yoga and meditation, and others are recognized as authentically Jewish, or not.

Prophecy in the New Millennium

Book Description

Secular and spiritual prophets of doom abound in the information-rich twenty-first century - as they have for millennia. But there has yet to be worldwide floods, meteor impact, global computer failure, obvious alien contact, or direct intervention from God to end the world as we know it. Considering the frequency with which prophecy apparently fails, why do prophecies continue to be made, and what social functions do they serve? This volume gives a concise, but comprehensive, overview of the rich diversity of prophecy, its role in major world religions as well as in new religions and alternative spiritualties, its social dynamics and its impact on individuals’ lives. Academic analyses are complimented with contextualized primary source testimonies of those who live and have lived within a prophetic framework. The book argues that the key to understanding the more dramatic, apocalyptic and millenarian aspects of prophecy is in appreciating prophecy’s more mundane manifestations and its role in providing meaning and motivation in everyday life.

Wisdom to Heal the Earth

Book Description

In Bringing Heaven Down To Earth, Tzvi Freeman explored an original means to deliver the wisdom of a great sage of our times, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, known universally as simply "the Rebbe." Using pithy yet highly readable, brief meditations, that book unveiled for us a deeper meaning to life and provided practical guidance to weather its waves and storms. It is a book that changed tens of thousands of lives. Now, in Wisdom to Heal the Earth, Freeman continues with that winning format, this time along with complementary brief essays. But now he takes us yet further, peering toward the Rebbe's vision of a world towards which all humanity is headed, and demonstrating how the details of our everyday lives are vital, crucial, and today especially urgent in reaching that grand and ultimate destiny. In Jewish parlance we call this Tikun Olam"€"the notion that we all enter this world with a mission to accomplish: to repair and perfect our assigned share of the world, so that it can become the world its Creator meant it to be.

The Rebbe's Children

Book Description

In this collection of insights from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, compiled from a variety of letters, public addresses and private audiences, the Rebbe provides practical guidelines and advice on a myriad of topics concerning and addressed to Yeshiva students who are attending Chabad-Lubavitch Yeshivas. The book's title - 'The Rebbe's Children' - is inspired by the Rebbe lovingly referring to these Chabad students (otherwise known as 'Tmimim') as his own children. This is apparent in the enthusiastic spirit and fatherly affection exhibited in this compilation.

Crown Heights

Book Description

The first full-length scholarly study of the only antisemitic riot in American history