Ocean Modeling and Parameterization

Book Description

The realism of large scale numerical ocean models has improved dra matically in recent years, in part because modern computers permit a more faithful representation of the differential equations by their algebraic analogs. Equally significant, if not more so, has been the improved under standing of physical processes on space and time scales smaller than those that can be represented in such models. Today, some of the most challeng ing issues remaining in ocean modeling are associated with parameterizing the effects of these high-frequency, small-space scale processes. Accurate parameterizations are especially needed in long term integrations of coarse resolution ocean models that are designed to understand the ocean vari ability within the climate system on seasonal to decadal time scales. Traditionally, parameterizations of subgrid-scale, high-frequency mo tions in ocean modeling have been based on simple formulations, such as the Reynolds decomposition with constant diffusivity values. Until recently, modelers were concerned with first order issues such as a correct represen tation of the basic features of the ocean circulation. As the numerical simu lations become better and less dependent on the discretization choices, the focus is turning to the physics of the needed parameterizations and their numerical implementation. At the present time, the success of any large scale numerical simulation is directly dependent upon the choices that are made for the parameterization of various subgrid processes.

Numerical Ocean Circulation Modeling

Book Description

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the models and methods employed in the rapidly advancing field of numerical ocean circulation modeling. For those new to the field, concise reviews of the equations of oceanic motion, sub-grid-scale parameterization, and numerical approximation techniques are presented and four specific numerical models, chosen to span the range of current practice, are described in detail. For more advanced users, a suite of model test problems is developed to illustrate the differences among models, and to serve as a first stage in the quantitative evaluation of future algorithms. The extensive list of references makes this book a valuable text for both graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the marine sciences and in related fields such as meteorology, and climate and coupled biogeochemical modeling.

A Large Spectrum of Free Oscillations of the World Ocean Including the Full Ocean Loading and Self-attraction Effects

Book Description

In this book, data from a model ocean developed to compute free oscillations is used to analyze the LSA effect on tides and the synthesis of tides by free oscillation. It is also used to show the existence of six long-period planetary vorticity modes.

Numerical Modeling of Ocean Dynamics

Book Description

While there are several excellent books dealing with numerical analysis and analytical theory, one has to practically sift through hundreds of references. This monograph is an attempt to partly rectify this situation. It aims to introduce the application of finite-difference methods to ocean dynamics as well as review other complex methods. Systematically presented, the monograph first gives a detailed account of the basics and then go on to discuss the various applications. Recognising the impossibility of covering the entire field of ocean dynamics, the writers have chosen to focus on transport equations (diffusion and advection), shallow water phenomena ? tides, storm surges and tsunamis, three-dimensional time dependent oceanic motion, natural oscillations, and steady state phenomena. The many aspects covered by this book makes it an indispensable handbook and reference source to both professionals and students of this field.

Ocean Circulation and Pollution Control - A Mathematical and Numerical Investigation

Book Description

In the framework of the Diderot Mathematical Forum (DMF) of the European Mathematical Society (EMS), December 19-20, 1997, a Videoconference was held linking three teams of specialists in Amsterdam, Madrid and Venice respectively. The general subject of this videoconference, the second one of the DMF series, was Mathematics and Environment and more specifically, Problems related to Water. This volume contains the texts of the Madrid site contributions with important, new and unpublished, examples on the modeling, mathematical and numerical analysis and treatment of the associated control problems of relevant questions arising in Oceanography and Environment.

Ocean Circulation and Climate

Book Description

This chapter focuses on numerical models used to understand and predict large-scale circulation, such as the circulation comprising basin and global scales. It is organized according to two themes. The first addresses physical and numerical topics forming a foundation for ocean models. We focus here on the science of ocean models, in which we ask questions about fundamental processes and develop the mathematical equations for ocean thermo-hydrodynamics. We also touch upon various methods used to represent the continuum ocean fluid with a discrete computer model, raising such topics as the finite volume formulation of the ocean equations; the choice for vertical coordinate; the complementary issues related to horizontal gridding; and the pervasive questions of subgrid scale parameterizations. The second theme of this chapter concerns the applications of ocean models, in particular how to design an experiment and how to analyze results. This material forms the basis for ocean modelling, with the aim being to mechanistically describe, interpret, understand, and predict emergent features of the simulated, and ultimately the observed, ocean.

Mathematical Modelling of Ocean Circulation

Book Description

The problems of ocean dynamics present more and more com plex tasks for investigators, based on the continuously sophisti cation of theoretical models, which are applied with the help of universal and efficient algorithms of numerical mathematics. The present level of our knowledge in the field of mathemat ical physics and numerical mathematics allows one to give rather complete theoretical analysis of basic statements of problems as well as numerical algorithms. Our task is to perform such analy sis and also to analyze the results of calculations in order to improve our knowledge of the mechanism of large-scale hy drological processes occurring in the World Ocean. The new level of numerical mathematics has essentially influenced , the formation of new solution methods of ocean dynamics prob lems, among which an important one is the splitting method, which has been already widely practised in various fields of science and engineering. A number of monographs by N. N. Yanenko, A. A. Samarsky, G.!. Marchuk (Rozhdestvensky and Yanenko 1968; Samarsky and Andreyev 1976; Marchuk 1970, 1980b) and others are devoted to the description of this methods. But the methods of the splitting theory require extensive creative work for their application to concrete problems, which are peculiar, as a rule, in problem formulation. The success of the application of these methods is related to the deep understanding of the essence of the described processes. In the last decades fundamental works of Arakawa, K.

Coastal Altimetry

Book Description

The book describes experience in application of coastal altimetry to different parts of the World Ocean. It presents the principal problems related to the altimetry derived products in coastal regions of the ocean and ways of their improvement. This publication is based on numerous satellite and observational data collected and analyzed by the authors of the various chapters in the framework of a set of international projects, performed in UK, France, Italy, Denmark, Russia, USA, Mexico and India. The book will contribute both to the ongoing International Altimeter Service effort and to the building of a sustained coastal observing system in the perspective of GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) and GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) initiatives. This book is aimed at specialists concerned with research in the various fields of satellite altimetry, remote sensing, and coastal physical oceanography. The book will be also interesting for lecturers, students and post-graduate students.