Pavement Condition Rating System

Book Description

This study was conducted to review the Pavement Condition Rating (PCR) methodology currently used by the Ohio DOT. The results of the literature search conducted in this connection are described ih thereport. An analysis of the PCR data collected by the ODOT in the past 11 years (1985-95) indicated that there were some distresses which were rarely observed in the past. The reasons for such occurrences and the use of this information to enhance the current system are discussed in the report. Statistical method known as: Classification Tree, was used to analyze the PCR data for (Ir)a ting the pavements, and (2) assigning the maintenance and/or rehabilitation (M & R) actions, when the distresses of the individual pavements were known. The results of this analysis indicated that due to non-linear nature of PCR, this model is able to assess the PCR better than the current linear model of estimating the PCR. An expert opinion survey was designed and conducted to collect data for developing new weights of pavement distresses using a combination of statistical methods: "Classification Tree" and "Proportional Odds Model". The PCR values obtained from new and old distress weights were compared and the results of these comparisons are discussed in the report. Statistical analysis of the PCR data for the year 1996 was performed to determine a suitable sample size which can be used to survey the network for collecting the PCR data of the network for Pavement Management purposes and selecting the pavements for inclusion in the annual M & R program of ODOT. This report contains recommendations for revising the list of distresses of each pavement type, developing a non-linear model to assess the pavement condition and M & R needs of a given pavement, a suitable sampling procedure for surveying the network and revising the definitions of some distresses of each pavement type.

Manual for Condition Rating of Flexible Pavements

Book Description

This manual categorizes distress manifestations and provides illustrations of each category to lend uniformity to reporting and interpretation. Descriptions of the density of occurrence and the severity of each type of distress manifestation are made to conform to standard words which precisely express the relative density or severity on a scale of 1-5. Probable causes of each distress manifestation are presented, together with comments on progressive deterioration or other behaviour which might affect remedial treatment. Possible remedial measures are included under each distress manifestation.

Manual for Condition Rating of Gravel Surface Roads

Book Description

The existing pavement condition rating systems used in Ontario are designed only for hard surfaced roads. To date, there has been no system designed and developed specially to address the unique performance pattern of gravel surface roads. This document was prepared to meet this need and to present a roadway surface condition rating system for gravel surface roads. The manual covers the rating system, distress manifestations, procedures for roadway evaluation, surface defects, surface deformation, and shoulder distress manifestations.

Manual for Condition Rating of Surface-treated Pavements

Book Description

Rating of highway pavement surface condition is used by highway system authorities as a measure of the ability of the pavement to continue to provide required service to the public. Ratings are based on riding quality and distress manifestations which currently apply only to those roads surfaced with asphaltic concrete and Portland-cement concrete. There is also a network of bituminous surface-treated roads for smaller and more remote population centres which has, to date, had no scheme designed and developed specifically to address their performance pattern. This manual presents a pavement surface condition rating scheme for such roads, based on the same interrelated measures used on the highway system. The manual describes the scheme, and gives a procedure for evaluation, defines riding quality, and details such distress manifestations as surface defects and deformation and cracking, shoulder distress, and maintenance treatments.